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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Blue Mountains
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Blue Mountains: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:48 Di 27.03.2007
Autor: monchichi

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.
So ich habe einen weiteren text fertig und es folgt dann auch nur noch einer. Ich würde mich wieder freuen wenn mich jemand auf meine fehler hinweist.

A further national park of Australia are located in the Blue Mountains region, which is named after these rocks. More than three million people come to Blue Mountains National Park each year. For many, it is enough just to find a lookout, others walk and cycle along the cliffs and in the valleys. The tourists find not only over 140 km of walking tracks but also diverse plants and animals. If you visit the Blue Mountains region you can enjoy the view from Echo Point, with the famous Three Sisters in the foreground and the Jamison Valley and Mount Solitary behind. This park, which is part of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, is covered with tall eucalyptus forests with many waterfalls and shady glens. But why are the Blue Mountains are blue? They have been given their name due to the blue haze that hovered above the mountains produced by the oil from the plentiful Eucalyptus trees.

Blue Mountains: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:27 Di 27.03.2007
Autor: Riley

HI monchichi,

ich streich mal an  was mir auffällt:

> A further national park of Australia are (is) located in the
> Blue Mountains region, which is named after these rocks.
> More than three million people come to Blue Mountains
> National Park each year. For many people  , it is enough just to
> find a lookout; others walk and cycle along the cliffs and
> in the valleys. The tourists find not only (do not only find) over 140 km of
> walking tracks but also diverse plants and animals. If you
> visit the Blue Mountains region you can enjoy the view from
> Echo Point,(no comma) with the famous Three Sisters in the foreground
> and the Jamison Valley and Mount Solitary behind. This
> park, which is part of the Greater Blue Mountains World
> Heritage Area, is covered with tall eucalyptus forests with
> many waterfalls and shady glens. But why are the Blue
> Mountains are blue? They have been given their name due to
> the blue haze that hovered above the mountains produced by
> the oil from the plentiful Eucalyptus trees.  

just say: they were named after...

well done! :-)

Vg, Riley

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