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Korrektur des Textes: Aufgabe
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:59 Di 19.12.2006
Autor: Irischa

Tell the story of your favourite film and say why you liked it so much.

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My favourite film is “Dirty dancing 2”. This film tells the story of Katie Miller, a young American girl, who moves to Havana with her family. She is a model pupil and plans to go to college. One day while walking home from school she comes across a group of Cubans dancing. Katie is fascinated by the dancers. In one of person she recognizes a young man, Javier Suarez, who works as a waiter at their hotel.
Javier’s family is very poor, his father was killed by the Batista soldiers and Javier has to support his mother and family. The waiter founds out about Katie’s love of dance, she has learnt from her parents who were ballroom dancers. Javier invites her to a Cuban nightclub and she accepts.
She’s encourages to enter the Latin dancing competition which has a main price of $5000. Katie suggests Javier to participate in the competition as her dance partner. So they train very hard. Katie ´ s parents are shocked when they see their daughter with a Cuban, because they had believed Katie has relationship with Kathie’s father boss‘s son. Javier and Katie make it to the finals in the competition but the night has an unexpected incident. The revolutionaries put waiters’ uniform on and starts firing a gun into the crowd. People get into a panic and run out of building. On the streets Katie founds out about Cuba Revolution and Batista, who runs away from the country. When she comes home her father tells her about unavoidable return to America. Katie suggests Javier to come with them, but he refuses the offer. Javier explains it by the fact that he can’t leave his family. He expects impatient the revolution and now, when she comes, he doesn’t want to live his home country.
Their last evening spent Katie and Javier in a Cuban nightclub “la rosa negra”, where they dance together.
I like this film because of dancing and great Cuban music. The story is very romancing and light to follow.

Korrektur des Textes: nur korrektur vorschlag^^
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:21 Di 19.12.2006
Autor: a404error

My favourite film is “Dirty dancing 2”. This film tells the story of Katie Miller, a young American girl, who moves to Havana with her family. She is a model, pupil and plans to go to college. One day while walking home from school she comes across a group of Cubans dancing. Katie is fascinated by the dancers. In one of person she recognizes a young man, Javier Suarez, who works as a waiter at their hotel.
Javier’s family is very poor, his father was killed by the Batista soldiers and Javier has to support alone his mother and family. The waiter finds out that Katie loves to dance, she has learnt from her parents who were ballroom dancers. Javier invites her to a Cuban nightclub and she accepts.
She encourages him to enter the Latin dancing competition which has a main price of $5000. Katie suggests Javier to participate in the competition as her dance partner. So they train very hard. Katie´s parents are shocked when they see their daughter with a Cuban, because they believed Katie was in a relationship with Kathie’s father boss‘s son. Javier and Katie make it to the finals in the competition but the night has an unexpected incident. The revolutionaries dresses up in waiters and starts firing into the crowd. A panic start and people are running out of building. On the streets Katie finds out about the cuban Revolution and Batista, thrown out of the country. When she comes home her father tells her about the unavoidable return to America. Katie suggests Javier to come with them, but he refuses the offer. Javier explains it by the fact that he can’t leave his family. He expects impatient the revolution and now, when she comes, he doesn’t want to leave his home country.
Their last evening Katie and Javier are spending their nigth in a Cuban nightclub “la rosa negra”, where they dance together.
I liked this film because of the dancing scenes and the Cuban music. The story is very romantic and easy to follow.

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