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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Motivation letter
Motivation letter < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Motivation letter: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:30 Fr 08.01.2010
Autor: Annybabe

Good morning everyone!

Um mich bei einer Uni für einen auschließlich in englisch unterrichteten Studiengang ("International Business Management") zu bewerben, muss ich dazu meiner Bewerbung einen kurzen "Motivation Letter" beilegen .. da ich (zumindest) nicht gleich beim ersten Eindruck schlecht abschneiden will^^, wäre es super, wenn jemand den Text noch Mal Korrektur lesen könnte!

Vielen Dank für die Mühe schon Mal im Voraus,
ich hoffe auf baldige Antwort(en) ;)
Liebe Grüße,

Motivation Letter

Dear Madame or Sir,

in my judgement, every university should have the prime intention of giving dynamic adults the chance to broaden their minds concerning personal proficiency and particular areas of expertise in equal measure to social acceptance, tolerance and competence. But to find a suitable University for my personal interests and abilities after finishing school was harder as I first expected - just until I until I got to know from the Berlin School of Economics and Law. More than 90 partnerships with universities throughout the whole world, part of Berlin's leading higher education facilities, member of the alliance UAS7, over 30 years of expertise - I was astonished and impressed at the same time.

As long as I can remember I am interested in exploring speech and cultural diversity going along with the enhancement of my verbal skills. This was also reason for me to choose German and English as my advanced courses and to keep up Spanish as a supplemental course next to French till end of school.

My fascination of language developed for example by many holidays in the USA, lasting several weeks, a language holiday to London and my student exchange with French. Therefore I was looking for a study programme, which would encourage and support my linguistic development, just as your programme “International Business Management”. In consideration to the fact, that the entire programme is taught in English, a university place would give me a golden oppurtunity and challenge, I would gladly face up to.

Moreover, I take great interest in the additional supervised work experience semester and in spending at least one study year abroad. All of this scopes seem to me as many chances and potentials which doublessly will be of avail in my later career.

After all, due to this remarkable international commitment it became clear to me that your universitiy would not just enhance my language skills, but futhermore broaden my mind in general, just as I expected from a suitable university!

Yours faithfully,

Motivation letter: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 12:03 Fr 08.01.2010
Autor: leduart

Deinen Text zu korrigieren ist mir im Moment zu lang. Aber zum Inhalt: englischsprachig gibts ja inzwischen in .de viele Studiengänge. Du sagst gar nichts darüber, warum du business management studieren willst. Das Englisch dabei ist doch wohl eher ne Nebensache.
Gruss leduart

Motivation letter: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:31 Fr 08.01.2010
Autor: hotblack


> Motivation Letter
> Dear Madames or Sirs,
> in my judgement, every university should have the prime
> intentionich tät primary goal benutzen of giving dynamic adultsvllt besser: students the chance to broaden
> their minds concerning personal proficiency and particular
> areas of expertise in equal measure to social acceptance,
> tolerance and competence. But to find a suitable University
> for my personal interests and abilities after finishing
> school was harder as I first expected - just until I until
> I
got to know from the Berlin School of Economics and Law.
> More than 90 partnerships with universities throughout the
> whole world, part of Berlin's leading higher education
> facilities, member of the alliance UAS7, over 30 years of
> expertise - I was astonished and impressed at the same
> time.
> As long as I can remember I amhave been interested in exploring
> speech and cultural diversity going along with the
> enhancement of my verbal skills. This was also a/one reason for
> me to choose German and English as my advanced courses and
> to keep up Spanish as a supplemental course next toas well as French
> till end of school.
> My fascination offor languages developed for example byduring many
> holidays in the USA, lasting several weeks each?, a language
> holiday to London and mya student exchange program(me) with Frenchentweder a French school from (city) oder France.
> Therefore I was looking for a study programme, which would
> encourage and support my linguistic development, just as
> your programme “International Business Management”. In
> consideration toof the fact, that the entire programme is
> taught in English, a university place would give me a
> goldengreat/huge oppurtunity and a challenge, I would gladly face up to.
> Moreover, I take great interest in the additional
> supervised work experience semester and in spending at
> least one study year abroad. All of this scopes seem to me
> as many chances and potentials which doubtlessly will be of
> availich würd advantage nutzen in my later career.
> After all, due to this remarkable international commitment
> it became clear to me that your universitiy would not just
> enhance my language skills, but futhermore broaden my mind
> in general, just as I expected from a suitable university!

Soviel zur Sprache, ich möchte mich aber ausdrücklich leduart anschließen, ich glaube nicht das erstens: soviel Honig-ums-Maul Geschmiere besonders gut ankommt. Die Uni weiß das alles und du musst denen das nicht noch mal erklären wie toll sie sind. Und zweitens: das du mit dieser Motivation einen Studienplatz in internationaler BWL bekommst(denn das ist es doch letztendlich, oder nicht?) ist auch fraglich. Da in BWL die Sprache zuerstmal im Hintergrund steht, würde ich an deiner Stelle dein Interesse an Wirtschaftsabläufen, an Mikro- und Makroökonomie usw. auf Englisch darstellen. Das hat den Vorteil das es eine echte Motivation ist, sich auf den Studienplatz zu bewerben und außerdem zeigst du so, das du ordentlich auf Englisch formulieren kannst, ohne deine ganzen Urlaube aufzuzählen. Du kannst gern sagen, das du schon oft und lang im Ausland warst, sogar einen Schüleraustausch mitgemacht hast, aber m.M.n. reicht das vollkommen...

Hoffe das hilft dir trotzdem!

Viele Grüße,

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