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Text korrigieren: Frage (für Interessierte)
Status: (Frage) für Interessierte Status 
Datum: 16:23 Do 20.12.2012
Autor: manfreda

Glad to have finished now this project but also to have done it, my conclusion is that I have profited by this project.
First of all I think I’ve chosen a good method to improve my speaking.  The book was easy to understand and we had enough stuff to discuss about . I think we worked disciplined and reached our goals. Both us did her work, read the chapters and took notes, so we could start easily with discussing. I think with Juliette I’ve found the right person because we often speak about topics like the topic in the book. But i didn’t learn a lot of new vocabulary because the vocabulary in the book was quite easy to understand and fort he discussions we didn’t need a lot of new words. The pair group was a good idea because we could correct each other and everyone of us knew something better than the other, so we could practise speaking easily. I think I did progress in speaking , but I think it would have been better if we had had bigger groups, because I’ve only spoken in front of Juliette. But what I realized was, that after the „stage“ in the Romandie, I had more self-confidence to speak foreign languages, not only French.
The only aim, we didn’t really achieve was that we only read out once because it was quite boring. But this one time we looked up the words ,we dint know how to spell ,and listened to them on „leo,org“. On the whole I think the „ Individual Project“ was worth the work.

Guten Tag,

Ich habe den Text schon einmal hier reingestellt aber die flasche Zeitangabe angegebn und da es dringend ist habe ich ihn nochmals reingestellt. Ich wäre froh wenn mir jemand diesen Text korrigieren könnte :)

Mit freundlichen Grüssen


Text korrigieren: Doppelpost
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:10 Do 20.12.2012
Autor: reverend

Hallo Stephanie,

Du brauchst das nicht ein zweites Mal einzustellen.
Es reicht völlig, wenn Du eine Mitteilung zum ersten Versuch schreibst (hast Du ja), dann steht der Thread auch wieder weit oben. ;-)

Ich schicke Dir gleich mal eine Antwort. Dauert aber ein bisschen...


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