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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Familienleben heute und damals
Familienleben heute und damals < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Familienleben heute und damals: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 21:44 Mi 12.11.2008
Autor: yellowstar

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Der Typ sollte ein "report" sein:

Typical family situation nowadays and 25 years ago

The aim of this report is to describe the typical family situation in Austria today, and to outline the major changes that have occurred in relation to the family over the last 25 years. It will consider the reasons for these changes.

Typical families in Austria

Typically, the family consists of 3,5 people, 2 adults and 1,5 children, and at least one car. Austrians enjoy living in one-family houses with a small garden, where they can spend their free time in silence. In the most cases the couples are married but there has been a decrease in the numbers of marriages in the last few years.

How the family has changed

Compared to now several points have changed the last 25 years. Mainly the number of family, living in the house, changed. 25 years ago there exist many extended families; about 10 people lived together under one roof.

Reason for the changes

The main reason why there were so many people in the house is that the number of people was such important because they need every help they could get, everyone had to help, inchoate from housework till woodwork, day and night equal young and old. Many families lived on poverty level so it was common that the girls get soon married and leave the house with the age of 16. So they had one mouth less to feed.

Nowadays it is unusual to have that much of children, how I mentioned the average is 1,5 per household. A big point was the emancipation, which encouraged the women to be independent from their husbands. Many women didn’t enjoy it to be at home all the time, they wanted new challenges and so they started to go to work again; the consequence was less children.

According to the marriages, compared with 25 years ago, there is no longer a moral barrier wherefore they should be married. In former times it was unthinkable that an unmarried couple have children, now it’s normal. There are lots of couples, who want just to enjoy the time together and need no piece paper, which confirm that they be together. Another point is the education, which crowd the thinking of marriages out. Now education is more important than ever and usually a couple marries when both finished their education and earn money, this takes a long time nowadays.


In conclusion, there are several points, which changed dramatically. For the majority of people it is important to have a harmonic family life and an employment, which ensure them their income to afford the basic means for a good and uncomplicated life.
In my opinion family is the worthiest part in life and everyone should have the privilege to grow up in a harmonic ambiance.

Familienleben heute und damals: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:44 Fr 14.11.2008
Autor: mmhkt

> Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen
> Internetseiten gestellt.
> Der Typ sollte ein "report" sein:
> Typical family situation nowadays and 25 years ago
> The aim of this report is to describe the typical family
> situation in Austria today, and to outline the major
> changes that have occurred in relation to the family over
> the last 25 years. It will consider the reasons for these
> changes.
> Typical families in Austria
> Typically, the family consists of 3,5 people, 2 adults and
> 1,5 children, and at least one car. Austrians enjoy living
> in one-family houses with a small garden, where they can
> spend their free time in silence. In the most cases the
> couples are married but there has been a decrease in the
> numbers of marriages in the last few years.
> How the family has changed
> Compared to now several points have changed the last 25
> years. Mainly the number of family members, living in the house,
> changed. 25 years ago there existed many extended families;
> about 10 people lived together under one roof.
> Reason for the changes
> The main reason why there were so many people in the house
> is that the number of people was such important because
> they needed every help they could get,(hier könnte ein Punkt hin und mit "everyone" beginnt ein neuer Satz) everyone had to help,
> inchoate from housework till woodwork, day and night equal
> young and old. Many families lived on poverty level so it
> was common that the girls get soon married (m.E. wäre das so besser: ...got married soon...)and leave left the
> house with at the age of 16. So they had one mouth less to
> feed.
> Nowadays it is unusual to have that much of children, how I
> mentioned the average is 1,5 per household. A big point was
> the emancipation, which encouraged the women to be
> independent from their husbands. Many women didn’t enjoy it
> to be at home all the time, they wanted new challenges and
> so they started to go to work again; the consequence was
> less children.
> According to the marriages, compared with 25 years ago,
> there is no longer a moral barrier wherefore ("wherefore" ist, glaube ich wenigstens, etwas altmodisch, korrekt zwar, aber mit einem einfachen "why" wäre es auch getan) they should be
> married. In former times it was unthinkable that an
> unmarried couple have (hier müsste wohl "has" hin, weil "the couple" zwar zwei Personen sind, aber grammatisch eine Einheit ist mit dem pers. Fürwort "it") children, now it’s normal. There are
> lots of couples, who want just (stelle "just" vor "want") to enjoy the time together (hier ein Punkt und den nächsten Satz nicht mit "and" sondern mit "they" beginnen)
> and need no piece of paper, which confirms that they be are
> together. Another point is the education, which crowd the
> thinking of marriages out. ("to crowd out" im Sinne von "verdrängen" sollte hier nicht im Präsens stehen, weil dieser Prozess ja bereits stattgefunden hat, vielleicht so: ...which crowded out the...) Now education is more important
> than ever and usually a couple marries when both have finished
> their education and earn money, this takes a long time
> nowadays.
> Conclusion
> In conclusion, there are several points, which changed
> dramatically. For the majority of people it is important to
> have a harmonic family life and an employment, which ensures
> them ("them" kann man m.E. weglassen) their income to afford the basic means for a good and
> uncomplicated life.
>  In my opinion family is the worthiest part in life and
> everyone should have the privilege to grow up in a harmonic
> ambiance.

Hallo yellowstar,

soweit meine Vorschläge und Anmerkungen - wie immer ohne Anspruch und Garantie auf Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit.

Schönen Gruß

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