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Forum "Lektüre" - Fahrenheit: Phönix
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Fahrenheit: Phönix: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 16:18 Di 03.03.2009
Autor: espritgirl

Hallo Zusammen [winken],

ich bereite gerade meine Lernzettel fürs Abi vor.

Dabei bin ich an der Funktion des Phönix' kleben geblieben, die ich mal beschreiben sollte.

The phoenix is a mythycal bird who burns itself and then rises out of its ashes over and over again.
After the war was declared and the city was bombed, Granger compares the mankind to the phoenix.

The phoenix symbolizes the rebirth of life after the destruction by fire and war. The function is to show that a new society will be born from the ashes of the old one.  Besides the phoenix gives Montag and the others hope that the next time will be better. It shows that a new generation is born.

There is a difference between the phoenix and the mankind of the new society: While the phoenix does not remember what he had done in his last life, the people of the new society know what had happend before. As a consequence the society is able to learn from their mistakes.

In contrast to the salamander who can live in fire by the mythology, the phoenix is not an appropriate symbol of the firemen because the salamander just destroys its surrounding but it does not rebuild something from its destruction.

The symbol fits perfect to the book because the phoenix burns itself when it is sick or old. The society in "Fahrenheit 451"  is sick and old, too, and destroys itself by beginning a war. Now, a new society can rise up.

Wäre super, wenn jemand den Text korrigieren könnte. Ich bin ziemlich unsicher bei den Zeiten.

Liebe Grüße

Sarah :-)

Fahrenheit: Phönix: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 23:05 Di 03.03.2009
Autor: rainerS

Hallo Sarah!

Hier meine Kommentare. Du hast für Phönix und Salamander immer Pronomen wie he und who verwendet; da es Tiere sind, habe ich konsequent it und which eingesetzt.

Wie üblich: your mileage may vary ;-)

> The phoenix is a mythycalmythical bird whowhich burns itself and then
> rises out of its ashes over and over again.

>  After the war was declared and the city was bombed,
> Granger compares the mankind to the phoenix.

Hier verwendest du Simple Past und Simple Present. Entweder Past Perfect und Simple Past:

After the war had been declared ... Granger compared ....

Du kannst aber auch das Problem umgehen:

After the declaration of war and the bombing of the city....

> The phoenix symbolizes the rebirth of life after the
> destruction by fire and war. The function is to show that a
> new society will be born from the ashes of the old one.  
> Besides, the phoenix gives Montag and the others the hope that
> the next time will be better. It shows that a new
> generation is born.
> There is a difference between the phoenix and the mankind
> of the new society: While the phoenix does not remember
> what he had doneit did in his lastits former life, the people of the new
> society know what had happened before. As a consequence the
> society is able to learn from their mistakes.

Das ist grammatikalisch richtig, aber: Gesellschaften lernen nicht, Leute lernen.

> In contrast to the salamander whowhich, according to mythology, can live in the fire by the
> mythology
, the phoenix is not an appropriate symbol of the
> firemen because the salamander justonly destroys its
> surroundings but it does not rebuildinstead of rebuilding something from itstheir
> destruction.
> The symbol fits the book perfectly to the book because the phoenix
> burns itself when it is sick or old. The society in
> "Fahrenheit 451"  is sick and old, too, and destroys itself
> by beginning a war. Now, a new society can rise uparise.

Viele Grüße

Fahrenheit: Phönix: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 23:08 Di 03.03.2009
Autor: espritgirl

Hallo Rainer [winken],

vielen Dank für deine Korrekturen! Da ist ja mal wieder einiges schief gelaufen...

Werde es sofort auf meine Lernzetteln übertragen - die korrigierte Version natürlich :-)

Liebe Grüße

Sarah :-)

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