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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Kurze conclusion
Kurze conclusion < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Kurze conclusion: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 13:52 Do 20.12.2012
Autor: julietteb

Liebe Matheraum-Besucher,
Ich habe noch eine conclusion, zu unserem "English project", welches ich vor einigen Tagen hier herauf geladen habe. Wieder einmal würde ich mich sehr über eine Korretur freuen, damit das ganze project fehlerfrei ist.
Vielen Dank, liebe Grüsse und einen schönen Tag

My conclusion
I think the individual project we made was a good experience. Discussing a book with someone else always helps me to get more different perspectives of the book. We always had many ideas to talk about and could speak easily because we hadn’t had hardly any difficult vocabulary. It was a very good idea; from you miss Müller, to make the English project about “Animal Farm” because we’re now well prepared for our oral exam. (Well, I hope so!) The only thing, that went wrong was, that we didn’t really read out aloud to each other because we had already read the book on our own. It was a little bit boring to hear all the paragraphs again and sometimes no one of us had a clue how to pronounce the words. We read out aloud to each other just once because the other times we got bored with it.
But my final conclusion is positive because I think I improved my oral skills, this is also very useful because we don’t speak a lot in the SLS and so I won’t lose that much my routine in speaking English.

Kurze conclusion: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:09 Do 20.12.2012
Autor: reverend

Hallo julietteb,

das ist auch ganz gut. ;-)

>  My conclusion
>  I think the individual project we made

You would rather have or carry out a project than make it.

> was a good
> experience. Discussing a book with someone else always
> helps me to get more different perspectives of the book. We
> always had many ideas to talk about and could speak easily
> because we hadn’t had hardly any difficult vocabulary.

Da ist zuviel im Satz, auch das Tempus stimmt nicht.
... we hardly had any difficult vocabulary, oder
... we didn't have any difficult vocabulary (to fight with oder etwas anderes, hier würde man jedenfalls einen Infinitic erwarten).

> It
> was a very good idea;

hier kein Satzzeichen

> from you miss Müller,

hier auch nicht!

> to make the
> English project about “Animal Farm”

Das klingt ein bisschen ungelenk. Hm. Ich weiß nicht, ob alle so ein Projekt machen sollten oder nur Ihr beide, aber auch hier passt "to make" nicht richtig. Vielleicht einfach ...to suggest the project?

> because we’re now
> well prepared for our oral exam. (Well, I hope so!) The
> only thing, that went wrong was,

Beide Kommas sind überflüssig.

> that we didn’t really
> read out aloud to each other
> because we had already read
> the book on our own. It was a little bit boring to hear all
> the paragraphs again and sometimes no one of us

none of us, bzw. da Ihr nur zu zweit wart: neither of us

> had a clue
> how to pronounce the words. We read out aloud to each other
> just once because the other times we got bored with it.
>  But my final conclusion is positive because I think I
> improved my oral skills, this is also very useful because
> we don’t speak a lot in the SLS and so I won’t lose
> that much my routine in speaking English.

Hier ist "my routine" überbestimmt. Ich würde das "that much" einfach weglassen.


Kurze conclusion: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:05 Do 20.12.2012
Autor: julietteb

Vielen herzlichen Dank, reverend!
Schöne Festtage wünsche ich Ihnen.

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