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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Vergleich von Strorys +Comment
Vergleich von Strorys +Comment < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Vergleich von Strorys +Comment: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 16:59 So 08.06.2008
Autor: espritgirl

Hallo Zusammen [winken],

Meine Aufgabe war es, die arranged marriages aus einer Novelle  und aus dem Film "East is East" kurz darzulegen. Dann sollte ich das kurz kommentieren, ob ich denke, dass diese arranged marriages in Zukunft noch von Bestand sein werden.

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn jemand meinen Text Korrektur lesen könnte, damit ich die bessere Note bekomme ;-)

The extract of the novel "The death of Vischnu", written by Manil Suri deals with an arranged marriage between two young people, Vinod and Sheetal. When Vinod gets his commercial degree his father begins his search for a bride  for his son. However he asks his son beforeif he is ready and if he wants to marry. Vinod agrees and his father chooses a girl named Sheetal. Vinod has no reason against the marriage. He saw her an a birthday party of a family member but he did not pay attention. Sheetal and Vinod`s family have a meeting but the prospective married couple do not talk to each other. Sheetal`s mother chooses jewerlery  and Vinod seems to be uninterested. During the wedding ceremony Vinod recognizes that Sheetal dispise him but the matrimony takes place.

In contrast to this the film "East is East" deals with arranged marriages, too, but these do not take place. George Khan, the father of six boys and one girl, arranges the marriage for his oldest son Nazir. However Nazir is not ready to marry because he neither wants to be married by his father nor to marry a Pakistani woman. On the wedding day, when Nazir and his prospective wife stand in front of  the guests, Nazir leaves hectically the room. His father is very angry and disappointed about the "betrayal" of his son so he wants him to leave the house. Nazir moves out and leaves the town to live in a homosexual realtionship with a Frenchman in Eccels. A few month later George wants to marry his second and third son. Because of this he drives to Bradford to meet the Muslim Mr. Shah who has two daughters and he wants to marry his daughters, too. The men determin that their children shall marry but George does not want to tell this his sons. The sons hear of their fixed future by hazard. Obviously, both yield after a big family trouble. The Shah family visit the Khan`s  and Tariq and Abdul are shocked about the two daughters. Saleem comes home after art lessons at the university and brings home his "work of art", the private parts of a woman and after a while the art lands on Mrs. Shah`s lap. The Shah`s leave the house angry and shocked. And Ella, the mother,protects her children from George and wants him to leave the house.

As we can see, in both plots are the fathers the moving power and they want to marry their children.

In my opinion it is not easy to comment on the future of marriage traditions in a multicultural society. On the one hand it is a tradition that parents arrange the marriage of their children in a Muslem household. On the other hand the children increase in strength to defy their parents and to live a life they want to live.

All in all you can say that it is possible that arranged marriages sag.

Das wäre der Text. Vielleicht hat ja auch noch jemand ein paar Argumente für meine Bewertung?

Liebe Grüße,

Sarah :-)    

Vergleich von Strorys +Comment: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:22 Do 12.06.2008
Autor: matux

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