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Forum "Grammatik" - Participle Constructions
Participle Constructions < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Participle Constructions: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:27 Sa 24.03.2007
Autor: Mausibaerle

Explain to a friend how to cook popcorn, changing all the participle constructions below into clauses with conjunctions. You can use "after", "because", "when", "while" or "and".

Cooked in a few minutes, popcorn is ideal for parties and picnics. Always use a heavy pan with a lid and make sure it is big enough! Cooked, 50 grams of sweet corn will need a lot of space! Having chosen your pan, heat the oil, being careful that it does not burn. Add the popcorn, putting the lid on at once. Keeping the lid on, enjoy the loud noise that the popcorn makes. Wait until the noise stops. Having turned the heat down, take the lid off the pan. Adding a little salt and butter, you will have a really nice meal. Offering this to your friends, you should become very popular.

Because popcorn is cooked in a few minutes, it is ideal for parties and picnics. Always use a heavy pan with a lid and make sure it is big enough! After 50 grams of sweet corn were cooked, it will need a lot of space! After/When you chose your pan, heat the oil, being careful that it does not burn. Add the popcorn, putting the lid on at once. Keep the lid on and enjoy the loud noise that the popcorn makes./Keep the lip on while you enjoy.... Wait until the noise stops. After/When you turned the heat down, take the lid off the pan. After you added a little salt and butter, you will have a really nice meal. When you offer this to your friends, you should become

Hallo ihr, wir sollten nun zusätzlich noch alle Partizip Konstruktionen unterstreichen. Wäre nett, wenn mir jemand sagen könnte ob ich alle gefunden habe.

Cooked in a few minutes, popcorn is ideal for parties and picnics. Always use a heavy pan with a lid and make sure it is big enough! Cooked, 50 grams of sweet corn will need a lot of space! Having chosen your pan, heat the oil, being careful that it does not burn. Add the popcorn, putting the lid on at once. Keeping the lid on, enjoy the loud noise that the popcorn makes. Wait until the noise stops. Having turned the heat down, take the lid off the pan. Adding a little salt and butter, you will have a really nice meal. Offering this to your friends, you should become very popular.

Participle Constructions: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:26 Sa 24.03.2007
Autor: Fremdgaenger

Zur Übersetzung: Intuitiv hätte ich gesagt, "50 gramms" sind Plural, also "... were cooked, they..."
Wo Du After/when zur Auswahl stellst, würde ich wohl formulieren: "After you have chosen..."

Und bei zwei Begriffen würde ich noch in Erwägung ziehen, sie als Partizip-Konstruktionen einzuordnen (bin aber selbst nicht ganz sicher): "being careful" und "putting the lid". "beeing careful" könnte man durch "and be careful" ersetzen; entsprechend für "putting".

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