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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Sentences and questions
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Sentences and questions: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 11:18 Mo 06.07.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Morgen

Ich wäre sehr dankbar um Korrektur und wenn jemand auf meine Fragen eingehen könnte.

Jack loses his interest to be rescued. On the one hand, because of his hunting frenzy. On the other hand, if they would be rescued he has to return to his former civilized life, where he must hold back his inner impulse in his propensity to violence and power obsession.
If the people has the choice between a civilization life and a primitive life you can see by this example must people would decide for the primitive life.
In Brave new world and Fahrenheit 451 mass consumerism plays a central role. The mass consumerism begins already by their birth, because they are the results of mass production. The government almost force the people to participate in the mass consumerism events. That has two different intentions. Mass consumerism boosts the economic and this kind of consumerism prevents that the people question their life. I put mass consumerism in reference to superficial/ superficialness, where not the people stands in the spotlight but the product.

Beatty is the presenter the system and has much power. He is also Montag’s superior, who is a model fireman. Because he makes his work dutifull, he has the chance to be promoted. When Montag begins to question his life and is willingly to change his life, Beatty realizes promptly what happens with Montag. Therefore he visits him at home with the intention to bring him back to his previous way of live. Beatty teaches him in a didactic way. They don’t discuss on the same level, Beatty ist he teacher and Montag the student who listens and accept his statements. We experience that Beatty has a widespread knowledge of literal works, although he emphasizes how meaningless books are and only jeopardize the stability of the state. By explaining him the ideology of the system, he tries to convince him how superb the system works. Striking in this discussion is also that he applies a lot of citation of literal works. Later he points out, that this society change wasn’t the government intention, in fact it was the people, who pressed the government for this change. He denotes minority groups as antisocial who destabilize the system and endanger the people’s happiness. He also mentions that every firemen (overcomes) in his fireman career with curiosity for books. Therefore there is a 24 hours deadline to give back the book. At last, Beatty compares books with a loaded gun.

Another important theme is censorship, what was very current after the second World War, during the cold War. A US-Senator starts a public campaign again communism and people who weren’t really communists are discriminated.

Sagt man wirklich become unhappy? (unglücklich werden)

This is a further defeat for him, because he fails by (umsetzen?) his ideas.

He has great expectations to the Brave new World but soon follows (folgt) disillusion
Their perception to Ralph change(s) from a friendly boy to someone who must be avoided.

Was ist der genaue Unterschied zwischen suspense und tension?

Wie würdet ihr sagen: „ein Gesetz bekämpfen“ mit combat oder fight again oder….?

Wie kann ich sagen, „Ralph lässt sich auch von der Gruppendynamik mitreissen)

Wie kann ich sagen: "In sein altes Verhaltensmuster zurückfallen"?

Vielen Dank
Gruss Dinker

Sentences and questions: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:20 Do 06.08.2009
Autor: matux

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