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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Summary of Robert Wright
Summary of Robert Wright < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Summary of Robert Wright: Brave New World: Gene Research
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 16:08 Di 30.10.2007
Autor: nucleophile_addition

Hi Leute, könnte ihr vielleicht über meine Summary schauen? Ich habe eine Menge Fehler gemacht (sehr oft that etc.) Dankeschön schonmal im Vorraus:

The text ´´who gets the good genes´´ by Robert Wright deals with the problematic of gene researching and it´s control of gouvernment or not.

In the first part he refers to the novel ´´Brave New World´´ and it´s main thinking of a shared society. In his oppinion it is very important to let the gouvernment into the eugenics business, because laissez-faire eugenics arises from the free choises of a lot of parents. Now, it is important that the gouvernment ensures that a free access by parents is baned.

After that, he works on the problematik of ´´medical reasons´´ and where the limit is. If we are able to find hereditary diseases, you should draw a line between ´´handicap´´ and ´´inconnveniences´´ and in the face of that a lot of people would disagree about where the line is.

If gouvernment ban certain eugenic posibilities, rich parents would go abroud, so it is important that gouvernent ensure that ´´poor´´ people will also be able to afford the same technologies, in order to prevent a biological selection. But on the other side, a lot of taxplayers where not disposed to pay for gene researching, so you get opposer in a lot of areas.

His own oppinion is, that there are a lot of worse alternatives than controlling gene researching by gouvernment.

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Summary of Robert Wright: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 19:08 Mi 31.10.2007
Autor: Ripischiep

Guten Abend Nucleo !

Ich habe mal über deine summary geschaut und versucht daraus einen einigermaßen korrekten und zusammenhängenden Text zu formen. Eine strenggenommen richtige summary (d.h. tempus: präsens; keine zitate; klare Gliederung/Struktur; etc) ist es dennoch nicht geworden. Damit das beim nächsten Mal klappt soltest du z.B. darauf achten nicht am Text zu kleben, da sonst die summary in eine Nacherzählung abdriftet. Auch sich vorher Gedanken über eine durchgehende Strukturierung zu machen hilft !

Hier ist meine "Korrekturversion":

The text ´´who gets the good genes´´ by Robert Wright deals with the problems of gene research and its possible governmental control.

In the first part he refers to the novel ´´Brave New World´´ and its main thought of a shared society. In his opinion it is very important to have a governmentally controlled eugenic business, because as a consequence of the increasing demand there will be careless/frivolous eugenic companies going beyond ethic limits.

After that, he works on the issue of ´´medical reasons´´ and its limits. If we were able to heal certain hereditary diseases, one should draw a line between real ´´handicaps´´ and mere ´´inconveniences´´. Surely a lot of people would disagree on/about where to draw this line.

In the following (paragraph/part) he claims that if a government banned certain eugenic methods within the bounds of possibility, rich parents would go abroad. So in his opinion, it is important that government makes sure that poor people will also be able to afford the same technologies as rich ones, in order to prevent a biological selection. Apart from that a lot of taxpayers would not be disposed to pay for gene research, which could be a serious obstacle.

In his opinion there are a lot of worse alternatives than a governmentally controlled gene research.

MfG &

hope to have helped.....


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