DOI < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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(Frage) beantwortet | Datum: | 11:49 So 03.09.2006 | Autor: | Kristien |
Hi ich habe hier eine Frage zur Unabhängigkeitserklärung bekommen und wollte nunwissen, ob meine Antwort inhaltlich Richtig und Vollständig ist und ob sie Sprachlich auch richtig ist.
What strikes you as being odd in the DOI from the modern point of view?
In the DOI is written, that all human beings are provide by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. This rights are Life, Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness.
But it strikes me, that in this time the human rights only be valid for free born, white men. But not for slaverys, black peaple and women. So these people hadn´t these rights. In the modern time, everyone, for example in Germany, has the same rights. It doesn´t matter which gender they belong to or which colour they have.
Aloa du, ich versuche mal, deinen Text etwas zu verfeinern :)
What strikes you as being odd in the Declaration of Independence from the modern point of view?
In the Decleration of Independenxe is written, that God provides certain unalienable rights to all human beings. These rights are Life, Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness.
But it strikes me, that in these days the human rights were only valid for free born, white men - Slaves, black people and women were excluded. In our days, everyone, for example in Germany, has equal and egal rights - no matter, which gender, race or class the might have.
Anzumerken ist, dass Gender hierbei ein sozial konstruiertes Geschlecht bezeichnet. Ich habe es mal einfach drin gelassen. Alternativ - sofern du es auf das rein natürliche Geschlecht beziehen willst - nutze eher "sex".
sagt ein Lary, wo nun wieder an die Arbeit geht