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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Essay, Introduction
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Essay, Introduction: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 23:24 So 21.09.2008
Autor: blueberrymoon

From Kindergarten to high school, students have constantly teachers to instruct them and they know what they have to do. Therefore, many students may feel lost  and doubtful after they leave secondary schools and begin University life.
In order to illustrate, study at school and independent study at university will be compared. In contrast to schools, the undergraduates have to manage their own time, research and prove all information by themselves. On that score, some students have to cope with self- reliance study.
However, this method of study has many objectives too, including more adaptable ways to study and learn to bear responsibility, which is meaningful for the undergraduate’s future world of work.
In spite of that, there are various ways of learning and studying to support the fresher and in this paper we will find out which is the efficient method to improve each individual.  

Hallo alle,
bin die holly und ziemlich neu hier.
würd mich sehr freuen wenn ihr zeit habt und mal mein introduction schaut und evtl was verbessern würde

vielen Dank!!!

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Essay, Introduction: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:40 Mo 22.09.2008
Autor: Kimi-Maus

Also, dann will ich dir mal helfen ^^

high school ---> High School

Sonst habe ich keine Fehler entdeckt.

lg Kimi-Maus

Essay, Introduction: Frage (reagiert)
Status: (Frage) reagiert/warte auf Reaktion Status 
Datum: 03:15 Di 23.09.2008
Autor: blueberrymoon

please write a draft to the topic " independent study at a university"



From Kindergarten to High School, students constantly have teachers to instruct them and they know what they have to do. Therefore, many students may feel lost and doubtful after they leave secondary schools and begin university life.
In order to illustrate, study at school and independent study at university will be compared. In contrast to schools, the undergraduates have to manage their own time, research and prove all information by themselves. On that score, some students have to cope with self- reliance study.
However, this method of study has many objectives too, including more adaptable ways to study and learn to bear responsibility, which is meaningful for the undergraduates’s future world of work.
In spite of that, there are various ways of learning and studying to support the fresher and in this paper we will find out which is the efficient method to improve each individual.

1. Compare university with school
a) U: research by themselves (scope/focus/reading)
S: direction will be given by teachers
b) U: manage they own time for learning (exams/assignments/)  
S: fixed time (homework)
c) U: prove all information by themselves S: unnecessary

2. Benefits of independent study at university
a) students are more flexible to study (time/place)
b) they learn to be responsible (group works/deadlines)
c) university prepares students for their future life (collect experience)

3. Different ways of learning
a) visual (explanation and exploration)
b) auditory (explanation and exploration)
c) kinesthetic /tactile (explanation and exploration

4. Different ways of studying
a) groups study/ individual study (benefits/ advantages/disadvantages)
b) at home/ library/park                (benefits/ advantages/disadvantages)    
c) seminars/ lectures/ tutors          (benefits/advantages/disadvantages/differences)


I have been done my best to show in this essay that no student is less able to study independent than others, it depends merely on how competent and effective by choosing their ways of learning. My estimation is that the methods of understanding are not fixed, some students may would prefer visual learning at some subjects but other classes the auditory learning. Therefore, my suggestion is people should not be bound to appointed ways of learning. On the other hand, I think the ways of studying could not all the times give benefits to the students. Moreover, even if a student would prefer study at home but because of the money he lives in a triple room, he could not become the quietness, which he needs for the study. As a result, the students are influenced of distinguishing the way of studying by capital and ambience. Nevertheless, independent study enable me to maintain a flexible schedule and self-paced learning on a project of my choice and helps me to become more self-directed by assuming greater responsibility for planning and organizing my unique learning goals and objectives, as well as executing the task.

After all research, is a form of independent study is not only important for students  at university, even  people  in work should be considerable about this topic.  In addition, I am sure that  a great number of employees do not discover yet their most efficient study ways of learning to make the most of one's talents.

erstmal danke kimi,

hab diesmal bisschen mehr geschrieben... könnt ihr mal checken


Essay, Introduction: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:51 Mi 24.09.2008
Autor: chrisno

Ich habe mal ein bisschen reingelesen:
> please write a draft to the topic " independent study at a
> university"
>  Draft
> Introduction
> From Kindergarten to High School, students constantly have
> teachers to instruct them and they know what they have to
> do. Therefore, many students may feel lost and doubtful
> after they leave secondary schools and begin university
> life.
>  In order to illustrate, study at school and independent
> study at university will be compared. In contrast to
> schools, the undergraduates have to manage their own time,
> research and prove

beweisen? oder provide? passt auch nicht
seach, find, gather, collect

> all information by themselves. On that
> score, some students have to cope with self- reliance
> study.

Versteh ich nicht so ganz. Soll das heißen: müssen eigenverantwortlich studieren? Ich hätte es zurückübersetzt : müssen sie mit dem Studium der Eigenverantwortung fertig werden.

>  However, this method of study has many objectives too,
> including more adaptable ways to study and learn to bear
> responsibility, which is meaningful for the
> undergraduates’s future world of work.

mit objectives binich nicht so glücklich

> In spite of that, there are various ways of learning and
> studying to support the fresher and in this paper we will
> find out which is the efficient method to improve each
> individual.

Jedes Indiviuum verbessern? So eine Art Menschenoptimierung? Vielliecht doch lieber den Studienerfolg verbessern.

> 1. Compare university with school
>  a) U: research by themselves (scope/focus/reading)
>   S: direction will be given by teachers
>  b) U: manage they own time for learning
> (exams/assignments/)  
> S: fixed time (homework)
>  c) U: prove all information by themselves S: unnecessary
> 2. Benefits of independent study at university
> a) students are more flexible to study


>  b) they learn to be responsible (group
> works/deadlines)
>  c) university prepares students for their future life
> (collect experience)

gain experience

> 3. Different ways of learning
>  a) visual (explanation and exploration)
>  b) auditory (explanation and exploration)
>  c) kinesthetic /tactile (explanation and exploration
> 4. Different ways of studying
>  a) groups study/ individual study (benefits/
> advantages/disadvantages)
>  b) at home/ library/park                (benefits/
> advantages/disadvantages)    
> c) seminars/ lectures/ tutors          
> (benefits/advantages/disadvantages/differences)
> Conclusion
> I have

been streichen

> done my best to show in this essay that no
> student is less able to study independent


> than others, it
> depends merely on how competent and effective by choosing
> their ways of learning.


> My estimation is that the methods
> of understanding are not fixed, some students

may oder would

> prefer visual learning at some subjects but other classes
> the auditory learning.

Andere "Klaasen" ziehen das Lernen über das Gehör vor?

> Therefore, my suggestion is people
> should not be bound to appointed ways of learning. On the
> other hand, I think the ways of studying could not all the
> times give benefits to the students. Moreover, even if a
> student would prefer study at home but because of the money
> he lives in a triple room, he could not


> the
> quietness, which he needs for the study. As a result, the
> students are influenced of distinguishing the way of
> studying by capital and ambience. Nevertheless, independent
> study enable me


> to maintain a flexible schedule and
> self-paced learning on a project of my choice and helps me
> to become more self-directed by assuming greater
> responsibility for planning and organizing my unique
> learning goals and objectives, as well as executing the
> task.
> After all research, is a form of independent study is not
> only important for students  at university, even  people  
> in work should be considerable about this topic.  In
> addition, I am sure that  a great number of employees do
> not discover yet their most efficient study ways of
> learning to make the most of one's talents.
> erstmal danke kimi,
> hab diesmal bisschen mehr geschrieben... könnt ihr mal
> checken
> danke

Das ist noch eine ziemliche Baustelle. Oft erahne ich nur mit einigem Nachdenken, was Du sagen willst. Ich habe nicht die Zeit, das Satz für Satz durchzugehen, hoffentlich findest Du noch jemand hier.

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