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English Korrektur: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 20:11 Fr 14.12.2012
Autor: Mr.Duke

Please make questions with Have you ever ...? Then write answers – Yes, I have or No, I haven’t – for yourself.
a) eat ice-cream late at night
…     Have you ever eaten ice-cream late at night?
…     Yes, I have.
b) walk home from a party at 3 a. m.
…     Have you ever walked home from a party at 3 a. m.?
…     Yes, I have.
c) read a book till 5 a. m.
…     Have you ever read a book till 5 a. m.?
…     Yes, I have.
d) go for a swim in the rain
…     Have you ever gone for a swim in the rain?
…     No, I haven't.
e) forget the shopping for the weekend
…     Have you ever forgotten the shopping for the weekend?
…     No, I haven't.
f) talk to a neighbour about cats
…      Have you ever talked to a neighbour about cats?
…      Yes, I have.
g) watch a football match alone
…      Have you ever watched a football match alone?
…      No I haven't.
h) go to bed at 7 p. m.
…      Have you ever gone to bed at 7 p. m.?
…      Yes, I have.
i) do a test in a newspaper
…      Have you ever done a test in a newspaper?
…     Yes, I have.
j) read your horoscope
…      Have you ever read your horoscope?
…      Yes, I have.

Please write questions. Ask for the words in bold print.
a) The i n s p e c t o r has talked to the driver of the Jaguar.
…      Who has talked to the driver of the Jaguar?
b) C o l i n has gone home already.
…      Who has gone home Already?
c)Mr Davenport hasn’t bought any groceries b e c a u s e h e h a s  f o r g o t t e n i t.
…      Why hasn't Mr Davenport bought any groceries?
d) But he has reserved a table i n a v e r y f a s h i o n a b l e r e s t a u ra n t.
…      Where has he reserved a table?

Please complete with short answers.
a) Has Mr Davenport bought the groceries?
No, .he hasn't.
b) Has the policeman asked many questions?
Yes, .he has.
c) Have Colin and Michael bought a new toaster?
No, .they haven't.
d) “Colin, have you got a lot of money?”
“No, I .haven't.”
e) “Sheila, have we really told the policeman everything?”
“Yes, we .have.”
f) Has Carol already told Mrs Davenport about the accident?
No, .she hasn't.
g) “Steve, have we already bought everything for the party tonight?”
“Yes, we .have. ”

Was sagen Sie, wenn Sie ...
a) ... fragen wollen, ob Ihr Mann/ Ihre Frau für morgen schon alles eingekauft hat?
…     Have you bought everything for tomorrow, darling?
b) ... sagen wollen, dass Sie es leider vergessen haben?
…     Sorry, I have forgotten it.
c) ... fragen wollen, ob Ihr Mann/Ihre Frau das Obst schon gekauft hat?
…     Have you already bought the groceries, darling?
d) ... sagen wollen, dass Sie es gerade eben gekauft haben?
…     I have just bought it.
e) ... sagen wollen, dass Sie einen Tisch im Restaurant bestellt haben und dass Sie Mrs Browns Geburtstag ganz vergessen haben.
…     I have ordered a table in a restaurant but I completely forgot
         about Mr. Browns birthday.

Fill in since and for.
a) I haven’t been at the theatre  .for.. a year.
... my birthday.
b) She has been a secretary  .since.. she left school.
.for.. five years.
c) He has been enthusiastic about tennis .since.. he saw a match in Wimbledon. .For..  last year.
d) She hasn’t phoned her friend  .since.. yesterday.
.for.. 24 hours.
Please write the dates according the example.
12.12.1990 12 th December, 1990
a) 01.08.1978 ...1st August, 1978
b) 04.07.1989 ...4th July, 1989
c) 15.09.1977 ...15th September,
d) 03.06.1988 ...3rd June, 1988
e) 22.03.1987 ...22nd March 1987

Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher ob das richtig ist.

Vielen dank im Voraus.

English Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:51 Fr 14.12.2012
Autor: reverend

Hallo Mr.Duke,

das ist viel Arbeit, so eine komplette Hausaufgabe abzuschreiben - aber niemand hat so recht Lust, so viel auch durchzusehen.

Es ist besser, Du suchst die Sachen heraus, bei denen Du Dir tatsächlich unsicher bist, und wir erklären sie Dir dann. So wie bei Matheaufgaben auch.

> Please make questions with Have you ever ...? Then write
> answers – Yes, I have or No, I haven’t – for
> yourself.
>  a) eat ice-cream late at night
> …     Have you ever eaten ice-cream late at night?
>  …     Yes, I have.
>  b) walk home from a party at 3 a. m.
> …     Have you ever walked home from a party at 3 a. m.?
>  …     Yes, I have.
>  c) read a book till 5 a. m.
> …     Have you ever read a book till 5 a. m.?
>  …     Yes, I have.
>  d) go for a swim in the rain
> …     Have you ever gone for a swim in the rain?
>  …     No, I haven't.
>  e) forget the shopping for the weekend
>  …     Have you ever forgotten the shopping for the
> weekend?
>  …     No, I haven't.
>  f) talk to a neighbour about cats
>  …      Have you ever talked to a neighbour about cats?
>  …      Yes, I have.
>  g) watch a football match alone
>  …      Have you ever watched a football match alone?
>  …      No I haven't.
>  h) go to bed at 7 p. m.
>  …      Have you ever gone to bed at 7 p. m.?
>  …      Yes, I have.
>  i) do a test in a newspaper
>  …      Have you ever done a test in a newspaper?
>  …     Yes, I have.
>  j) read your horoscope
>  …      Have you ever read your horoscope?
>  …      Yes, I have.

Alle richtig.

> Please write questions. Ask for the words in bold print.
>  a) The i n s p e c t o r has talked to the driver of the
> Jaguar.
>  …      Who has talked to the driver of the Jaguar?
>  b) C o l i n has gone home already.
>  …      Who has gone home Already?
>  c)Mr Davenport hasn’t bought any groceries b e c a u s e
> h e h a s  f o r g o t t e n i t.
>  …      Why hasn't Mr Davenport bought any groceries?
>  d) But he has reserved a table i n a v e r y f a s h i o n
> a b l e r e s t a u ra n t.
>  …      Where has he reserved a table?

Auch alle richtig.

> Please complete with short answers.
>  a) Has Mr Davenport bought the groceries?
> No, .he hasn't.
> b) Has the policeman asked many questions?
> Yes, .he has.
> c) Have Colin and Michael bought a new toaster?
> No, .they haven't.
>  d) “Colin, have you got a lot of money?”
> “No, I .haven't.”
>  e) “Sheila, have we really told the policeman
> everything?”
> “Yes, we .have.”
>  f) Has Carol already told Mrs Davenport about the
> accident?
> No, .she hasn't.
>  g) “Steve, have we already bought everything for the
> party tonight?”
> “Yes, we .have. ”

Hier weiß ich nicht, ob der Wahrheitsgehalt der Antworten mit einer bestimmten Geschichte zu tun hat. Grammatisch sind sie aber alle richtig.

> Was sagen Sie, wenn Sie ...
>  a) ... fragen wollen, ob Ihr Mann/ Ihre Frau für morgen
> schon alles eingekauft hat?
>  …     Have you bought everything for tomorrow, darling?
>  b) ... sagen wollen, dass Sie es leider vergessen haben?
>  …     Sorry, I have forgotten it.

Das ist offensichtlich die Form, die Ihr hier üben sollt, und schriftsprachlich ist das auch richtig. Sagen würde das allerdings niemand, den ich kenne.

>  c) ... fragen wollen, ob Ihr Mann/Ihre Frau das Obst schon
> gekauft hat?
>  …     Have you already bought the groceries, darling?

Im britischen Englisch sind "groceries" alle Einkäufe, im amerikanischen Englisch ist das Wort nicht wirklich gebräuchlich.
Im Deutschen steht hier "das Obst", was offenbar auf bestimmtes, vorher schon im Text vorkommendes Obst Bezug nimmt. Nur deswegen müsste es also heißen

Have you already bought the fruit, darling?

>  d) ... sagen wollen, dass Sie es gerade eben gekauft
> haben?
>  …     I have just bought it.
>  e) ... sagen wollen, dass Sie einen Tisch im Restaurant
> bestellt haben und dass Sie Mrs Browns Geburtstag ganz
> vergessen haben.
>  …     I have ordered a table in a restaurant but I
> completely forgot
>           about Mr. Browns birthday.

Sonst alles ok.

> Fill in since and for.
>  a) I haven’t been at the theatre .for.. a year.
>  ... my birthday.

Since my birthday

>  b) She has been a secretary .since.. she left school.
>  .for.. five years.
>  c) He has been enthusiastic about tennis .since.. he saw
> a match in Wimbledon. .For..  last year.

"For last year" geht nicht so richtig. Man würde sagen "for a year now" oder "for the whole of last year". Denn für sich allein genommen bezeichnet "last year" einen Zeitpunkt, nicht eine Zeitspanne. Dann müsste es also "since last year" heißen.

>  d) She hasn’t phoned her friend .since.. yesterday.
> .for.. 24 hours.


>  Please write the dates according the example.
>   12.12.1990 12 th December, 1990
>  a) 01.08.1978 ...1st August, 1978
>  b) 04.07.1989 ...4th July, 1989
>  c) 15.09.1977 ...15th September, fehlt noch das Jahr ;-)
>  d) 03.06.1988 ...3rd June, 1988
>  e) 22.03.1987 ...22nd March 1987
>  Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher ob das richtig ist.

Diese letzten sind alle ok, wie überhaupt ja fast alles.
Also wie gesagt: such lieber nur die heraus, wo Du nicht sicher bist, welche Regel gilt.


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