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Forum "Grammatik" - Simple past & Past Continuous
Simple past & Past Continuous < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Simple past & Past Continuous: Korrektur! ;)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 09:57 Sa 12.11.2011
Autor: Masaky

Hallo liebe Leute,
ich habe mal wieder eine Aufgabe gemacht und würde mich freuen, wenn ihr diese korrigieren könntet. Das Verb ist groß geschrieben.
Put the verbs into the correct tense: simple past or past continous.
1. He WAS SITTING on the bank fishing when he SAW a man’s hat flowing down the river. It SEEMED strangely familiar.
2. It WAS SNOWING heavily when he WOKE up. He REMEMBERED that Jack CAME for lunch and DECIDED to go down to the station to meet him in case he LOST his way in the snow.
3. When I REACHED the street I REALIZED that I DID NOT KNOW the number of Tom’s house. I WAS WONDERING what to do it when Tom TAPPED me on the shoulder.
4. As the goalkeeper WAS RUNNING forward to seize the ball a bottle STRIKED him on the shoulder.
5. I LOOKED through the classroom window. A geo lesson WAS GOING ON. The master WAS DRAWING diagrams.
6. Most of the boys WERE LISTENING to the master but a few WHISPERED to each other, and Tom WAS READING a history book. Tom HATED maths, he always READING history books during the lessons.
7. Everyone WAS READING quietly when suddenly the door BURSTED open and a complete stranger RUSHED in.
8. I WENR to Jack’s house but I DID NOT FIND him in. His mother SAID that she DID NOT KNOW what he WAS DOING but THINKED he probably WAS PLAYING football.
9. This used to be a station and all the London trains STOPPED here. But two years ago they CLOSED the station ans GAVE us a bus service.
10. She PROMISED not to report me to the police but ten minutes later I SAW her talking with a policemen and form the expression on his face I am sure she WAS TELLING him all about me.
11. I PICKED up the receiver and DIALED a number. To my surprise I FOUND myself listening to an conversation. Two men WERE PLANING to kidnap the Minister.
12. I MET Paul at the university. We WERE both  STUDYING law, but he WAS NOT very interested in it and SPENT most of his time otherwise.
13. The train just STARTED when the door WAS OPENING and two panting passengers WERE LEAPING up.
14. “What WERE you DOING between 9 and 10 o’clock yesterday?” SAID the detective. “ I WAS CLEANING my house, I always clean my house on Saturday morning.
15. My neighbor LOOKED in last night and SAID that he LEFT the district and WENT to Paros, to a new job. I SAID that I WAS very sorry that he WENT and TOLD him to wirte me form prais and tell me how he GET on.
16. They BUILT that bridge when I WAS here last year, but they have not finished yet.
17. The dentist’s waiting room was full of people. Some ARE READING magazins, others WERE just TURNING over the pages. A women was KNITTING, a child WAS PLAYING with a toy. Suddenly the door OPEND and the nurse SAID something.
18. The house next yours WAS full of policemen and dogs yesterday. What WERE they DOING? I HEARED that they WERE LOOKING for drugs. DID they FIND any?
19. Tom TOLD me yesterday that he MADE his own 5-euro notes. Do not believe him. HE IS just pulling your leg

20. A traffic warden just STICKED a parking ticket to my car when I WAS COMING back to the car. I TRIED to persuade him to tear it up  but he WAS REFUSED:

21. Anna works in a branch where bug robbery TOOK place. She WAS actually WORKING there at the time of the raid?

22. When Anna SAID that she WAS COMING to see me next day, I WAS WONDERING what flowers she would bring. She always brings flowers.

23. While I WAS WONDERING whether to buy the dress or not, someone else CAME and BOUGHT it.

24. He WAS always BORROWING from me., but when I once ASKED him to lend me something, he SAID he DID NOT HAVE got it before he even KNEW what I WANTED to borrow.

25. I WENT home on foot and all the time I HAD the impression that I WAS followed PASSIVE. But though I TURNED round several times, I never SAW anybody.

26. I WAS BUMPING into Tom yesterday. I ASKED him to join us for lunch tomorrow but he SAID he WAS HAVING lunch.

Vielen Dank!

Simple past & Past Continuous: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:05 Sa 12.11.2011
Autor: rainerS


Das sieht ganz gut aus, bis auf die falschen Formen unregelmäßiger Verben:

to strike - struck
to burst  - burst
to think - thought
to hear - heard
to stick - stuck
to get - got

und planning schreibt sich mit zwei "n" (Konsonantenverdopplung nach einfachem, offenem, kurzem und betonten Vokal)

An einigen Stellen bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher, die sind mit ? markiert:

>  ich habe mal wieder eine Aufgabe gemacht und würde mich
> freuen, wenn ihr diese korrigieren könntet. Das Verb ist
> groß geschrieben.
>  Put the verbs into the correct tense: simple past or past
> continous.
>  1. He WAS SITTING on the bank fishing when he SAW a
> man’s hat flowing down the river. It SEEMED strangely
> familiar.
>  2. It WAS SNOWING heavily when he WOKE up. He REMEMBERED
> that Jack CAME for lunch and DECIDED to go down to the
> station to meet him in case he LOST his way in the snow.
>  3. When I REACHED the street I REALIZED that I DID NOT
> KNOW the number of Tom’s house. I WAS WONDERING what to
> do it when Tom TAPPED me on the shoulder.
>  4. As the goalkeeper WAS RUNNING forward to seize the ball
> a bottle STRIKED him on the shoulder.
>  5. I LOOKED through the classroom window. A geo lesson WAS
> GOING ON. The master WAS DRAWING diagrams.
>  6. Most of the boys WERE LISTENING to the master but a few
> WHISPERED to each other,

a few WERE WHISPERING .... ?

>  7. Everyone WAS READING quietly when suddenly the door
> BURSTED open and a complete stranger RUSHED in.
>  8. I WENR to Jack’s house but I DID NOT FIND him in. His
> mother SAID that she DID NOT KNOW what he WAS DOING but
> THINKED he probably WAS PLAYING football.
>  9. This used to be a station and all the London trains
> STOPPED here. But two years ago they CLOSED the station ans
> GAVE us a bus service.
>  10. She PROMISED not to report me to the police but ten
> minutes later I SAW her talking with a policemen and form
> the expression on his face I am sure she WAS TELLING him
> all about me.
>  11. I PICKED up the receiver and DIALED a number. To my
> surprise I FOUND myself listening to an conversation. Two
> men WERE PLANING to kidnap the Minister.
>  12. I MET Paul at the university. We WERE both  STUDYING
> law, but he WAS NOT very interested in it and SPENT most of
> his time otherwise.
>  13. The train just STARTED when the door WAS OPENING and
> two panting passengers WERE LEAPING up.

two panting passenger LEAPT UP ?

>  14. “What WERE you DOING between 9 and 10 o’clock
> yesterday?” SAID the detective. “ I WAS CLEANING my
> house, I always clean my house on Saturday morning.
>  15. My neighbor LOOKED in last night and SAID that he LEFT
> the district and WENT to Paros, to a new job. I SAID that I
> WAS very sorry that he WENT and TOLD him to wirte me form
> prais and tell me how he GET on.
>  16. They BUILT that bridge when I WAS here last year, but
> they have not finished yet.
>  17. The dentist’s waiting room was full of people. Some
> ARE READING magazins, others WERE just TURNING over the
> pages. A women was KNITTING, a child WAS PLAYING with a
> toy. Suddenly the door OPEND and the nurse SAID something.
>  18. The house next yours WAS full of policemen and dogs
> yesterday. What WERE they DOING? I HEARED that they WERE
> LOOKING for drugs. DID they FIND any?
>  19. Tom TOLD me yesterday that he MADE his own 5-euro
> notes. Do not believe him. HE IS just pulling your leg
> 20. A traffic warden just STICKED a parking ticket to my
> car when I WAS COMING back to the car. I TRIED to persuade
> him to tear it up  but he WAS REFUSED:

WAS ist zu viel: he REFUSED

> 21. Anna works in a branch where bug robbery TOOK place.
> She WAS actually WORKING there at the time of the raid?
> 22. When Anna SAID that she WAS COMING to see me next day,
> I WAS WONDERING what flowers she would bring. She always
> brings flowers.
> 23. While I WAS WONDERING whether to buy the dress or not,
> someone else CAME and BOUGHT it.
> 24. He WAS always BORROWING from me., but when I once ASKED
> him to lend me something, he SAID he DID NOT HAVE got it

to have wird normalerweise nicht mit to do umschrieben: he HADN'T got it

> before he even KNEW what I WANTED to borrow.
> 25. I WENT home on foot and all the time I HAD the
> impression that I WAS followed PASSIVE. But though I TURNED
> round several times, I never SAW anybody.
> 26. I WAS BUMPING into Tom yesterday. I ASKED him to join
> us for lunch tomorrow but he SAID he WAS HAVING lunch.

Viele Grüße

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