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Forum "Grammatik" - Participle forms of verbs
Participle forms of verbs < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Participle forms of verbs: So richtig?
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 15:56 Do 27.03.2008
Autor: Asialiciousz

Die blauen Wörter sind die Wörter, die ich hofentlich in die Richtige Form gesetzt habe.
Bitte schaut doch nach, ob dies so richtig ist.

New Lanark Mills, Scotland
Found in 1785, New Lanark Mills soon became a successful business. By 1793 there were four mills, all powered by water wheels. Of the 1157 people  employing [/blue] at the mills, only 362 were adults, the rest was young boys and girls.

New Lanarks most famous owner was Robert Owen.
Working in the textile business all his life, he had developed his own ideas about how to treat his workers. He wanted to improve housing and working conditions, believing that better conditions would make the workers more efficient. His education system, began in 1816, was very modern, encouraging subjects like singing, dancing and nature study.

Stopping production in 1968, the mills wre bougt by new owners in 1974. Realizing the potential of the mills for tourism, the built a visitor centre.

New Lanark Mills is now very successful, attractting
half a million people every year. A very popular attraction is a ride that shows what life was like in the Industrial Revolution, recreated the experiences of a 19th century mill worker.


Participle forms of verbs: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:03 Do 27.03.2008
Autor: Amy1988


Ich habe deinen Text mal durchgelesen und habe ein paar Verbesserungsvorschläge, die ich (hoffentlich :-)) in rot posten werde!

> New Lanark Mills, Scotland
>  Found in 1785, New Lanark Mills soon became a successful
> business. By 1793 there were four mills, all powered by
> water wheels. Of the 1157 people  employing[/blue]hier kann ich nicht so gut erkennen, was du an dem Satz verändert hast, aber ich schätze mal, dass das "of" und das "employing" von dir kommt. Wenn das der Fall ist, dann würde ich hier beseer sagen: About 1157 people have been employed at the mills,
> only 362 were adults, the rest washier muss die Pluralform hin were young boys and girls.
> New Lanarks most famous owner was Robert Owen.
>  Working in the textile business all his life, he had
> developed his own ideas about how to treat hier fehlt ein "h", aber sicher nur ein Tippfehler:-) his workers. He
> wanted to improve housing and working conditions, believing
> that better conditions would make the workers more
> efficient. His education system, began in 1816, was very
> modern, encouraging subjects like singing, dancing and
> nature study.
> Stopping production in 1968, the mills wre were muss es heißen :-) bougt und bougHt :-) by new
> owners in 1974. Realizing the potential of the mills for
> tourism, the ich schätze das heißt they built a visitor centre.
> New Lanark Mills is now very successful, attractting ich glaube ohne doppel-t :-)
>  half a million people every year. A very popular
> attraction is a ride that shows what life was like in the
> Industrial Revolution, recreated recreates the experiences of a 19th
> century mill worker.

Das sieht doch gut aus! ;-)
LG, Amy

Participle forms of verbs: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:39 Do 27.03.2008
Autor: Asialiciousz

okaii, dankescheen!! =)

Aba wenn ich jetzt doch nehmen würde:

Of thw 1157 people employing at the mills, ...

ist dann das employing richtig oder muss ich da employed nehmen?

Participle forms of verbs: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:40 Do 27.03.2008
Autor: Amy1988


"Employed" musst du dann nehmen ;-)


Participle forms of verbs: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:45 Do 27.03.2008
Autor: Asialiciousz

danke!! =)

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