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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Motivationsschreiben
Motivationsschreiben < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Motivationsschreiben: Bewerbung für FSJ
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 18:56 So 16.06.2013
Autor: LiLiSuS


Ich habe eine Motivationsschreiben in English geschrieben. Ich bewerbe mich für ein Soziales Jahr. Also eine Zusage von meinem Träger habe ich schon bekommen, das wegen muss ich nur noch an meine Dienststelle eine Bewerbung schicken.

Ich habe den Anschreiben bereits mehrmals korrigiert aber da meine Englisch Kenntnisse nicht so gut ist, würde ich mich freuen wenn sich das jemand nochmal durchließt und gegebenenfalls korrigiert.

Danke im Voraus :D

Dear Sir xy / Ms. xx,

I have pleasure in applying fort the advertised position, as a voluntary. I am particularly interested in this job, because I love working with children. It is important to me to treat disabled people just like children without disabilities, respect them and teach them knowledge and reach their full potential so that they can live as independently as possible.

I would like to work for you, in order to learn more about independency and I want to improve more my English knowledge, but beside this I also would like to know how it is to be an assistant in the XX service, how I can take part in lessons and how I can help in the household of adults.

My interest in social work started when I did my internship at hospital. I found it fascinating to see how doctors and nurses helped the patients getting healthy. Today, I often help my grandmother organizing her life. Another internship I did was in preschool/ nursery and it was the funniest time in my life with kids.

Even when working at high speed, I don’t neglect accuracy and would therefore be particularly suitable for the demands of working as a voluntary.
I have a lively interest in helping people and would appreciate the opportunity to broaden my knowledge by working with you.

I enjoy working in a team and I can communicate very well with others. I think this, as well as my enthusiasm for social service, makes me an ideal candidate for a placement at your XX service.
My native language is Persian, but I can also speak German and English. I have a basic knowledge of Spanish and I am an experienced user of Computer.

I am highly motivated and look forward to the varied work which a position in your school would offer me.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely


Motivationsschreiben: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:20 Mo 17.06.2013
Autor: matux

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