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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Computer my friend?
Computer my friend? < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Computer my friend?: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:27 So 18.03.2007
Autor: chiqa

So hallo :) Zu der Überschrift schreibe ich jetzt mal einen Text geschrieben, doch bin mir jetzt wegen der Grammatik sicher..Könntet ihr mir helfen? Wäre sehr nett :)

A computer could be your friend. You ca n learn many things from him, ask him for words you don't know and he will tell you the meaning. If you are alone ald lonely you can meet new people from all over the world. A computer is the best way for it. It doesn't take too much time to get an answer from a friend like to write a letter or something. Life without computer is impossible for me. Without it, maybe I wouldn'T be the person who I am now. I met lots of great people from America and with my computer I can process some pictures with special effects and thanks the webcam, I can see people, what they are doing, while talking to me. Bu the best thing on computer with internet is, that you can listen to music and it doesn't cost something. You see a computer can be a god friend and it tries to help you with your problem. You only have to click on a switch to have fun. The only negative thing is, that if you have a virus or your computer workds to slow you can go crazy and you can go bananas. It's like a rael friend with good and bad sides.

Soo,..hoffe sind nicht allzu fehler drin :)

Danke im Voraus.

Computer my friend?: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:50 So 18.03.2007
Autor: M.Rex


A computer could be your friend. You canlearn many things  from him it, ask him it for words you don't know and he will tell
you the meaning. If you are alone aldand lonely you can meet  new people from all over the world. A computer is the best  way for it. It doesn't take too much time to get an answer from a friend like to write a letter or something. Life without computer is impossible for me. Without it, maybe I wouldn't be the person who I am now. I met lotsa lot of of great  people from America and with my computer I can process to process ist technisch, besser : to edit some pictures with special effects and thanks to the webcam, I can see people, what they are doing, while talking to me. But the best thing on computer with internet is, that you can listen to music and it doesn't cost something. You see a computer can be a good friend and it tries to help you with  your problem. You only have to click on a switch to have fun. The only negative thing is, that if you have a virus  or your computer workds to slow you can go crazy and you can go bananas. It's like a raelreal friend with good and bad sides.


Das wären erstmal meine Korrekturen.  Ich lasse die Frage aber auf teilweise beantwortet stehen, so dass evtl noch Zweitkorrekturen möglich sind.


Computer my friend?: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:05 So 18.03.2007
Autor: Lennyx

A computer could be your friend. You can learn many things  from it, ask it for words you don't know and it will tell
you the meaning. If you are alone and lonely you can meet  new people from all over the world. A computer is the best  way for it. It doesn't take too much time to get an answer from a friend as if writing a letter or something similar. Life without computer would be impossible for me. Without it I maybe wouldn't be the person who I am now. I met a lot of great  people from America and with my computer I can edit some pictures with special effects and thanks to the webcam, I can see what people are doing while talking to me. But the best thing on a computer with internet is, that you can listen to music and it doesn't cost anything. You see a computer can be a good friend and it tries to help you with  your problem. You only have to click on a switch to have fun. The only negative thing is, that if you have a virus  or your computer works too slow you can go crazy and you can go bananas. It's like a real friend with good and bad sides.

waren noch einige fehler drin - ich denk ma jetz ich das meiste okay, also - beantwortet!

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