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English sentence: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:14 Do 07.05.2009
Autor: Dinker

You can also perceive the tendency that people takes any drugs or medicine, when they have a problem. But in my opinion you can’t solve a problem by taking drugs, because the problem stays and drugs only help to oppress the feeling and emotion and pretend a false image from your true state of mind.  

It’s a very common trend to stay young as long as possibility. To accomplish this purpose more and more people (make) a facelifting or goes to the plastic surgeon. This craze of beauty is particularly obviously in Hollywood. To stay in spotlight it’s necessary to have a perfect figure, which ends in many cases end in anorexia.

The goal of all advertising is to sell product by convincing us that without the company’s product we will be „less“ than we would be with it. We are haunted all day with advertisement. If you read the newspaper, watch TV, surf on the internet, walk on the street, you always see the different form of advertisement. If you heard all the day you should buy this product and how good is it, the most people can’t resist this temptation. In my opinion this is also a form of hypnopaedia. We live in a mass consumerist society where everyone seems to be what he wants. The companies try to lurk potential buyer with bargain or offer them a hire-purchase contract. As consequence a lot of people live beyond one's means.

Society is divided into different classes. People’s life is predestined for the state they are living in.

And people who take drugs are often display a tendency of indifferent.

The science progress at this time. Huxley display the effect of modern science to human individuals.

Thank's a lot

English sentence: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:13 So 10.05.2009
Autor: csak1162


du hast einige Zeitfehler in deinem text

Mehrzahl: kein s (facelifting or goes) go!!!!!!!!!!

Einzahl: s (Huxley display the) schon s

und meiner Meinung nach probierst du immer die Sätzte aus dem Deutschen direkt ins Englische zu übersetzten, funktioniert nicht immer so gut!


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