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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Text ok?
Text ok? < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Text ok?: Short presentation
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 22:02 Do 26.06.2008
Autor: kagie

Hallo. Mich würde interessieren, ob ich grammatikalisch richtig geschrieben habe?
Es wird eine kurzes Referat, eigentlihc nur ein paar Sätze. Möchte diese Sätze so in etwa im Kopf behalten ;-)

I will tell you something about the technology in the community.
The book takes place in the future but the technology is not any more advanced than today.
The technology seems to be very easy, because there are only speakers and cameras.
The speakers are in family dwellings and all throughout the community that make messages and reminders. Only The Giver is able to turn these speakers off when he wishes.
Also there must be cameras because Jonas saw a tape on which his father released a newchild. Tapes of private ceremonies that have been recorded are kept at the Hall of Closed Records.

But I thing there must be developed technology, because they have no weather, they have a climate control. But who or what can control the climate? In our life, nothing, but in the life of the community there must be something which can do such a prodigious thing. It must be a very developed machine which controlled the climate there.

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Text ok?: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:30 Fr 27.06.2008
Autor: Fips12

Hallo Kagie!

Ist das ein Referat über ein bestimmtes Buch?
Was ist denn deine konkrete Aufgabenstellung?

>  The book takes place in the future but the technology is
> not any more advanced than today.

The PLOT takes place in the future, however the technology described is not that advanced in comparision to today's technology.

>  The technology seems to be very easy, because there are
> only speakers and cameras.

Was willst du damit sagen?
Hier solltest du mit dem Wörterbuch nacharbeiten. In einem Wörterbuch sind oft mehrere Übersetzungen für ein deutsches Wort angegeben, das heißt aber nicht, dass diese im Englischen exakt das gleiche bedeuten!
So sind zB. speaker die Lautsprecher am PC, richtige Lautsprecher sind hingegegen loudspeaker - würde ich zumindest so übersetzen.
Easy kann man in dem Zusammenhang nicht verwenden - schau mal, ob du eine bessere Alternative findest :-)

>  The speakers are in family dwellings and all throughout
> the community that make messages and reminders.

Was willst du sagen? Übersetz den Satz mal ins Deutsche. Macht er Sinn?

Only The

> Giver is able to turn these speakers off when he wishes.

The only person who is able to turn the loudspeakers off is the Giver.

> Also there must be cameras because Jonas saw a tape on
> which his father released a newchild.

Tapes of private

> ceremonies that have been recorded are kept at the Hall of
> Closed Records.

Ich glaub es reicht: Tapes of private ceremonies (dann ist klar, dass die aufgenommen worden sein müssen) are kept in the Hall of Closed Records.

> But I think there must be developed technology, because
> they have no weather, they have a climate control.

developed -> bitte nachschlagen

But who

> or what can control the climate? In our life nothing, but
> in the life of the community there has to be something which
> can do such an incredible   thing. It must be a very developed machine which controlls the climate there.

Viel Spaß beim Überarbeiten und viel Erfolg beim Halten!

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