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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - William Wilson
William Wilson < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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William Wilson: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 10:24 So 13.02.2011
Autor: luna19

Ich habe eine Inhaltsangabe zu William Wilson geschrieben,es wäre nett wenn es jemand kontrollieren würde.Danke!!!

Ich  habe eine Inhaltsangabe zu William Wilson geschrieben ,es wäre nett wenn es jemand kontrollieren würde.

William Wilson,written by Edgar Allan Poe ,is about an evil man,who afraids a person,who looks like him and goes mad.

William Wilson visits a private boy school and there he is the bravest pupil.Every boy follows and admires Wiiliam.
Only one guy,a boy called Wiliam Wilson too,doesn't obey him.He wears the same clothes and looks like him.But he doesn't talk so much as William and he has a thin,small voice.
William hates his double,because he is a quiet person and he is so friendly with his friends.And he thought the other William takes his position as the most famous guy away and has fear,how same he looks like himself.
Therefore he changes to another school and visits Oxford later.

In Oxford he often plays cards with his bad friends and he wins every game.
One day he plays cards with a rich student.He wins the game an all the money.But  his double stoods in the middle and  says William's friends to look in his pocket.There William hides the trick cards.His friends go angry and he must leave Oxford.

But he doesn't want to stop his criminal games.But when  he wants to do something bad ,his double appears and he must stop to do it.And this happens a few time.William Wilson is angry about it  and try to hide in Rom.

In Rom he is invited to a masque ball and there he wants the beautiful wife of the Baron.But his double stops him again to do bad things.He goes mad and kills the double.Later he sees,that he has killed himself.

William Wilson: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:11 So 13.02.2011
Autor: moody

Ich könnte heute abend mal drüber schauen frühestens, wer schneller ist kann gerne zuerst antworten.

lg moody

William Wilson: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:47 Mo 14.02.2011
Autor: chrisno

Hallo, ich setze nur ein paar Fragezeichen, sonst wird mir das zu viel. Man kann das besser lesen, wenn Du nach dem Satzzeichen immer in Leerzeichen eingibst. Vor dem Satzzeichen gehört kein Leerzeichen hin.

> William Wilson,written by Edgar Allan Poe ,is about an evil
> man,who

afraids?? a person,who looks like him and goes
becomes mad.

> William Wilson visits a private boy school and there he is
> the

bravest tapfer?
pupil.Every boy follows and admires Wiiliam.

>  Only one guy,a boy called Wiliam Wilson too,doesn't obey
> him.He wears the same clothes and looks like him.But he
> doesn't talk so much as William and he has a thin,small
> voice.
>  William hates his double,because he is a quiet person and
> he is so friendly with his friends.And he

thought dachte?
the other

> William

takes nimmt gerade?
his position as the most famous guy away and

> has fear,how same he looks like himself.


>  Therefore he changes to another school and visits Oxford
> later.
> In Oxford he often plays cards with his bad friends and he
> wins every game.
>  One day he plays cards with a rich student.He wins the
> game

all the money.But  his double
in the middle

> and  

says tells
William's friends to look in his pocket.There

> William hides the trick cards.His friends

go become
angry and he

> must leave Oxford.
> But he doesn't want to stop his criminal games.But when  he
> wants to do something bad ,his double appears and he must
> stop to do it.And this happens

a few ?
William Wilson is

> angry about it  and

try tries
to hide in Rom.

> In Rom he is invited to a masque ball and there he wants
> the beautiful wife of the Baron.But his double stops him
> again to do bad things.He

goes mad??
and kills the

> double.Later he sees,that he has killed himself.

William Wilson: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 08:23 Di 15.02.2011
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Morgen,
nur eine kleine Anmerkung:

> > William Wilson visits a private boy school and there he is
> > the
> bravest tapfer?
>  pupil.

brave = brav (allerdings veraltet)

Allerdings ist zu bedenken, wann Poe das geschrieben hat. Zu der Zeit wurde auch in der deutschen Sprache "brav" in dem Sinne der Charaktereigenschaft verwendet, die man heute mit "tapfer" bezeichnen würde.

Wobei sich m.E. mittlerweile auch "tapfer" im Kreise der vom Aussterben bedrohten Begriffe findet.

Zum Text:
Wie schon angemerkt - etwas mehr Sorgfalt beim Schreiben könnte nicht schaden.
Die Regeln zu "Personen-Verben-Zeiten" ließen sich z.B. []hier üben.

Schönen Gruß

William Wilson: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:47 Mi 16.02.2011
Autor: moody

Noch ein paar Zusätze zu dem bereits gesagten.

> William Wilson,written by Edgar Allan Poe ,is about an evil
> man,who afraids a person,who looks like him and goes mad.

who fears

> William Wilson visits a private boy school and there

where he is

> the bravest pupil.Every boy follows and admires Wiiliam.
>  Only one guy,a boy called Wiliam Wilson too,doesn't obey

obey heißt gehorchen, ist das so gemeint?

> him.He wears the same clothes and looks like him.But he
> doesn't talk so much as William and he has a thin,small
> voice.

as much as

>  William hates his double,because he is a quiet person and
> he is so friendly with his friends.And he thought the other

friendly with his friends

mmh cares about his friendes / treats his friends well

> William takes his position as the most famous guy away and
> has fear,how same he looks like himself.

and is afraid of how similar they look.

>  Therefore he changes to another school and visits Oxford
> later.

klingt recht deutsch

> In Oxford he often plays cards with his bad friends and he
> wins every game.
>  One day he plays cards with a rich student.He wins the
> game an all the money.But  his double stoods in the middle
> and  says William's friends to look in his pocket.There
> William hides the trick cards.His friends go angry and he
> must leave Oxford.
> But he doesn't want to stop his criminal games.But when  he
> wants to do something bad ,his double appears and he must
> stop to do it.And this happens a few time.William Wilson is
> angry about it  and try to hide in Rom.

bei time fehlt ein s
tries not try

> In Rom he is invited to a masque ball and there he wants
> the beautiful wife of the Baron.But his double stops him
> again to do bad things.He goes mad and kills the
> double.Later he sees,that he has killed himself.

stops ( besser prevents ) him from doing bad things
Der letzte Satz ist aber nicht wörtlich gemeint oder? Das Bedarf dann evt. noch einem kurzen Nachsatz wieso er das Gefühl hat sich selber umgebracht zu haben.

lg moody

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