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Hilfe bei Text Märchen: Frage
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:48 Do 28.10.2004
Autor: sinz

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Guten Tag! und Hallo erstmal
Ich musste heute ein Märchen umschreiben und da ich die eventuell abgeben wollte, wollte ich euch einmal fragen ob ihr eventuelle Fehler korriegieren würdet.

Vielen Dank Sina

Hier der Text:

Once-upon a time, there was a king and a queen, they wanted to have a baby but could not have one. One day when the queen took a bath a frog came to her and told her, “Your wish should be fulfilled, before a year has gone by, you shall have a daughter.”
What the frog said came true, and the queen had a little girl within 1 year. The king was so happy and overwhelmed to he planned a big party. He also invited the wise women of his kingdom because he thought that they might be kind and well dispose towards the child. There were thirteen of them in his kingdom but since he only had twelve golden plates, he only invited twelve.
After the eleventh of the twelve wise women spoke their magic gifts, suddenly the thirteenth came in and put a spell on the little child,” The king’s daughter shall in her fifteenth year prick herself with a spindle, and fall down dead.” The ling and everybody else was shocked. The twelfth whose good wish still remained unspoken, could not undo the evil sentence, she could only soften it. “The king’s daughter should not die but fall into a deep sleep for 100 years.”
As the years went by and every good wish was fulfilled the king got worried when his daughter turned to her fifteenth birthday. He gave orders to burn all the spindles in his kingdom.
On the very day of her fifteenth birthday the king and the queen had to left the castle and their daughter was alone. As he walked through the castle she reached a little door. A rusty key was in the lock and when and when she turned the key the door sprang open. There was a little room with an old lady with a spindle.
The girl went to the spindle and took it. She started to spindle an in this very moment she pricked her finger. At this moment the spell was fulfilled and the girl felt into a deep sleep. Everybody in the castle fall asleep.
Round abut the castle there began to grow a hedge of thorns, which became higher every year, so nobody could enter the castle. The story of the beautiful sleeping briar-rose, for so the princess was named, went about the country, so that decades after a lot a brave princes and men who could not get trough into the hedge there was finally a very smart prince. It was in the 100th year that prince Leopold III went their, he was not afraid at all, he took his all new power saw to get trough the hedge. Then he went on still farther to the room of the princess and gave her a big kiss. As soon as he kissed her, she opened her eyes and everybody woke up.
The prince was very proud and went to the king and made a proposal of marriage for the king’s daughter. He was pretty sure that the king was very happy ans would accept the marriage. But everything turned out different. The king was very angry that prince Leopold III woke him up and threw him out of the castle. He went back to sleep. They slept satisfied after and after and after.

Hilfe bei Text Märchen: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:47 Do 28.10.2004
Autor: sinz


Mir fällt gerade ein, dass ich das doch schon morgen abgeben muss...also wenn mir einer helfen würde fänd ich das super!

Sorry.. hab eben erst gelesen, dass das nicht gerne gesehen wird !

vergesst es und nehmt euch die zeit ich bin für alles dankbar!

Hilfe bei Text Märchen: korrektur-versuch
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 11:56 Fr 29.10.2004
Autor: leonce85

> Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen
> Internetseiten gestellt.
> Guten Tag! und Hallo erstmal
> Ich musste heute ein Märchen umschreiben und da ich die
> eventuell abgeben wollte, wollte ich euch einmal fragen ob
> ihr eventuelle Fehler korriegieren würdet.
> Vielen Dank Sina

hallo sina! also ich versuche es einfach mal, obgleich ich denke, dass deine version schon ziemlich gut ist!

> Once upon a time, there was a king and a queen, they wanted
> to have a baby but could not have one.

zwischen "queen" und "they wanted..." würde ich einen punkt setzen!

> One day when the
> queen took a bath a frog came to her and told her, “Your
> wish should be fulfilled, before a year has gone by, you
> shall have a daughter.”

ich würde schreiben: "Your wish should be fulfilled: Before a year has gone by you will have a daughter."

> What the frog said came true, and the queen had a little
> girl within 1 year.

schreib zahlen von eins bis zwölf immer aus! auch im englischen!

> The king was so happy and overwhelmed
> to he planned a big party.

wahrscheinlich soll es hier heißen: "...so he planned..."

> He also invited the wise women
> of his kingdom because he thought that they might be kind
> and well dispose towards the child.

"well-disposed towards his child"

> There were thirteen of
> them in his kingdom but since he only had twelve golden
> plates, he only invited twelve.

"...but because he only had..."

> After the eleventh of the twelve wise women spoke their
> magic gifts, suddenly the thirteenth came in and put a
> spell on the little child,” The king’s daughter shall in
> her fifteenth year prick herself with a spindle, and fall
> down dead.” The ling and everybody else was shocked.

ich nehme an "ling" = "king"

> The twelfth whose good wish still remained unspoken, could not
> undo the evil sentence, she could only soften it. “The
> king’s daughter should not die but fall into a deep sleep
> for 100 years.”
> As the years went by and every good wish was fulfilled the
> king got worried when his daughter turned to her fifteenth
> birthday. He gave orders to burn all the spindles in his
> kingdom.
> On the very day of her fifteenth birthday the king and the
> queen had to left the castle and their daughter was alone.
> As he walked through the castle she reached a little door.

"as she walked through..."

> A rusty key was in the lock and when she turned
> the key the door sprang open. There was a little room with
> an old lady with a spindle.

bist du dir sicher dass "aufspringen" "to spring open" heißt? die wendung habe ich leider nirgends finden können.

> The girl went to the spindle and took it. She started to
> spindle and in this very moment she pricked her finger. At
> this moment the spell was fulfilled and the girl felt into
> a deep sleep. Everybody in the castle fall asleep.

"She started to spindle and pricked her finger. In this moment the spell was fulfilled and the princess fell into a deep sleep. Everybody in the castle suddenly fell asleep."

> Round about the castle there began to grow a hedge of
> thorns, which became higher every year, so nobody could
> enter the castle.

"...which became higher and higher every year, so nobody could enter the castle anymore."

> The story of the beautiful sleeping
> briar-rose, for so the princess was named, went about the
> country, so that decades after a lot a brave princes and
> men who could not get trough into the hedge there was
> finally a very smart prince.

"was named, got popular all over the country, so that decades after a lot of brave princes and men who could not get through the hedge there finally was a very smart prince."

> It was in the 100th year that
> prince Leopold III went their, he was not afraid at all, he
> took his all new power saw to get trough the hedge.

"It was in the 100th year that prince Leopold III went there. He was not afraid at all: He took his all new power-saw to get through the hedge."

wenn du mit "power-saw" eine kettensäge oder etwas derartiges meinst, dann heißt es "chainsaw"!

> Then he
> went on still further to the room of the princess and gave
> her a kiss. As soon as he kissed her, she opened her
> eyes and everybody woke up.

> The prince was very proud and went to the king and made a
> proposal of marriage for the king’s daughter. He was pretty
> sure that the king was very happy and would accept the
> marriage.


> But everything turned out different: The king was
> very angry that prince Leopold III woke him up and threw
> him out of the castle. He went back to sleep. They slept
> satisfied after and after and after.

das eigentliche ende wäre ja "He went back to sleep and they slept happily ever after!"
das ist das normale ende bei märchen.

hoffe, dir geholfen zu haben,

viele grüße und wenn du noch eine frage hast, dann zögere nicht damit!


Hilfe bei Text Märchen: Danke
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:24 Di 02.11.2004
Autor: sinz

Ich danke Dir!

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