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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur erwünscht
Korrektur erwünscht < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrektur erwünscht: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:22 Di 29.09.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Abend

Wäre unheimlich dankbar um Korrektur

Undoubtedly the earth suffer from fever. Therefore it’s very important that we take action.
Everyone of us have to become aware that he can make a contribution to reduce the green house gases concentration. And it’s much easier as you think. For example you switch off gadgets that you don’t need, switch off the light in unused rooms. Further I suggest to use energy-saving bulb. Take the bicycle for short distance instead the car thereby your health will also be grateful. Further use the public transport system, what is in the mist cases more comfortable than the car. But also the governments are challenge to take action to reduce the green house gases. As you have already heard in the English lessons there are a lot of alternative to produce electricity. The keywords call renewable and sustainable.
The Federal Offic of statistics has calculated that an unlimited climate change would cause economical damages in the amount of 100 Billions Franks. The necessarily climate protection investation wold only cost 2 billions franks. By this example you can see it would be a wortwhile investment.

Vielen Dank
Gruss DInker

Korrektur erwünscht: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:00 Di 29.09.2009
Autor: rainerS

Hallo Dinker!

> Undoubtedly the earth suffers from fever.

> Therefore it’s
> very important that we take action.

> Everyone of us havehas to become aware that he can make a
> contribution to reduce the concentration of green house gases concentration.

> And it’s much easier asthan you think.

> For example you switch
> off gadgets that you don’t need, switch off the light in
> unused rooms.
> Further I suggest to use energy-saving bulb light bulbs.

> Take the bicycle for short distance instead the car thereby
> your health will also be grateful.

Take the bicycle instead of the car for short distance trips: your health will thank you

> Further use the public
> transport system, whatwhich is in the mistmost cases more
> comfortable than the car.

> But also the governments are
> challenged to take action to reduce the green house gases.

> As you have already heard in the English lessons there are
> a lot of alternatives to produce electricity. The keywords
> callare renewable and sustainable.

> The Federal Office of statistics has calculated that an
> unlimited climate change would cause economical damages in
> the amountorder of 100 Billions Franks.

> The necessarily climate
> protection investationinvestment would only cost only 2 billions franks. By
> this example you can see that it would be a wortwhile
> investment.

  Viele Grüße

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