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Korrektur: What means happiness for me?
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:17 Do 18.09.2008
Autor: airam111


wir haben heute die hausaufgabe bekommen über die Dinge zu schreiben die uns glücklich machen. abgabetermin ist erst in einer woche. ich würde mich furchtbar freuen wenn jemand drüberlesen könnte und mir den text zu korrigieren.. danke schonmal !!  

What does happiness mean for me?

I think the feeling of happiness is hard to explain. Very often I’m happy but I don’t realize it. I’m just feeling good at such a moment.

I get happier when I seize the day than when I just sit at home doing nothing. The feeling of happiness doesn’t come to you. You have to let it out. There is no special plan that makes me happy.

What makes me feeling good doesn’t automatically bring happiness to another person. You have to discover which things make you happy.

For me there are lots of things which make me feeling good. I love o go out, to do sports, to go shopping, to visit friends and lots of other small things. Also a delicious meal for example can make me happy. When I’m with my friends we often laugh until tears are running down our faces. Sometimes we just relax and I’m feeling happy too. I’m not a person who can’t be happy alone. Being successful brings happiness to me too but I don’t think that the (einzige) way to get happy is to have (Berge) of money. Money doesn’t make you happy but it makes life easier. You don’t have to worry about lots of things.

I don’t really think that there is a single word which exactly means happiness for me. Words which I (verbinden/assoziieren) with this special feeling are friends, family, freedom, youth, love and also money.

Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:41 Do 18.09.2008
Autor: Adamantin

Jetzt natürlich bei einer Sprache immer nur meine Meinung, die niemals objektiv ist und manchmal auch falsch :)

> hey!
> wir haben heute die hausaufgabe bekommen über die Dinge zu
> schreiben die uns glücklich machen. abgabetermin ist erst
> in einer woche. ich würde mich furchtbar freuen wenn jemand
> drüberlesen könnte und mir den text zu korrigieren.. danke
> schonmal !!
> What does happiness mean for me?
> I think the feeling of happiness is hard to explain. Very
> often I’m happy but I don’t realize it. I’m just feeling
> good at such a moment.

in such a moment

> I get happier when I seize the day than when I just sit at
> home doing nothing.

become...obwohl get + adjective auch geht, aber da es hier ne Person ist..naja egal ^^

> The feeling of happiness doesn’t come
> to you. You have to let it out.

ist schon richtig, nur von der Logik her...Dir geht es darum zu sagen, dass das Glück nicht von selbst zu einem kommt, sondern man das Glück quasi in sich selbst finden muss, richtig? Zu sagen, dass man es rauslassen muss, setzt voraus, dass man es schon hat, ich würde daher vorschlagen du formulierst es um in Richtung:

"This feeling has to arise from your inside." oder "You have to find this feeling within yourself."

> There is no special plan
> that makes me happy.
> What makes me feeling good doesn’t automatically bring
> happiness to another person. You have to discover * which
> things make you happy.

Ich würde hier noch for "your own einfügen" als Bekräftigung :)

> For me there are lots of things which make me feeling good.
> I love o go out, to do sports, to go shopping, to visit
> friends and lots of other small things. Also a delicious
> meal for example can make me happy. When I’m with my
> friends we often laugh until tears are running down our
> faces. Sometimes we just relax and I’m feeling happy too.
> I’m not a person who can’t be happy alone. Being successful
> brings happiness to me too but I don’t think that the
> (einzige) way to get happy is to have (Berge) of money.

"...but I do not think that the only way to get happy is to have a huge amount of money."

> Money doesn’t make you happy but it makes life easier. You
> don’t have to worry about lots of things.
> I don’t really think that there is a single word which
> exactly means happiness for me. Words which I
> (verbinden/assoziieren) with this special feeling are
> friends, family, freedom, youth, love and also money.

"Words (which) I connect with this special feeling..."

Korrektur: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:10 Do 18.09.2008
Autor: airam111

vielen, vielen dank!

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