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Summary korrigieren: Korrektur, Tipp
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 15:30 So 25.08.2013
Autor: GiirlOnFiire

Schreibe eine Summary zum Text "Where Am I Wearing?" in nicht mehr als 7 Sätzen.
Text: http://img3.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/20130823180208grozkn75dc.jpg

The extract from the book „Where Am I Wearing?“ written by Kelsey Timmerman in 2009 deals with workers in cambodia and their wage.

Timmermann travels around the world, to find out where and how our clothes are made. In Cambodia Timmerman meets Nari and other girls to talk with them about their jobs. After lunch he starts with his questions. The girls had to move out and leave their family to find work, but they always give them the half or a quarter of their wage. According to Timmermans question, what they think about that people don’t want to buy the cloths because the workers aren’t paid fair. The combodian girls are unhappy, when they don’t buy the cloths, because than they wouldn’t have a job.

Bitte nicht nur Rechtschreib- und Grammatikfehler korregieren, sondern auch vielleicht Tipp's wie mans besser sagen könnte oder welcher wichtiger Punkt vielleicht noch fehlt.

Danke :).

Ich habe diese Frage auch in folgenden Foren auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt:

Summary korrigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:29 So 25.08.2013
Autor: chrisno

> ...
> The extract from the book „Where Am I Wearing?“ written
> by Kelsey Timmerman in 2009 deals with workers in cambodia
> and their wage.
> Timmermann travels around the world, to find out where and
> how our clothes are made. In Cambodia Timmerman meets Nari
> and other girls to talk with them about their jobs. After
> lunch he starts with his questions.

Ist das so wichtig, dass er nach dem Essen mit den Fragen beginnt?

> The girls had to move
> out and leave their family to find work, but

warum "but"?

> they always
> give them the

the streichen

> half or a quarter of their wage.

Das folgende ist misslungen. Versuch erst einmal die Frage zu formulieren.

> According to
> Timmermans question, what they think about that people
> don’t want to buy the cloths because the workers aren’t
> paid fair. The combodian girls are unhappy, when they
> don’t buy the cloths, because than they wouldn’t have a
> job.
> ...

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