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Englisch Korrektur: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:07 Sa 03.10.2009
Autor: Dinker


Ich wäre sehr dankbar, wenn jemand das hier durchlesen könnte.

Although greenhouse gases make up only about 1 percent of the earth’s atmosphere, they regulate our climate crucial.
Among the green house gases, that are caused through human activities are distinguished difference classes.
With 56 percent Carbon Dioxide is the main causer of Anthopogenic Greenhouse Effect. This gases is mainly build through fossil fuels.. The rainforest. deforestation influences also negative the Carbon Dioxide concentration.
The second most significant green house gase is methane, that is developed through factory farming, garbage dumps or fertilisation. There are further green house gases as Chlorofluorocarbons, ozone and nitrous oxide
You can see that the different green house gases have a life cycle between ten years until 500 years. So when we take today an action to reduce the green house gases emission the result is first in several decades visible.
As already mention the humanity influences the green house concentration since the pre-industrial revolution. As you know since then the human being use the different types of fossil fuels. In the last two century the green house gases increase rapidly and their concentration has been doubled in the meantime.
A few weeks ago I read that this trend has been stopped in the last monthes, as a consequence of the financial crisis. As you can see the unpleasant crisis has also positive effects. But of course this is only a meaningless short-term trend.
As you saw, the antropogenic green house effect is for the temperature increase. Therefore the antropogenic green house effect stands in a close coherence to the global warming.
According the two graphic the green house concentration has increased in the same way as the temperature increased
Simply said, global warming is the consequence of antropogenic green house effect.

Vielen Dank
Gruss Dinker

Englisch Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 23:18 Mi 07.10.2009
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Abend,
einige Kleinigkeiten im oberen Teil, der Rest des Textes ist identisch mit dem anderen Beitrag, den ich eben bearbeitet habe.

> Although greenhouse gases make up only about 1 percent of
> the earth’s atmosphere, they regulate our climate
> crucially.
> Among the green house gases, that are caused through by human
> activities are distinguished differencet classes.
> With 56 percent Carbon Dioxide is the main causer of
> Anthropogenic Greenhouse Effect. This gases is mainly buildt
> through by burning fossil fuels. The rainforest. deforestation (würde ich umdrehen: "the deforestation of the (tropical) rainforest)
> also influences the Carbon Dioxide concentration negatively.
> The second most significant green house gase is methane,
> that is developed through by factory farming, garbage dumps or
> fertilisation. There are further green house gases as
> Chlorofluorocarbons, ozone and nitrous oxide.
>  You can see that the different green house gases have a
> life cycle between ten years until (statt "until" passte m.E. "up to" besser) 500 years. So when we
> take an action today to reduce the green house gases
> emission the result will be first visible in several decades .

Auch das ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.

Schönen Gruß

Der Rest ist bereits im anderen Beitrag bearbeitet.

> As already mention the humanity influences the green house
> concentration since the pre-industrial revolution. As you
> know since then the human being use the different types of
> fossil fuels. In the last two century the green house gases
> increase rapidly and their concentration has been doubled
> in the meantime.
> A few weeks ago I read that this trend has been stopped in
> the last monthes, as a consequence of the financial crisis.
> As you can see the unpleasant crisis has also positive
> effects. But of course this is only a meaningless
> short-term trend.
>  As you saw, the antropogenic green house effect is for the
> temperature increase. Therefore the antropogenic green
> house effect stands in a close coherence to the global
> warming.
> According the two graphic the green house concentration has
> increased in the same way as the temperature increased
>  Simply said, global warming is the consequence of
> antropogenic green house effect.
> Vielen Dank
>  Gruss Dinker  

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