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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Boris Becker
Boris Becker < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Boris Becker: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 16:29 Do 08.03.2007
Autor: chiqa

Schreibe einen Zeitungsartikel über Boris Becker.

Also im Buch war alles vorgegeben über sein Leben jedoch musste ich das so wie ein Artikel schreiben, bisschen lustig aber würde gerne Grammatikfehler oder so überprüfen lassen.

Dankeschön :)

You are a big fan of Boris Becker?
Yes? Then read this article about his life and likings.

Boris Becker has lots of fans and each of them know (oder knows ?)everything about his life.
If you read this, maybe he will fascinate you, too.

Boris Becker was born on November 22nd 1967 in Leimen, this is near Heidelberg. In 1993 he married Barbara Feltus, but they're divorced now. Take your chance if you are between thirty-right and forty years old you can meet him. Because or magazine raffles a meet & greet with thim. But here are some facts about him that you have to know. He left school after ckass 10 and his first coach was Günther Bosch. In 1984 he became a professional and was very popular this time. That's gorgeous - we mean he was only 17 years old. 1988 he was a member of the first German team that won Davis Cup. Congratulation!
He was three times Wimbledon champion and in 1999 he ended his career as tennis player. But don't worry Boris, you will stay  in our heart forever.
If you win our sweepstake u can talk to him in English, German or French.

Hope you enjoyed our article and we wish you good luck with the meeting.

Boris Becker: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:36 Do 08.03.2007
Autor: Ailien.

Hallo, ich änder den Text einfach mal so um wie ich ihin schreiben würde, kannst dann vergleichen =)

You are a big fan of Boris Becker?
Yes? Then read this article about his life and likings.

Boris Becker has lots of fans and each of them know everything about his life.
If you read this, maybe he will fascinate you,too.

Boris Becker was born in November 22nd 1967 in Leimen, what is near Heidelberg. In 1993 he married Barbara Feltus, but they got a divorce. Take your chance if you are between thirty-right and forty years old you can meet him. Because our magazine raffles a meet & greet with him. But here are some facts about him which you have to know. He left school after class 10 and his first coach was Günther Bosch. In 1984 he became a professional and was very popular at this time. That's gorgeous - I guess he was only 17 years old. 1988 he was a member of the first German team that won the Davis Cup. Congratulation!
He was three times the Wimbledon champion and in 1999 he ended his career as tennis player. But don't worry Boris, you will stay  in our hearts forever.
If you win our sweepstake u can talk to him in English, German or French.

Hope you enjoyed our article and we wish you good luck with the meeting.

Also wie du siehst, es gab nicht viel zu verbessern ;) Grüße

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