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Englisch Korrekturlesen: Kurzgeschichte
Status: (Frage) reagiert/warte auf Reaktion Status 
Datum: 22:42 Fr 23.10.2009
Autor: MonaMoe

Erfinden sie eine Geschichte auf englisch, die vor der Internetzeit geschah.

Ich habe mir folgende Geschichte ausgedacht. Leider lässt mein Englisch zu wünschen übrig. Vor allem Satzbau und Zeichensetzung. Wäre sehr dankbar, wenn jemand Korrekturlesen würde. Die Geschichte ist etwas lang, ich hoffe ihr nehmt euch trotzdem die Zeit.

Vielen Dank im Voraus

A long transmission line

At this sunny afternoon Peter was on his way home again.
As he walked through the same old park as he did every day after work he passed by a cute little girl. She sat on a park table drawing some kind of picture. As Peter looked over her shoulder he saw a nice little picture showing a family with the father in the middle. As he saw the picture of the family the little girl has drawn he remembered that he wanted to be a father all his life, but unfortunately he was alone so he walked on to the bar. He had a few drinks and went home alone. Again.
The next day the little girl was sitting at the very same place as he crossed the park after work. Peter walked up to her to look over her shoulder as he saw the crying woman the little girl has drawn. 'Who is that?',Peter asked. 'My mommy', the girl answered. 'But why is she crying', Peter wondered. 'Because she is sad. But who are you?', he heard her say. 'Oh, sorry, I'm Peter and I like your pictures. And what's your name?', he replyed. 'Lulu', the girl said.
'You are alone here? Where are your parents?', Peter wanted to know. 'My mommy have to work and daddy died before I became one year old', Lulu answered.
Peter decided to invite the little girl to an ice cream. They talked, got to know each other a bit, until Peter was leaving for the day. Before he fell asleep, he felt a warm feeling at heart, which he wunderete themselves.
The next day he met Lulu again. He invited her to the movies, they played catch and hide in the park . He bought her a ball, new crayons and felt that it was very good. They became friends and they no longer felt alone.
As it grew dark, he asked Lulu to her mother. 'She always comes at seven, I have to be in front of her home.' Peter brought her home and they hugged goodbye.
Then he strolled happily into his tavern. After Peter had ordered at the bar for a whiskey, he noticed a beautiful but sad woman next to him at the bar. Peter was very shy, wanted to know yet what happened to her, and because he, since he knew Lulu had become much more assertive, he asked the woman just go on it. She was surprised at first, but then she told that she had lost her job and now she no longer knew. Peter did not know any (Existetenzängste ?), his family was wealthy for generations. He had attended the best schools and now as a banker deserved more than he need. What he did not get was the affection, love and warmth of his parents. Perhaps he had therefore with mid-40s still not able to establish their own family. Peter invited her for another drink and made constant small, very funny jokes, so the woman began to laugh. Suddenly she looked at her watch and had to go immeditely. Peter wanted to bring her home, but she refused. Before she ran away, he learned that her name was Liv.
The next day, Peter could not wait until after closing time to meet Lulu in the park. To his disappointment, he was unable to find her, only a letter on the table. The letter was addressed to him:
Dear Peter,
I told my mom about you and she was not overly enthusiastic. Now she is furious and forbids me to meet you again. I resisted, whereupon she forbade me to leave the house. I need to walk home every day after school through the park, so I could leave you the letter there. Enclosed I will give you a picture.
Your girlfriend Lulu
It was that image, with the family. Peter was very sad, he was alone again.
In his pub, he wrote a letter to his girlfriend. He described her the new movie from cinema and was very sorry that she had not been there. This letter he put her in the morning on the way to work in the park on the table. Lulu found it on the way to school and lay down on the way home the next letter for Peter. So passed away a few weeks.
At Lulu's birthday, he sent her three Mexicans to the front door, which sang a song for her and gave a gift from Peter, a pink sweater with cream-colored stripes. She was delighted, and declared to her mother that she had received it from friends. Lulu had no friends, she had only her mother and Peter.
On a sunny day when Peter went back through the park, he saw Lulu at her table. He was beside himself with joy and rushed to her. She smiled at him. 'Hello, how is it that you're here?' He asked. Lulu was still only smiled at him and pointed her finger at a distant phone booth. Peter could see that a woman was inside. 'Do you want some ice cream?' He asked. 'A bullet strawberry, vanilla and chocolate', came fired it from Lulu. Then Peter ran behind the next corner to the ice-cream truck and ordered two ice cream sundaes. He was glad to see the little girl again. However, when he ran back to the table, Lulu was gone and the phone booth was empty. Peter was unpleasantly surprised and even looked for a while on the table, until the ice began to melt and it ran over his hands, he had lost the appetite.
Back in his tavern, he ordered a whiskey. His boring day had caught him again. He felt lonely and drank.
The next moment, the bar door opened and a group of people came in, loudly entertaining inside. The two men and two women walked past the bar to one of the tables. When Peter was staring sadly at his third whiskey, he was awakened by a familiar laugh. He glanced behind him to recognize the group at the table and one of the women. It was the beautiful woman he met that evening at the bar. Liv had not seen him, then turned to Peter again and devoted himself to his drink. 'How it looks life is constantly going up and down.', He suddenly heard the familiar voice. Peter looked quite surprised, and his heart leaped as she smiled at him. 'You are doing well?' He asked. 'Yes, however, I got a new job as a switchboard operator, Monday I begin, so we celebrate a little. But what's the matter with you? So sad as your look out, I almost did not recognized you. Should to ask for another vacancy? 'She said. 'Oh no, I have already a good job', Peter smiled. 'You do not have to say it myself, but I owe you something.', Said Liv. 'A little guilty? No, you do not. Besides, I already had three drinks. ' replied Peter. 'No, not just the drink. That evening, you have encouraged me and then I had courage to look for something new. You come to me and my friends at the table, maybe we'll distracted you a bit. 'she invited him. Normally, Peter would have refused such an offer with thanks, because he was not accustomed to talking with a group of people. For this reason, he had been able to establish no relations, he lacked the courage to open. After three whiskey, however, he had enough courage to say to Liv: 'Not that your husband scares me right back from the table.' 'My husband? Oh no, these are just good friends. 'She replied. All three friends were Peter instantly likeable. Liv was curious, would run as her new job and what conversations she could listen secretly. Sui her friend insisted that they all meet from now on every Saturday evening and Liv tells an exciting story. Then Liv agreed, but only under the condition that all would have a story to tell. A few drinks later, she said goodbye to her friends. Peter offered her again to accompany her home. This time, she would not hesitate to bring him home because she was in Peter's presence well, even slightly attracted to him. Nevertheless, she went alone, perhaps he just does not show these feelings. Peter was happy and warm and not only because of the alcohol. He had told many things and heard a lot of laughter. He was no longer alone, they wanted him to come back. Before he fell asleep, he wrote a letter to Lulu. He informed her of the beautiful evening and how happy he was about it. Then he fell asleep.
In the next week he thought of Liv and the next meeting. From day to day, he was excited and decided to ask his little friend for advice. Peter wrote to her that he had fallen in love and wanted to impress this woman now. How could he do that? What should he wear? "He knew that Lulu knew much about fashion, she was also his closest ally. Lulu replied the same day:

I advise you to a dark blue shirt and jeans. Your hair should look good and shave your beard. In addition, it would be nice if you spend her the drinks and give her a sense of understanding her.
Otherwise, you can be yourself, which would have been enough.
So much fun and then tell me how it was.
Your girlfriend Lulu

PS: When the evening was beautiful, you accompany her home, no matter whether she has any objection!

Peter was stunned. With these clear instructions he had not expected. Three months ago she is now just 12 years old and writes as if she knows what to do just in matters of love. But since he alone did not know what to do, he was following Lulu's instructions step by step.  
When the friends now gathered Saturday evening at the table, Liv should tell a story. She replied that she was only incorporated the entire week and was under observation. Your friends were disappointed, what Peter entgenete them that he understood Liv: 'You do not want that, she must find a new job once again.' He took her under his protection. 'Well, then I'll tell you a story.'one of the men said 'When my great-grandfather, was a young boy, some people sent pigeons. He was so curious about what the people wrote that he shot the pigeons on their way with his father's airgun.  As he entered adulthood, he wrote my great-grandmother romantic love letters. He was so afraid that the letter would not arrive, that he supply a city suburbat any time he sent a pigeons. 'The friends laughed heartily. 'My grandfather had to learn  the Morse alphabet in the Military
, which he felt to be so boring and hardships that he began to send false information. Then he had to morse a whole essay as a punishment. ', told the other man. All friends laughed again. Then Sui told that she had sent as a little girl every week a message in a bottle. It never received a reply before. 'How good that we now have all phones which are much faster and secret, right?'said Peter and blinked to Liv. She grinned in embarrassment.
The evening was beautiful and Liv wanted to leave. Peter took his courage together to ask her a third time if he might accompany her. And again she refused and left the pub. '... regardless of whether she has anything against !!!'said Lulu. What should he write Lulu in the next letter, that he would not dare? No. He ran after her and caught her up in the park. 'I must also go through the park, I can not let such a beautiful woman like you run alone', she heard Peter. She nodded and was pleased. 'Are you alone?' he wanted to know. 'No, not quite, I have a daughter. And yourself? 'she told ' I have only a close ally, to whom I owe the pleasant evening. Liv looked at him in amazement. 'Yes, she has stood me in word and deed aside. She told me, for example, that I should not let you go alone, it's also far too dangerous at night in the park ', Peter said. 'Yes, however, and not only at night. My daughter was approached some time ago here in the park by a strange man, he wanted to be her friend and they met every week. ' Liv said,' What's wrong? You feel well? Shall I bring you home, dear? 'Peter gasped. 'No, no, it's all right. Maybe I should give up the last drink' he lied. They arrived to Lulu's house and Liv thanked him for the drinks. Peter looked at her lips as if he would read them. Liv felt desires and returned his gaze to her lips and finally touched. 'Perhaps you ever come over for dinner?' she asked, 'Tomorrow, 19h?' Peter agreed.
On his way home, he thought of Lulu. She had just known that the woman he fell in love with was her mother. She had advised him closely, because she knows her mother best. And most importantly, Lulu had apparently liked very much, that her mother also fell in love with Peter. She was smart. 'Surely she sat the whole evening there, restless, and had formed ideas. Sweet little Lulu' Peter thought to himself before falling asleep.
The next day, Liv was very excited. She ran through the house, took things in hand, put it down again, ran from room to domain.What and how she should tell Lulu. Would she accept a new man in the house? 'She is still so small and sensitive', she thought. Lulu was sitting at the end of the hall and watched not only their mother, but especially the front door. It was just before seven and Lulu wondered if he was still to come. 'Maybe he's mad at me because I have not told him or maybe he does not trust him.' said in her head even when the bell rang at the door. Liv looked into the mirror before she went to the door. A bouquet of red roses she laughed. She smiled. In the other hand, Peter gave a beautifully shaped lily a bit deeper. ' My favorite flower'called Lulu as she ran past her mother and jump into his arms. Her mother understood right away and after she imitated her  daughter. A new family was born.

Englisch Korrekturlesen: eigens verbesserte Version
Status: (Frage) reagiert/warte auf Reaktion Status 
Datum: 01:01 Sa 24.10.2009
Autor: MonaMoe

Ich habe noch einige Zeit an meiner Geschichte korrigiert, dadurch hab ich die zu investierende Zeit etwas verkürzen können. Ein Drittel der Geschichte ist nun besser zu verstehen und hoffentlich richtig.

Also hier ist sie: (Eine passende Überschrift habe ich auch noch nicht gefunden)

At this sunny afternoon Peter was on his way home again.
As he walked through the same old park as he did every day after work he passed by a cute little girl. She sat on a park table drawing some kind of picture. As Peter looked over her shoulder he saw a nice little picture showing a family with the father in the middle. As he saw the picture of the family the little girl has drawn he remembered that he wanted to be a father all his life, but unfortunately he was alone so he walked on to the bar. He had a few drinks and went home alone. Again.
The next day the little girl was sitting at the very same place as he crossed the park after work. Peter walked up to her to look over her shoulder as he saw the crying woman the little girl has drawn. `Who is that?`,Peter asked. `My mommy`, the girl answered. `But why is she crying`, Peter wondered. `Because she is sad. But who are you?`, he heard her say. `Oh, sorry, I`m Peter and I like your pictures. And what`s your name?`, he replyed. `Lulu`, the girl said.
`You are alone here? Where are your parents?`, Peter wanted to know. `My mommy has to work and daddy died before I became one year old`, Lulu answered.
Peter decided to invite the little girl to have an ice cream with him. They talked, got to know each other a bit, until Peter was leaving for the day. Before he fell asleep, he felt a warm feeling at heart, which made him wonder.
The next day he met Lulu again. He invited her to a movie, they played catch and hide in the park . He bought her a ball, new crayons and felt that it was very good. They became friends and they no longer felt alone.
As it grew dark, he asked Lulu about her mother. `She always comes at seven, I have to be there before she arrives.` Peter brought her home and they hugged goodbye.
Then he strolled happily into his favourite bar. After Peter had ordered for a whiskey, he noticed a beautiful but sad woman next to him at the bar. Peter was very shy, but really wanted to know yet what happened to her, and because he, since he knew Lulu had become much more assertive, so he asked straight ahead. At first he was suprised, but then she told him that she just had lost her job. Peter never had to worry about his existence. His family was wealthy for generations. He had attended the best schools and now as a banker, he earned more than he needed. What he did not get was the affection, love and warm feelings of his parents. Perhaps that was the reason why he    
did not manage to establish his own family although he was in his mid fourties. Peter invited her for another drink and made constantly little, very funny jokes, so the woman began to laugh. Suddenly she looked at her watch and had to go immeditely. Peter wanted to bring her home, but she refused. Before she went home, she told him that her name was Liv.
The next day, Peter could not wait to finish work to meet Lulu in the park. To his disappointment, he was unable to find her, There was only a letter on the table. The letter was addressed to him:
Dear Peter,
I told my mom about you and she was not happy about it. Now she is furious and had forbidden me to meet you again. I resisted, whereupon she forbade me to leave the house. I cross the park everyday after school to go home, so I could leave you the letter there. Enclosed I will give you a picture.
Your friend Lulu.
It was the image, with the family he saw before. Peter was very sad, because he was alone again.
In his pub, he wrote a letter to his little friend. He told her about the new movie he had seen and was very sorry that she could not be there. On his way to work he placed the letter on the parktable. On her way to school Lulu found it. She replied with a letter on her way home. Time passed by.
At Lulu's birthday, he sent her three Mexicans to the front door, which sang a song for her and gave a gift from Peter, a pink sweater with cream-colored stripes. She was delighted, and declared to her mother that she had received it from friends. Lulu had no friends, she had only her mother and Peter.
On a sunny day when Peter went back through the park, he saw Lulu at her table. He was beside himself with joy and rushed to her. She smiled at him. `Hello, how is it that you're here?` He asked. Lulu was still only smiled at him and pointed her finger at a distant phone booth. Peter could see that a woman was inside. `Do you want some ice cream?` He asked. `A bullet strawberry, vanilla and chocolate`, came fired it from Lulu. Then Peter ran behind the next corner to the ice-cream truck and ordered two ice cream sundaes. He was glad to see the little girl again. However, when he ran back to the table, Lulu was gone and the phone booth was empty. Peter was unpleasantly surprised and even looked for a while on the table, until the ice began to melt and it ran over his hands, he had lost the appetite.
Back in his tavern, he ordered a whiskey. His boring day had caught him again. He felt lonely and drank.
The next moment, the bar door opened and a group of people came in, loudly entertaining inside. The two men and two women walked past the bar to one of the tables. When Peter was staring sadly at his third whiskey, he was awakened by a familiar laugh. He glanced behind him to recognize the group at the table and one of the women. It was the beautiful woman he met that evening at the bar. Liv had not seen him, then turned to Peter again and devoted himself to his drink. `How it looks life is constantly going up and down.`, He suddenly heard the familiar voice. Peter looked quite surprised, and his heart leaped as she smiled at him. `You are doing well?` He asked. `Yes, however, I got a new job as a switchboard operator, Monday I begin, so we celebrate a little. But what's the matter with you? So sad as your look out, I almost did not recognized you. Should to ask for another vacancy? `She said. `Oh no, I have already a good job`, Peter smiled. `You do not have to say it myself, but I owe you something.`, Said Liv. `A little guilty? No, you do not. Besides, I already had three drinks. ` replied Peter. `No, not just the drink. That evening, you have encouraged me and then I had courage to look for something new. You come to me and my friends at the table, maybe we'll distracted you a bit. `she invited him. Normally, Peter would have refused such an offer with thanks, because he was not accustomed to talking with a group of people. For this reason, he had been able to establish no relations, he lacked the courage to open. After three whiskey, however, he had enough courage to say to Liv: `Not that your husband scares me right back from the table.` `My husband? Oh no, these are just good friends. `She replied. All three friends were Peter instantly likeable. Liv was curious, would run as her new job and what conversations she could listen secretly. Sui her friend insisted that they all meet from now on every Saturday evening and Liv tells an exciting story. Then Liv agreed, but only under the condition that all would have a story to tell. A few drinks later, she said goodbye to her friends. Peter offered her again to accompany her home. This time, she would not hesitate to bring him home because she was in Peter's presence well, even slightly attracted to him. Nevertheless, she went alone, perhaps he just does not show these feelings. Peter was happy and warm and not only because of the alcohol. He had told many things and heard a lot of laughter. He was no longer alone, they wanted him to come back. Before he fell asleep, he wrote a letter to Lulu. He informed her of the beautiful evening and how happy he was about it. Then he fell asleep.
In the next week he thought of Liv and the next meeting. From day to day, he was excited and decided to ask his little friend for advice. Peter wrote to her that he had fallen in love and wanted to impress this woman now. How could he do that? What should he wear? "He knew that Lulu knew much about fashion, she was also his closest ally. Lulu replied the same day:

I advise you to a dark blue shirt and jeans. Your hair should look good and shave your beard. In addition, it would be nice if you spend her the drinks and give her a sense of understanding her.
Otherwise, you can be yourself, which would have been enough.
So much fun and then tell me how it was.
Your girlfriend Lulu

PS: When the evening was beautiful, you accompany her home, no matter whether she has any objection!

Peter was stunned. With these clear instructions he had not expected. Three months ago she is now just 12 years old and writes as if she knows what to do just in matters of love. But since he alone did not know what to do, he was following Lulu's instructions step by step.  
When the friends now gathered Saturday evening at the table, Liv should tell a story. She replied that she was only incorporated the entire week and was under observation. Your friends were disappointed, what Peter entgenete them that he understood Liv: `You do not want that, she must find a new job once again.` He took her under his protection. `Well, then I'll tell you a story.`one of the men said `When my great-grandfather, was a young boy, some people sent pigeons. He was so curious about what the people wrote that he shot the pigeons on their way with his father's airgun.  As he entered adulthood, he wrote my great-grandmother romantic love letters. He was so afraid that the letter would not arrive, that he supply a city suburbat any time he sent a pigeons. `The friends laughed heartily. `My grandfather had to learn  the Morse alphabet in the Military
, which he felt to be so boring and hardships that he began to send false information. Then he had to morse a whole essay as a punishment. `, told the other man. All friends laughed again. Then Sui told that she had sent as a little girl every week a message in a bottle. It never received a reply before. `How good that we now have all phones which are much faster and secret, right?`said Peter and blinked to Liv. She grinned in embarrassment.
The evening was beautiful and Liv wanted to leave. Peter took his courage together to ask her a third time if he might accompany her. And again she refused and left the pub. `... regardless of whether she has anything against !!!`said Lulu. What should he write Lulu in the next letter, that he would not dare? No. He ran after her and caught her up in the park. `I must also go through the park, I can not let such a beautiful woman like you run alone`, she heard Peter. She nodded and was pleased. `Are you alone?` he wanted to know. `No, not quite, I have a daughter. And yourself? `she told ` I have only a close ally, to whom I owe the pleasant evening. Liv looked at him in amazement. `Yes, she has stood me in word and deed aside. She told me, for example, that I should not let you go alone, it's also far too dangerous at night in the park `, Peter said. `Yes, however, and not only at night. My daughter was approached some time ago here in the park by a strange man, he wanted to be her friend and they met every week. ` Liv said,` What's wrong? You feel well? Shall I bring you home, dear? `Peter gasped. `No, no, it's all right. Maybe I should give up the last drink` he lied. They arrived to Lulu's house and Liv thanked him for the drinks. Peter looked at her lips as if he would read them. Liv felt desires and returned his gaze to her lips and finally touched. `Perhaps you ever come over for dinner?` she asked, `Tomorrow, 19h?` Peter agreed.
On his way home, he thought of Lulu. She had just known that the woman he fell in love with was her mother. She had advised him closely, because she knows her mother best. And most importantly, Lulu had apparently liked very much, that her mother also fell in love with Peter. She was smart. `Surely she sat the whole evening there, restless, and had formed ideas. Sweet little Lulu` Peter thought to himself before falling asleep.
The next day, Liv was very excited. She ran through the house, took things in hand, put it down again, ran from room to domain.What and how she should tell Lulu. Would she accept a new man in the house? `She is still so small and sensitive`, she thought. Lulu was sitting at the end of the hall and watched not only their mother, but especially the front door. It was just before seven and Lulu wondered if he was still to come. `Maybe he's mad at me because I have not told him or maybe he does not trust him.` said in her head even when the bell rang at the door. Liv looked into the mirror before she went to the door. A bouquet of red roses she laughed. She smiled. In the other hand, Peter gave a beautifully shaped lily a bit deeper. ` My favorite flower`called Lulu as she ran past her mother and jump into his arms. Her mother understood right away and after she imitated her  daughter. A new family was born.

Englisch Korrekturlesen: Frage (reagiert)
Status: (Frage) reagiert/warte auf Reaktion Status 
Datum: 01:06 Sa 24.10.2009
Autor: MonaMoe

Ich habe noch einige Zeit an meiner Geschichte korrigiert, dadurch hab ich die zu investierende Zeit etwas verkürzen können. Ein Drittel der Geschichte ist nun besser zu verstehen und hoffentlich richtig.

Also hier ist sie: (Eine passende Überschrift habe ich auch noch nicht gefunden)

At this sunny afternoon Peter was on his way home again.
As he walked through the same old park as he did every day after work he passed by a cute little girl. She sat on a park table drawing some kind of picture. As Peter looked over her shoulder he saw a nice little picture showing a family with the father in the middle. As he saw the picture of the family the little girl has drawn he remembered that he wanted to be a father all his life, but unfortunately he was alone so he walked on to the bar. He had a few drinks and went home alone. Again.
The next day the little girl was sitting at the very same place as he crossed the park after work. Peter walked up to her to look over her shoulder as he saw the crying woman the little girl has drawn. `Who is that?`,Peter asked. `My mommy`, the girl answered. `But why is she crying`, Peter wondered. `Because she is sad. But who are you?`, he heard her say. `Oh, sorry, I`m Peter and I like your pictures. And what`s your name?`, he replyed. `Lulu`, the girl said.
`You are alone here? Where are your parents?`, Peter wanted to know. `My mommy has to work and daddy died before I became one year old`, Lulu answered.
Peter decided to invite the little girl to have an ice cream with him. They talked, got to know each other a bit, until Peter was leaving for the day. Before he fell asleep, he felt a warm feeling at heart, which made him wonder.
The next day he met Lulu again. He invited her to a movie, they played catch and hide in the park . He bought her a ball, new crayons and felt that it was very good. They became friends and they no longer felt alone.
As it grew dark, he asked Lulu about her mother. `She always comes at seven, I have to be there before she arrives.` Peter brought her home and they hugged goodbye.
Then he strolled happily into his favourite bar. After Peter had ordered for a whiskey, he noticed a beautiful but sad woman next to him at the bar. Peter was very shy, but really wanted to know yet what happened to her, and because he, since he knew Lulu had become much more assertive, so he asked straight ahead. At first he was suprised, but then she told him that she just had lost her job. Peter never had to worry about his existence. His family was wealthy for generations. He had attended the best schools and now as a banker, he earned more than he needed. What he did not get was the affection, love and warm feelings of his parents. Perhaps that was the reason why he    
did not manage to establish his own family although he was in his mid fourties. Peter invited her for another drink and made constantly little, very funny jokes, so the woman began to laugh. Suddenly she looked at her watch and had to go immeditely. Peter wanted to bring her home, but she refused. Before she went home, she told him that her name was Liv.
The next day, Peter could not wait to finish work to meet Lulu in the park. To his disappointment, he was unable to find her, There was only a letter on the table. The letter was addressed to him:
Dear Peter,
I told my mom about you and she was not happy about it. Now she is furious and had forbidden me to meet you again. I resisted, whereupon she forbade me to leave the house. I cross the park everyday after school to go home, so I could leave you the letter there. Enclosed I will give you a picture.
Your friend Lulu.
It was the image, with the family he saw before. Peter was very sad, because he was alone again.
In his pub, he wrote a letter to his little friend. He told her about the new movie he had seen and was very sorry that she could not be there. On his way to work he placed the letter on the parktable. On her way to school Lulu found it. She replied with a letter on her way home. Time passed by.
At Lulu's birthday, he sent her three Mexicans to the front door, which sang a song for her and gave a gift from Peter, a pink sweater with cream-colored stripes. She was delighted, and declared to her mother that she had received it from friends. Lulu had no friends, she had only her mother and Peter.
On a sunny day when Peter went back through the park, he saw Lulu at her table. He was beside himself with joy and rushed to her. She smiled at him. `Hello, how is it that you're here?` He asked. Lulu was still only smiled at him and pointed her finger at a distant phone booth. Peter could see that a woman was inside. `Do you want some ice cream?` He asked. `A bullet strawberry, vanilla and chocolate`, came fired it from Lulu. Then Peter ran behind the next corner to the ice-cream truck and ordered two ice cream sundaes. He was glad to see the little girl again. However, when he ran back to the table, Lulu was gone and the phone booth was empty. Peter was unpleasantly surprised and even looked for a while on the table, until the ice began to melt and it ran over his hands, he had lost the appetite.
Back in his tavern, he ordered a whiskey. His boring day had caught him again. He felt lonely and drank.
The next moment, the bar door opened and a group of people came in, loudly entertaining inside. The two men and two women walked past the bar to one of the tables. When Peter was staring sadly at his third whiskey, he was awakened by a familiar laugh. He glanced behind him to recognize the group at the table and one of the women. It was the beautiful woman he met that evening at the bar. Liv had not seen him, then turned to Peter again and devoted himself to his drink. `How it looks life is constantly going up and down.`, He suddenly heard the familiar voice. Peter looked quite surprised, and his heart leaped as she smiled at him. `You are doing well?` He asked. `Yes, however, I got a new job as a switchboard operator, Monday I begin, so we celebrate a little. But what's the matter with you? So sad as your look out, I almost did not recognized you. Should to ask for another vacancy? `She said. `Oh no, I have already a good job`, Peter smiled. `You do not have to say it myself, but I owe you something.`, Said Liv. `A little guilty? No, you do not. Besides, I already had three drinks. ` replied Peter. `No, not just the drink. That evening, you have encouraged me and then I had courage to look for something new. You come to me and my friends at the table, maybe we'll distracted you a bit. `she invited him. Normally, Peter would have refused such an offer with thanks, because he was not accustomed to talking with a group of people. For this reason, he had been able to establish no relations, he lacked the courage to open. After three whiskey, however, he had enough courage to say to Liv: `Not that your husband scares me right back from the table.` `My husband? Oh no, these are just good friends. `She replied. All three friends were Peter instantly likeable. Liv was curious, would run as her new job and what conversations she could listen secretly. Sui her friend insisted that they all meet from now on every Saturday evening and Liv tells an exciting story. Then Liv agreed, but only under the condition that all would have a story to tell. A few drinks later, she said goodbye to her friends. Peter offered her again to accompany her home. This time, she would not hesitate to bring him home because she was in Peter's presence well, even slightly attracted to him. Nevertheless, she went alone, perhaps he just does not show these feelings. Peter was happy and warm and not only because of the alcohol. He had told many things and heard a lot of laughter. He was no longer alone, they wanted him to come back. Before he fell asleep, he wrote a letter to Lulu. He informed her of the beautiful evening and how happy he was about it. Then he fell asleep.
In the next week he thought of Liv and the next meeting. From day to day, he was excited and decided to ask his little friend for advice. Peter wrote to her that he had fallen in love and wanted to impress this woman now. How could he do that? What should he wear? "He knew that Lulu knew much about fashion, she was also his closest ally. Lulu replied the same day:

I advise you to a dark blue shirt and jeans. Your hair should look good and shave your beard. In addition, it would be nice if you spend her the drinks and give her a sense of understanding her.
Otherwise, you can be yourself, which would have been enough.
So much fun and then tell me how it was.
Your girlfriend Lulu

PS: When the evening was beautiful, you accompany her home, no matter whether she has any objection!

Peter was stunned. With these clear instructions he had not expected. Three months ago she is now just 12 years old and writes as if she knows what to do just in matters of love. But since he alone did not know what to do, he was following Lulu's instructions step by step.  
When the friends now gathered Saturday evening at the table, Liv should tell a story. She replied that she was only incorporated the entire week and was under observation. Your friends were disappointed, what Peter entgenete them that he understood Liv: `You do not want that, she must find a new job once again.` He took her under his protection. `Well, then I'll tell you a story.`one of the men said `When my great-grandfather, was a young boy, some people sent pigeons. He was so curious about what the people wrote that he shot the pigeons on their way with his father's airgun.  As he entered adulthood, he wrote my great-grandmother romantic love letters. He was so afraid that the letter would not arrive, that he supply a city suburbat any time he sent a pigeons. `The friends laughed heartily. `My grandfather had to learn  the Morse alphabet in the Military
, which he felt to be so boring and hardships that he began to send false information. Then he had to morse a whole essay as a punishment. `, told the other man. All friends laughed again. Then Sui told that she had sent as a little girl every week a message in a bottle. It never received a reply before. `How good that we now have all phones which are much faster and secret, right?`said Peter and blinked to Liv. She grinned in embarrassment.
The evening was beautiful and Liv wanted to leave. Peter took his courage together to ask her a third time if he might accompany her. And again she refused and left the pub. `... regardless of whether she has anything against !!!`said Lulu. What should he write Lulu in the next letter, that he would not dare? No. He ran after her and caught her up in the park. `I must also go through the park, I can not let such a beautiful woman like you run alone`, she heard Peter. She nodded and was pleased. `Are you alone?` he wanted to know. `No, not quite, I have a daughter. And yourself? `she told ` I have only a close ally, to whom I owe the pleasant evening. Liv looked at him in amazement. `Yes, she has stood me in word and deed aside. She told me, for example, that I should not let you go alone, it's also far too dangerous at night in the park `, Peter said. `Yes, however, and not only at night. My daughter was approached some time ago here in the park by a strange man, he wanted to be her friend and they met every week. ` Liv said,` What's wrong? You feel well? Shall I bring you home, dear? `Peter gasped. `No, no, it's all right. Maybe I should give up the last drink` he lied. They arrived to Lulu's house and Liv thanked him for the drinks. Peter looked at her lips as if he would read them. Liv felt desires and returned his gaze to her lips and finally touched. `Perhaps you ever come over for dinner?` she asked, `Tomorrow, 19h?` Peter agreed.
On his way home, he thought of Lulu. She had just known that the woman he fell in love with was her mother. She had advised him closely, because she knows her mother best. And most importantly, Lulu had apparently liked very much, that her mother also fell in love with Peter. She was smart. `Surely she sat the whole evening there, restless, and had formed ideas. Sweet little Lulu` Peter thought to himself before falling asleep.
The next day, Liv was very excited. She ran through the house, took things in hand, put it down again, ran from room to domain.What and how she should tell Lulu. Would she accept a new man in the house? `She is still so small and sensitive`, she thought. Lulu was sitting at the end of the hall and watched not only their mother, but especially the front door. It was just before seven and Lulu wondered if he was still to come. `Maybe he's mad at me because I have not told him or maybe he does not trust him.` said in her head even when the bell rang at the door. Liv looked into the mirror before she went to the door. A bouquet of red roses she laughed. She smiled. In the other hand, Peter gave a beautifully shaped lily a bit deeper. ` My favorite flower`called Lulu as she ran past her mother and jump into his arms. Her mother understood right away and after she imitated her  daughter. A new family was born.

Englisch Korrekturlesen: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:54 Sa 24.10.2009
Autor: derdickeduke

magst du das ganze vielleicht Stück für Stück posten? So fehlt mir da ehrlich gesagt etwas der Ehrgeiz, mich da durchzuackern, selbst wenn ich 6 Tage Frist hab ;). Ich denk anderen geht's ähnlich.

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