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Course Diary: Korrekturlesen
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 21:10 So 11.09.2011
Autor: Summer1990


würde mich freuen, wenn jemand folgendes Korekkturlesen könnte:

The Orientation for International Students course started at the 1st of September in the Aurora Building of the University of Eastern Finland.
In the following I want to reflect on what I’ve been learned through the class and about my first days in Joensuu.
A few weeks before my travel to Joensuu, I received an email from my tutors Name Nachname and Name Nachname. When I arrived in Joensuu, they expected me already at the train station. They had the keys for my flat and brought me to my new home. During the next few days we had several meetings and they showed me everything: the City, the University, Joensuun Elli, where I could buy a bike etc. They helped me to organize all the important things as registering at the university and more. So, I’ve already done all important things before university has started.
Because of my dedicated tutors the most of the things mentioned on the practical matters were already known to me. Exchange students can join the Student Union. You have to pay a fee, register on lyrra.fi and within 2 weeks you will get the Student Card. The membership in the Student Union is very advantageous: You have benefits in the cafeterias (discount on meals) of the university, by bus and train travels etc. Furthermore you can use the Student Health Service.
When the orientation started I already had my Student Card. So it was sometimes a little bit boring because there was nothing new to me!
The Student Housing Company Joennsun Elli was also presented. In this year there’s a lack of flats, that’s why some students has to live in an emergency accommodation organized by the university. Fortunately I got a flat in Karjamäentie without any problems. In the presentation of Ms. Marita Inston they explained the rules of the Housing Company, how to pay the rent etc. Once more, there was nothing new for me because I’ve already visited Joensuun Elli with my tutors.
Very helpful for me was the presentation An Introduction to Student Information System WebOodi. I’ve already visited the site when I was doing my learning agreement but I didn’t really know how to use it. They explained the usage of WebOodi really descriptive and after it I was able to register for my courses.
Furthermore the Presentation of the Language Centre and Information on the Finnish Course was also very helpful. I really wanted to do a Finnish course but I didn’t know how to register. Now I will do “Finnish 1” and I am really looking forward to it.
I also liked the presentation of the several departments.
There were also presentations which dealt with the life and the culture of Finland or rather Joensuu. I really liked the lecture of Ms Marie Roulland. It was exciting to listen to her experiences because she also came to Finland as an exchange student like all of us! It was helpful to listen to Mr Antti Rask because I’m interested in music but I didn’t know anything about music and musicians in Joensuu before.
Before I came to Finland I heard about “shy and cold Finns” and also in these presentations the “Finnish Way of Life” was mentioned like this. All I can say is that all Finnish people I met since I’m here are very nice, friendly and helpful!
I read the Practical Guide before my arrival. It’s really helpful: Everything in this guide is well explained. The “10 things when you arrive” page was also very reasonable and I used it during my first days here. What I really liked was the vocabulary: I could already learn important things in the Finnish language! But you could also read about the University, the Finnish lifestyle and of course the city of Joensuu. In my opinion, all these things were very useful.
All in all I can say that this orientation programme can be very useful. As for me it was sometimes a little bit “boring”. I arrived at the 18th of August and all practical matters were known to me. In my opinion the two most useful presentations were the Introduction to the WebOodi System and the Presentation of activities and membership benefits of the Student Union! Less useful for me was the Suomi Quiz (but of course it was really funny).
But in general the orientation programme was well composed and I think that also the students who arrive only a few days before will now know every important things about the University of Eastern Finland and the life in Joensuu.

Course Diary: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:48 So 11.09.2011
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Abend,
eine ganze Menge Buchstaben und nicht mehr viel übrig vom Sonntag und dazu morgen Abend fällig - mal sehen, was sich machen lässt.

Vorweg: ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit!

> The Orientation for International Students course

Wenn der Kurs die Bezeichnung "Orientation for International Students" hat, dann kommt "course" direkt hinter "The".
Wenn es allgemein der Orientierungskurs für intern. Studenten ist, dann müsste es "The orientation course[...]" heißen.

> started at on the 1st of September in the Aurora Building of the
> University of Eastern Finland.
>  In the following I want to reflect on what I’ve been
> learned through the class and about my first days in
> Joensuu.

Wenn Du sagen willst "[...]durch die Klasse gelernt habe[...]" müsste es "[...]I've been teached by[...]" heißen.
Alternativ und mir besser gefallend: "in der Klasse gelernt habe", also "[...]what I have learned/learnt in[...]"

>  A few weeks before my travel to Joensuu, I received an
> email from my tutors Name Nachname and Name Nachname. When
> I arrived in Joensuu, they expected me already at the train
> station.

Obwohl "to expect" auch "erwarten" heißt, fände ich hier "to await" passender.
"already" gehört direkt hinter "they"!

> They had the keys for my flat and brought me to my
> new home. During the next few days we had several meetings
> and they showed me everything: the City, the University,
> Joensuun Elli, where I could buy a bike etc. They helped me
> to organize all the important things as registering at the
> university and more. So, I had already done all important
> things before university has started.
>  Because of my dedicated tutors the most of the things
> mentioned on the practical matters were already known to
> me. Exchange students can join the Student Union. You have
> to pay a fee, register on lyrra.fi and within 2 weeks you
> will get the Student Card. The membership in the Student
> Union is very advantageous: You have benefits in the
> cafeterias (discount on meals) of the university, by bus
> and train travels etc. Furthermore you can use the Student
> Health Service.
>  When the orientation started I already had my Student
> Card. So it was sometimes a little bit boring because there
> was nothing new to me!
> The Student Housing Company Joennsun Elli was also
> presented. In this year there’s a lack of flats, that’s
> why some students have to live in an emergency accommodation
> organized by the university. Fortunately I got a flat in
> Karjamäentie without any problems. In the presentation of
> Ms. Marita Inston they explained the rules of the Housing
> Company, how to pay the rent etc.

Alternativ vielleicht auch: "In Ms. Marita Instons's presentation the rules of the housing company were explained."

> Once more, there was
> nothing new for me because I had already visited Joensuun
> Elli with my tutors.
>  Very helpful for me was the presentation An Introduction
> to Student Information System WebOodi. I had already
> visited the site when I was doing my learning agreement but
> I didn’t really know how to use it. They explained the
> usage of WebOodi really descriptive and after it I was able
> to register for my courses.
> Furthermore the Presentation of the Language Centre and
> Information on the Finnish Course was also very helpful. I
> really wanted to do a Finnish course but I didn’t know
> how to register. Now I will do “Finnish 1” and I am
> really looking forward to it.
>  I also liked the presentation of the several departments.
>  There were also presentations which dealt with the life
> and the culture of Finland or rather Joensuu. I really
> liked the lecture of Ms Marie Roulland. It was exciting to
> listen to her experiences because she also came to Finland
> as an exchange student like all of us! It was helpful to
> listen to Mr Antti Rask because I’m interested in music
> but I didn’t know anything about music and musicians in
> Joensuu before.
>  Before I came to Finland I heard about “shy and cold
> Finns” and also in these presentations the “Finnish Way
> of Life” was mentioned like this. All I can say is that
> all Finnish people I met since I’m here are very nice,
> friendly and helpful!
> I read the Practical Guide before my arrival. It’s really
> helpful: Everything in this guide is well explained. The
> “10 things when you arrive” page was also very
> reasonable and I used it during my first days here. What I
> really liked was the vocabulary: I could already learn
> important things in the Finnish language! But you could
> also read about the University, the Finnish lifestyle and
> of course the city of Joensuu. In my opinion, all these
> things were very useful.
>  All in all I can say that this orientation programme can
> be very useful. As for me it was sometimes a little bit
> “boring”. I arrived at on the 18th of August and all
> practical matters were known to me. In my opinion the two
> most useful presentations were the Introduction to the
> WebOodi System and the Presentation of activities and
> membership benefits of the Student Union! Less useful for
> me was the Suomi Quiz (but of course it was really funny).
>  But in general the orientation programme was well composed
> and I think that also the students who arrive only a few
> days before will now know every important things about

entweder "everything important" oder "every important thing" oder "all important things

> the University of Eastern Finland and the life in Joensuu.

Hier und da rutscht dir "already" an den falschen Platz.

Soweit in Kürze und auf die Schnelle.

Schönen Gruß

Course Diary: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 21:20 Di 13.09.2011
Autor: matux

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