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Forum "Übersetzung" - Practice writing
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Practice writing: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:16 Di 10.01.2006
Autor: suzan

Hallöchen zusammen,

Sabine Keller is going to do an English course in Brighton in the south of Britain. She will be staying with the Herring family as a paying guest. Mrs Herring has written a very nice letter to Sabine. She wrote that the whole family is very interested in her and would like to know more about her.

Write Sabine's letter to Mrs Herring. Use the Info Sheets, pay attention zo the form of the personal letter. Find a suitable introduction, describe Sabine and where she lives. Go on to describe her job and her hobbies. Find a good way of ending the letter and sending her regards.

Use the information given below:

Adress: Sabine Keller, Gräfstr.38, 60486 Frankfurt. She likes to live in Frankfurt; big city;lots of things to do.

Personal details: 24,tall, slim,blond hair.

Hobbies: dancing,playing squash, playing cards, waterskiing.

Job: travel agent

Duties: -to book holidays...-to book flights...-to advise people about their holidays...-to deal with foreign tourist agents.

Attitudes towards work: -enjoys friendly atmosphere at work...-likes dealing with customers...-sometimes work can be hectic and she has to work late hours.

Reasons for going to Great Britain: -she likes Great Britain...-she wants to improve her English.

Hat da jemand eine Idee wie ich den Brief schreiben könnte??

Wäre echt super lieb


Practice writing: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:30 Di 10.01.2006
Autor: protestanten_lemming

also, da die ganze Fmilie interessiert ist, würde ich den brief vielleicht an alle, und nicht nur an mrs herring adressieren:
Dear Herrings,
I just received your letter. You all seem to be really nice people, it is very kind of you to allow a stranger like me to stay at your house. Your letter really painted a great picture of what your family is like, so that I dont feel like talking to strangers anymore!
Because of this it is plain for me to see why you want to have a clearer picture of myself.
I hope that the following short outline of me and my life will help you to get to know me despite the distance between our homes.
My full name is ....., i am blonde, not too tall and(wie auch immer sie genau aussieht)
As, I am sure, you already know I live in Frankfurt, Germany,which is a pretty big town with a lot of possibilities for spare time activities. my favourite ones of which are to dance play squash and to play cards with my friends.
i am a travel agent of proficiency, which means that i get to advise people about their holidays, book their flights and holidays. Although this is often a stressful job, i love it, because i get to meet a lot of different people, customers as well as colleagues from different countries all over the world, most of whom i talk English to.
So that brings me to the reasons of my wish to stay in England for some time: it is not only that i love the country with its beautiful landscapes, nor is it exclusively the great and friendly and super nice people, but i also want to improve my english skills!

Please contact me if you still have any questions , i will be glad to answer them.
I am definitely looking forward to meeting you all in person!
All the best,

Practice writing: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 07:37 Do 12.01.2006
Autor: suzan

Vielen dank :-)

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