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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Graphs and Charts
Graphs and Charts < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Graphs and Charts: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 16:29 Do 18.06.2009
Autor: DominikBMTH

Auf einem Arbeitsblatt haben wir einen Graphen bekommen(CO2 Emission) und diesen sollten wir beschreiben.

The following chart made by the university La Jolla published in the United States in 1999 shows the increase of CO2 concentration between 1870 and 2000.
The chart consists of two axes. The x-axis represents the year dates over a 120 year period. On the other hand the y-axis shows the ppm results of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.
At the beginning in 1870 the graph was( oder muss man is benutzen ? ) at it´s lowpoint by about 290 ppm. Within the next years the graph was(is ?) rising slowly untill he reached(reaches) the 300 million mark. Accordingly this was(is) an increase of 10 ppm within 60 years.
From then on the graph rose fastly, reaching the previous limit which took 60 years, in only 20 years.
The reason might be that more and more industries were built and as a result the CO2 emissions became more.
From 1960 to 2000 the slope of the graph got higher reaching the highest point of 370 ppm in year 2000.

Bei den Sachen in der Klammer bin ich mir unsicher.
Muss ich den im Präsens schreiben oder mich auf die Vergangenheit beziehen, wenn ich z.B. den Wert vom Jahr 1870 beschreibe.

Danke für eure Hilfe.

Graphs and Charts: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:47 Do 18.06.2009
Autor: M.Rex


> Auf einem Arbeitsblatt haben wir einen Graphen bekommen(CO2
> Emission) und diesen sollten wir beschreiben.

The following chart made by the university La Jolla published in the United States in 1999 shows the increase of CO2 concentration between 1870 and 2000.  The chart consists of two axes. The x-axis represents the year dates over a 120 year period. On the other hand the y-axis shows the ppm results of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. At the beginning in 1870 the graph is at it´s lowpoint by about 290 ppm. Within the next years the graph is rising slowly untill heit reaches the quality of 300 million mark. Accordingly this is an increase of 10 ppm within 60 years. From then on the graph roises fastly, reaching the previous limit which took 60 years, in only 20 years. The reason might be, that more and more industries were built and as a result the CO2 emissions became more.
From 1960 to 2000 the slope of the graph got higher and it is reaching the highest point of 370 ppm in year 2000.

>  Muss ich den im Präsens schreiben oder mich auf die
> Vergangenheit beziehen, wenn ich z.B. den Wert vom Jahr
> 1870 beschreibe.

Im Beschreibenden Teil solltest de den Präsens nutzen, der Graph liegt dir ja aktuell vor.

> Danke für eure Hilfe.


Graphs and Charts: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:55 Do 18.06.2009
Autor: DominikBMTH

Danke für die schnelle Korrektur.

Kann man z.B. als Fazit formulieren: Overall the graph has an upward trend over the period.

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