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English sentence: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:45 Di 12.05.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Mittag

Anti-intellectualism means that you refuse to think about think in a profoundly way. Instead your attitude is indifference and mindless. This people prefers when others make for them their intellectualism work. I’m sure that the differences media are jointly responsible fort his trend. The advertisement spots told us what we have to buy. Or a lot of TV programmes have mindless content. How does a democracy  will function if the people think in this way? Or how would conduct the sophisticated work? This would be the best requirements for a dictatorship.
I’m not sure if the people would uphold this mindless attitude if this scenario would be true.

A lot of European countries which operate? colonialism have justified their ambition to bring other countries under their control with the argument that it’s their duty to civilize this uncivilize countries. But that they rob these countries from their own culture and way of life weren’t relevant. But in fact they lose through the European striving for power their freedom, and their free will.

Or some countries restrict the individual freedom by launching population control, so that the law prescribes how much children you are allowed to have.

Vielen herzlichen Dank

English sentence: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:08 Di 12.05.2009
Autor: Zeeera

Was mir erstmal auffällt, hoffentlich hab ich nix übersehen:

Anti-intellectualism means that you refuse to think about thinking in a profound(Adjektiv statt Adverb) way. Instead your attitude is indifferent (indifference ist ein Nomen, bedeutet Gleichgültigkeit) and mindless. These people prefer (ohne s, s nur bei he, she, it) when others do their intellectual work for them. I’m sure that the different (differences ist ein Nomen) media are jointly responsible for this trend. The advertisement spots told (vielleicht besser tell?) us what we have to buy. Besides (ist besser am Satzanfang, bedeutet weiterhin), a lot of TV programmes have mindless content. How does (entweder does oder will, nicht beides) a democracy function if people think this way? Or how would the sophisticated work function? This would be the best conditions (requirement heißt eher Anforderung) for a dictatorship.
I’m not sure people would uphold this mindless attitude if this scenario was (kein if+would) true.

A lot of European countries which operate? (bin ich mir auch nicht sicher) colonialism have justified their ambition to bring other countries under their control with the argument that it’s their duty to civilize this uncivilized countries. But the fact that their own culture and way of life was robbed from these countries wasn’t relevant. But in fact they lost their freedom and their free will through the European striving for power.

Besides, some countries restrict the individual freedom by launching population control (hm, vielleicht they control population growth), as the law prescribes how many (much nur bei unzählbaren Sachen) children you are allowed to have.

LG Sarah

English sentence: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:03 Di 12.05.2009
Autor: Dinker

Recht herzlichen Dank
Wenn du etwas übersehen hast wäre es auch kein Weltuntergang
Gruss Dinker

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