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Englisch: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:09 Mo 05.10.2009
Autor: Dinker

Hallo Wäre sehr dankbar um Korrektur

More about the relevance of this topic you will experience soon. I hope your knowledge about this topic aren’t very “broad”, so that I can supply you with many new things.  

At first I will tell you about the history of greenhouse effect. For example do you know when this word was used the first time?

Afterwards I will take a look in the future and predict the development.

I think the most important follows next, by ilustrating how we can reduce the seriousness of the consequences.
As you can see I don’t want reduce my presentation of the green house effect, but also give information about the impact of this process, because this lead to a better understanding of the whole subject.

Vielen Dnak
Gruss Dinker

Englisch: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:10 Mo 05.10.2009
Autor: leduart

Nur Fehler, nicht den Stil verbessert:

> Hallo Wäre sehr dankbar um Korrektur
> More about the relevance of this topic you will experience

experience ist hier kein passendes Wort. hear vielleicht?
You will hear more....

> soon. I hope your knowledge about this topic (aren’t)

isn"t  very

> “broad”, so that I can supply you with many new things.
> At first I will tell you about the history of greenhouse
> effect. For example do you know when this word was used the
> first time?
> Afterwards I will take a look in the future and predict the
> development.
> I think the most important follows next, by ilustrating how
> we can reduce the seriousness of the consequences.
> As you can see I don’t want

want to

> reduce my presentation of the
> green house effect, but also give information about the
> impact of this process, because this lead

(den Fehler machst du zu oft!)

> to a better
> understanding of the whole subject.

Gruss leduart

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