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Gap Text und Sätze: Aufgabe
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 20:44 Di 06.11.2007
Autor: Nicole1989

Hi Leute

Habe da einige Lücken, in die ich noch nicht weiss, was ich hineinschreiben soll. Also hier mal den Textausschnitt:

The ticket inspector calmly dealt with... the other passengers. Then, equally calmly, he drew the ticket from... the man`s teeth, examined it... a frown and popped it back again.

Once the inspector had entered the compartment, most of the passengers settled down and carried on reading in morning papers. As for the passenger who`d had his ticket in his mouth, he popped it ... his pocket, looking very relieved.

He was generally quite a friendly person, so to make ... I said to him, `You must have felt foolish searching in all your pockets.... it was in your mouth?`

Was kann man da denn einsetzen?

Und hier sind noch 2 Sätze, die ich anders schreiben soll:

1. He was holding some flowers when he knocked at Margaret's door.

hand (Dieses Wort muss man verwenden)

2. He had to have his door mended.


Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe.


Gap Text und Sätze: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:51 Di 06.11.2007
Autor: rainerS

Hallo Nicole!

> Habe da einige Lücken, in die ich noch nicht weiss, was ich
> hineinschreiben soll.

Ich nehme an, das sind ganz unterschiedliche Wörter, nicht jedesmal Präpositionen oder Konjunktionen?

> The ticket inspector calmly dealt with... the other
> passengers.

Da fällt mir im Moment auch nichts ein.

> Then, equally calmly, he drew the ticket
> from between the man's teeth, examined it with a frown and popped
> it back again.

Very british, diese Szene! ;-)

> Once the inspector had entered the compartment, most of the
> passengers settled down and carried on reading in morning
> papers. As for the passenger who'd had his ticket in his
> mouth, he popped it into his pocket, looking very relieved.
> He was generally quite a friendly person, so to make ... I
> said to him, 'You must have felt foolish searching in all
> your pockets.... it was in your mouth?'
> Was kann man da denn einsetzen?

"when" im zweiten Satz. Für den ersten hae ich keine wirklich gute Idee: "amends", "conversation", "friends"?

> Und hier sind noch 2 Sätze, die ich anders schreiben soll:
> 1. He was holding some flowers when he knocked at
> Margaret's door.
> hand (Dieses Wort muss man verwenden)

Wie oder wo hielt er die Blumen?

> 2. He had to have his door mended.
> someone

Probier mal aus der Partizipialkonstruktion einen ganzen Nebensatz zu machen, mit "someone" als Subjekt.

  Viele Grüße

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