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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Klausurvorbereitung
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Klausurvorbereitung: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 20:17 Di 09.10.2007
Autor: Cyon

Show the ways out of the problem (extract from article: The Underclass: Breaking the Cycle - by Richard Stengel)

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Seid gegrüßt,
ich wäre dankbar wenn ihr mir Hilfe & Verbesserungsvorschläge  für meinen Text geben könntet. Er handelt von der sog. Underclass (die Ärmsten der Armen in Amerika) und wie sie ihrem Elend entgehen können.

In the following I try to explain how an Underclass member gets rid of his status living below the poverty line.

Primarily there are two groups that can support this fictional Underclass member. On the one hand the welfare state America represented by the government. The administration of a state like America should provide enough money e.g. for educational reasons.
And on the other hand there is American society itself, that is responsible for the rights of every single citizen. In other words society members have to support the efforts of their state by helping other society members.

When Underclass isn’t abandoned these poverty-stricken persons have more willing to improve their bad situation. With social programs and in addition measures against the discrimination for racial or social reasons, the “war” against poverty gets much easier. So after finally getting to the root of the problem hopefully their number will reduce.

Danke im Voraus & mfg

Klausurvorbereitung: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 19:18 Mi 10.10.2007
Autor: espritgirl

Hallo Cyon, [willkommenvh]!

Also, ich versuche mich mal an deinem Text... Klingt aber gut ;-)

> In the following I try to explain how an Underclass member
> gets rid of his status living below the poverty line.
> Primarily there are two groups that can support this
> fictional Underclass member. On the one hand the welfare
> state America isrepresented by the government. The
> administration of a state like America should provide
> enough money e.g. for educational reasons (was willst du mit educational reasons genau aussagen?).
> And on the other hand there is American society itself,
> that is responsible for the rights of every single citizen.
> In other words society members have to support the efforts
> of their state by helping other society members.
> When (the?) Underclass isn’t is not abandoned these poverty-stricken
> persons have more willing (willing halte ich nicht für so gut.) to improve their bad situation.
> With social programs and in addition measures against the
> discrimination for racial rasicm or social reasons, the “war”
> against poverty gets much easier. So after finally getting
> to the root of the problems, hopefully their number will
> reduce.

In meinen Augen ist das sprachlich ein top Text.

Liebe Grüße,

Sarah :-)

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