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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur
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Korrektur: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 20:25 Di 21.04.2009
Autor: zitrone


muss zu dem Film I Robot eine summary schreiben, aber nur bis zu einem bestimmten Teil des Filmes. Mein Englisch ist wohl nicht so toll, deshalb: könnte sich das bitte jemand ansehen???


The authore of I Robot was a man named Isaac Asimov, who wrote it in the year 1950. The Movie was released 2004.
But The film takes place in the year 2035, where it is normal to have and to trust robots. Because of the three laws of robots, they are not allowed to hurt people and they have to do what the humans are commanding them. A policeman in the movie is the only one, who can't trust robots. His name is Spooner. Because of his distrusts against the roboters, he blames the new robot types NS- 5 for killing the inventor of the humanoid robots. Everyone thinks, that the inventor Dr. Lanning, who is the director of the U.S.R company,commited suicide, but the policeman is of another opinion. Because of that he makes researches and suspect the robot Sonny, who was hiding in the place of the professor.But Sonny negate it.  Policeman Spooner don't want to believe it and because of that he is still trying to prove the blame of the robot with Calvin.The chief Mr. Birgin of Spooner don't agree with him.Spooner is unable to convince Bergin of the truth and is relieved of duty.

lg zitrone

Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:13 Mi 22.04.2009
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Abend,
hier einige Anmerkungen und Vorschläge - ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit:

> Summmary
> The authore of I Robot was a man named Isaac Asimov, who
> wrote it in the year 1950. The movie was released 2004.
>  But the film takes place in the year 2035, where it is
> normal to have and to trust robots. Because of the three
> laws of robots, they are not allowed to hurt people and
> they have to do what the humans are commanding them. A
> policeman in the movie is the only one, who can't trust
> robots. His name is Spooner. Because of his distrusts
> against the roboters, he blames the new robot types NS- 5
> for killing the inventor of the humanoid robots. Everyone
> thinks, that the inventor Dr. Lanning, who is the director
> of the U.S.R company, committed suicide, but the policeman is
> of
has another opinion. Because of that he makes (Vorschlag: "starts" statt "makes") researches and
> suspects the robot Sonny, who was hiding in the place of the
> professor. (Genitiv: [...]in the professor's place.) But Sonny negates it.  Policeman Spooner doesn't
> want to believe it and because of that he is still trying
> to prove the blame of the robot (wieder Genitiv: [...]the robot's blame[...]) with Calvin.

> The chief Mr.
> Birgin of
(wieder Genitiv:) Spooner's chief, Mr. Birgin, doesn't agree with him. Spooner is unable to
> convince Bergin of the truth and is relieved of duty.
> lg zitrone

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