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Englisch Text Korrektur: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 00:01 Mi 23.02.2011
Autor: zitrone

Guten Abend,

ich muss einen Artikel schreiben, in dem es darum ging, wie ich es finden würde, wenn ein Politiker Einwanderer keinen Zulass zu einem Land gewähren würde.
Ich hab was geschrieben nur bin ich wegen der Grammatik unsicher und wollte daher fragen, ob sich das bitte jemand durchlesen und bei Fehlern korrigieren könnte?

When I heard that a politician called for a complete halt to the entry of foreigners I knew that I can not keep quiet. It is not right to say that the entry of foreigners is a bad thing. On the contrary, because of these foreigners the country learned about other cultures, religions and dishes. Without these immigrants we would not knew so much about people from other countries. In addition because of these immigrants we have much more employed people, because the foreigners made new workplaces. The consequence would be that the economy would become weaker.
Some technologies and inventions come also from outboard. However nobody care about. But when people from oversea come than they are not welcomed. I think this is an opposition.If we can accept the one thing, why not the another, too? And not all foreigners are the same. Some are violent and do not respect the law. We could say that such immigrants could be banished. But the people in our country have not always a better behavior.
In all you can not solve a problem by halt the entry of foreigners. We all are in some ways foreigners, because we travel in other areas or because our ancestors came from a different country.

lg zitrone

Englisch Text Korrektur: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 00:20 Fr 25.02.2011
Autor: matux

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