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Korrekturlesen: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 16:12 Do 13.08.2009
Autor: Chari123

Hallo liebe Vorhilfe- Mitglieder :)

ich wäre euch sehr dankbar,wenn ihr schauen könnt, ob es irgendwas am Text zu verbessern gibt, dankeee !

Penal Laws

Definition and  reason of enforcing
The Penal Laws or anti-Catholic laws (especially in 1695- 1709), were enforced, because the Irish Protestants feared Catholics might taking over the whole country. The catholic Jacob II. tried to recapture the throne of the protestant Wilhelm von Oranien, but he failed the fight at Boyne by Drogheda.


-    no permission neither to teach their children nor
     send then abroad
-    persons of property were prohibited not to enter into
     mixed marriages
-    Catholic property was inherited equally among the
     sons apart from was a Protestant, in which case he
     received all
-    Catholics couldn’t inherit property if there was any
     Protestant heir
-   Catholics couldn’t posess arms or horses worth more
    than £5
-   Catholics couldn’t hold leases for more than 31 years,
    and they couldn’t make a profit greater than a third
    of their rent

The consequences were, that the Catholics changed their names and religions and weren’t able to read or write. The priests who didn’t conform to the laws have been branded on the face or castrated. Much of Catholic church services and education were kept on secretely in the underground. Under these restrictions many able Irishmen fled the country and waited for the law declined.

Korrekturlesen: Korrektur
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:48 Fr 14.08.2009
Autor: Craps

Hallo Chari

Hier sind meine Korrekturvorschläge...

Penal Laws

Definition and  reason of enforcing
The Penal Laws or anti-Catholic laws (especially in 1695- 1709)hier kein Komma were enforced, because the Irish Protestants feared that Catholics might take over the whole country. The catholic Jacob II. tried to recapture the throne of the protestant "Wilhelm von Oranien", but he failed (besser: lost) the fight at Boyne by Drogheda.

(besser: Penal Laws contain // oder: Content)

-    no permission to teach their children nor to
     send them abroad
-    persons of property were prohibited not to enter into
     mixed marriages [b]("enter" ist hier etwas unpassend, vielleicht besser: "not to marry in a mixed way" oder "not to marry between different ...")
-    Catholic property was inherited equally among the
     sons apart from was a Protestant -- das ist unverständlich, in besser: this case he
     received all
-    Catholics couldn’t inherit property if there was any
     Protestant heir
-   Catholics couldn’t posess arms or horses worth more
    than £5
-   Catholics couldn’t hold leases for more than 31 years,
    and they couldn’t make a profit greater than a third
    of their rent

The consequences wereohne Komma that the Catholics changed their names and religions and weren’t able to read or write. The priests who didn’t conform to the laws have been branded on the face or castrated. Many of the Catholic church services and also education were kept on secretely in the underground. Under these restrictions many ? Irishmen fled the country and waited for the law to be declined.

Ich hoffe, ich konnte dir ein wenig helfen.

Korrekturlesen: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:48 Fr 14.08.2009
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Abend,
kleine Ergänzung:

Boyne by Drogheda - das deutsche "bei" entspricht nicht dem englischen "by".

Die Schlacht fand am Boyne bei Drogheda statt.
Für "die Schlacht" passt m.E. "the battle" besser als "the fight".

Für das "bei" im Sinne von "in der Nähe" gibt es andere Begriffe.
Selbst suchen macht schlau... ;-)

Ein klassisches Wörterbuch oder Seiten wie z.B. leo.org und dict.cc werden dir da weiterhelfen.

> The catholic Jacob II. tried to recapture the throne of the protestant
> Wilhelm von Oranien, but he failed the fight at Boyne by
> Drogheda.

Schönen Gruß

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