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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Death of A Salesman V
Death of A Salesman V < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Death of A Salesman V: Korrekturlesen
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 11:52 So 21.08.2011
Autor: frapfel

Schreibe einen Text (kann ein Vergleich sein) über den Film und das Buch zu Death of a Salesman.

Hallo ihr Lieben,
könntet ihr mir den Aufsatz bitte Korrekturlesen? Das wäre wirklich super nett :) Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

The play “Death of a Salesman” was written by Arthur Miller in 1949. 26 years later, the correspondent film whose script he composed, was published. Both tell the story of Willy Loman’s failure, an elderly salesman with an outstanding dream.
In the following contrast, I will take a further look at the adaption of the stage directions and the presentation of the characters in the film concerning the play’s guidelines.
Firstly, the adjustment of the stage directions will be compared.
In the play, the scenery is meticulous and described down to the last detail. Thus, the atmosphere set up due to the dialogues is conveyed. As a consequence, there often is an abrupt change of ambience due to music and light.
In the film, the audience perceives these alternations by the differing colours in Willy’s flashbacks and in the plot which plays in the present. Moreover, the music which starts as Willy reminisces about the past, mediates gaiety and abandon. In contrast to the play, light isn’t used as change between the scenes. It reflects Willy’s state of mind. Therefore, the film often seems dark and threatening, but bright and colourful when concerning the past.
Given that Miller was the script’s writer, it isn’t surprising that there are mostly similarities between the play and the film. Nevertheless, some character traits become more obvious in the movie.
Secondly, I will expand on this second thesis considering the four main characters Biff, Willy, Happy and Linda.
In the book, Biff’s anger and total pullout of his dreams seems to be overreacted. His behaviour is more adequate when shown in the film. Consequently, his final breakdown is revealed as a logic effect since the audience feels more connected to him and his problems.
Willy’s character becomes even more inscrutable in the movie. Emphasizing his ambivalence, it isn’t possible to put yourself in his position unlike the play which lets the reader feel pity for Willy.
Notably, Happy’s role changed in the film. Being a minor character in the book, the film shows him as defender and supporter of Willy’s dream. The final scene reveals his naivety and therefore, the circuit which Happy might continue. He hasn’t understood anything, whereas Linda seems to be released from her husband’s pressure which isn’t conveyed in the play. The difference between Linda’s and Willy’s behaviour becomes more apparent. On the one hand, Willy is unfriendly and mean to her, whereas Linda cares a lot about her husband. But on the other hand, the film mediates a different picture of her character. She has a rough manner towards her sons, unlike the play which presents her as calm and gentle mother.
To conclude, Arthur Miller as the script’s writer sticks to his original version, but the film allows us a deeper insight into the character’s mentality such as Biff whose behaviour is now fully understandable.

LG :)

Death of A Salesman V: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:05 So 21.08.2011
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Tag,
nach meinem Eindruck ein schöner Text - auf den ersten Blick habe ich nichts Falsches gefunden.

Schönen Sonntag

Death of A Salesman V: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 12:20 Di 23.08.2011
Autor: matux

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