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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Dialog zwischen Obama&Mitt
Dialog zwischen Obama&Mitt < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Dialog zwischen Obama&Mitt: Korrekturlesen
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 19:26 Mo 26.11.2012
Autor: KingStone007

da ich gute Erfahrungen hier gesammelt habe, wende ich mich wieder an dieses Forum. Wir sollen zu Freitag einen Dialog zwischen Obama&Mitt ausarbeiten und dann spielen. Das heißt, der vorliegende Text soll "umgangssprachlich" sein. Die Lehrerin interessiert sich eher wenig für Überzeugungskraft des Vortrages, sondern viel mehr für die sprachliche Korrektheit, weswegen ich darum bitte, den folgenden Text Korrektur zu lesen. Für alle Verbesserungsvorschläge wäre ich sehr dankbar. Der Text wird von Einschnitten unterbrochen, einer von uns spielt in diesem Augenblick den Moderator, um das Thema zu ändern bzw. die Diskussion zu lenken.

Dave: Welcome to the TV discussion between Mitt Romney and the President Barack Obame. Today we are going to discuss about the topics unemployment, education and foreign policy, particular about the opinions about the war of Iraque.

Alex: There will be some cuts in order to switch between the topics and lead the conversation. So lean back and enjoy the show. Firstly let's have a look at unemployment. What is your opinion about the unemployment situation?

Dave:  The unemployment rate rised up to 7.9 percent. That means there are missing over 9 million jobs that you, Mr. President promissed us to create. We have an awkward interruption of the economy to perceive.

Alex: In octobre the companies engaged more labors than in the sum of the last 8 months. So you see that there is still a progress to record. I also accepted an ailing labor market. When you have a look at the statistics, at the beginning of  2008 until the end of  2009 around 10 million jobs get lost.

Dave: What I wanted to say is that this progress is just too small to be achieved in 4 years? In my first term of being President I promise that the rate of unemployment would be 6 percent or even lower. Therefore I created an 59 steps economic plan.

Alex: An 59 steps econonmic plan that will bring a social disaster to our country, I want to add. It is well-known that you want to constitute one of the most radical extremists, Paul Ryan, who wants to drastically cut public assistance, to your the new economy minister.

Dave: Don´t bring along prejudices like these. In opposite to your plan for the rescue of the economy I have clear visions of the future to improve our situation. Subsequently don´t believe magazines which Paul Ryan is critisised in. He is a very capable man and consultant.

Alex: All right. I think many aspects were illuminated. We just see that some issues were cutting each other and that nevertheless there is a lot of material to talk about.
So let´s have a look at the opinions about education.

Dave: Education is the foundation for a functioning economy. I will give more incentives to states that want to improve their educational offerings. I truely supported the federal accountability standards of the “No Child Left Behind” law and I will reform the program to make schools more accountable for their performances.

Alex: In this point I agree with you. There have to be some reforms. With my program which is called "Race to the Top” we won until now approval for a college tuition tax credit worth up to $10,000 over four years and more money for Pell grants for low-income college students. This way I also want to reduce federal aid to colleges that go too far in tuition.

Vielen Dank für jede Hilfe und mit freundlichem Gruß,

Dialog zwischen Obama&Mitt: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:20 Mi 28.11.2012
Autor: matux

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