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Wichtig, Korrektur: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 09:27 Mi 24.06.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Tag

Ich hatte eine mündliche Diskussion und dabei sind mir gewisse Dinge aufgefallen, wo ich Probleme bekundete. Wäre ungemein Dankbar,w enn jemand drüber schauen könnte. Satzzeichen etc. (auch wenn einmal ein s fehlt ist nicht so wichtig) - Lehrerin meinte solange es einigermassen flüssig ist und inhaltlich verständlich ist genügt es

The government doesn’t tolerate people, who doesn’t adhere on/to the guidelines.

Most of the people adhere/abide the law, because they are manipulate in such a way that they aren’t able to question it.
The few other people who aren’t willing to pursue the law, are banished to an island.

In the same way as Jack gains the upper hand about the boys, they are driven (more and more) by instinct and ferocity.

Piggy has a scientist point of view and therefore he tries to explain all what has happened trough a scientific view. On the other hand Ralph has also a rational view, but his standpoint based more (stimmt die Satzstellung?) on common sense.

The supreme/highest aim of the government is to reaches people’s happiness. But to accomplish this intention they must sacrifice a lot of things like individual freedom, family life, religion, culture. Therefore the question is, if the prize isn’t too high to accomplish this goal.

Simon finds the courage (den Mut finden) to climb to the summit of the mountain, where he discovers that it isn’t a beast but only a dead man.
He goes back to the camp to tell the others his discovery. But in their tribal dance they regard Simone as the beast and kill him in their frenzy.

Jack’s governmental system (besseres Wort) based on suppression and arbitrariness, without any refer to common sense.

In the course of the novel all the boys join in Jack’s group, some voluntary other are forced. Only Ralph stays for himself, because he isn’t willing to (unterwefen?) Jack’s  methods. Therefore he ist he only boy who can (still/yet ?) challenge him and avoids Jack’s absolute highness. For that reason Jack’s priority is to eradicate Ralph. Jack’s group chases Ralph like an animal and eventually set on fire the entire island to smoke out Ralph in his hideout. The naval officer who arrives can eventually prevent the entire disaster. Ralph can only weep for the end of innocence and that human beast gain the upper hand.

Clarisse isn’t willing to adapt her to the rules. In contrary to the most of the people he likes nature, close relationship, deep conversation (gibt es das?), exchange idea and to think free (?).

A scene where you can see x characterization/feature is when……

Jack pressures the boys to join in his tribe, but some boys join in his group voluntary, because they are tempted by his offering of meat and his method that the boys aren’t afraid of the beast.

At the first glance it seems a perfect world. Everyone is happy, can enjoy their life with mass entertainment etc. But when you look profoundly in this world, you see what they must sacrifice for this happiness.  

Wie kann ich sagen, Jack hat das Sagen und die anderen haben zu gehorchen.

Roger is Jack’s hangman/righ-hand who carries out actions without any consideration to others. In his previous life is inner instincts were oppressed all the time. But now on the island he has the possibility to develop all his brute force.

Golding’s main message is that everyone has a beast within. To prevent that this dark side comes out we need civilized norm and reasonable laws. Otherwise you can see the result in this novel.
Furthermore Golding holds the view (Ansicht vertreten?) that not the group or communal is the worst but the person. This view was again the wide spread opinion at this time.
By forming this opinion he was crucial affected by the First World War where he witnessed people’s atrocities.

Another scene that underlines this view is….
Another point there is to mention….
In conclusion I would say….
In some point I share this opinion, but you must also consider/regard……
Diese Frage wird im Buch nicht abschliessend beantwortet : Wie kann ich das sagen?

Vielen Dank

Wichtig, Korrektur: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 10:20 Sa 25.07.2009
Autor: matux

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