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Forum "Sonstiges (Englisch)" - Youth culture
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Youth culture: Summary
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 17:06 Mi 07.11.2007
Autor: Summer1990

Hi Leute...
kann mir jemand eine kurze Zusammefassung von diesem text schicken:

The emergence of this thing called "youth culture" is a distinctly 20th-century phenomenon; the collision of increased standards of living, more leisure time, the explosion of post-war consumer culture and wider psychological research into adolescents all contributed to the formation of this new social category defined by age. Previously, the rite of passage between childhood and adult life had not been so clearly demarcated -this is not to say that young adults didn`t have their own activities before the invention of Brylcreem and crepe soles (youth gangs were common in Victorian Britain, for example) but it hadn`t before been defined or packaged as a culture.
Once "invented", the "youth culture" provoked a variety of often contradictory responses: youth was dangerous, misunderstood, the future, a new consumer group. British post-war youth culture emerged primarily in response to the American popular culture centred on rock `n` roll. The 1955 film Blackboard Jungle, with its soundtrack featuring Bill Haley And The Comets` Rock Around The Clock, was a defining moment, inspiring people to dance in the aisles (and some to slash seats). The fear was not only of hoodlums but also of the creeping Americanisation of British culture.
But the impact of imported US films and music did not lead to cultural homogenisation; instead, it inspired a series of spectacular - and distinctly British - youth subcultures from the mid-50s to the late-70s: teds, mods, skinheads, punks
Britain also led the way in the study of youth, and its celebration of creativity and resistance, though these studies, naturally, have their favourite subcultures, often overlooking others. (Still, the kiss of death for any subculture is to be "understood" by a sociologist.) By the late 70s and early 80s, youth subculture began to change, and became less gang-oriented. The regular emergence of new subcultures slowed down, and the first major period of revivals began. It became difficult to identify distinct subcultures, rather than just musical styles. In fact, something weird happened: everyone started behaving like a teenager. By the 90s, "proper" grown-ups had started to complain that contemporary youth were dull and conformist.

Wir sollen darüber ein Summary schreiben, klar ich weiß ungefähr um was es in dem Text geht aber es fällt mir nicht so leicht den ganz zu übersetzen etc
Wäre cool wenn mir jemand ne kurze Zusammenfasssung schreiben könnte (auch auf deutsch das is egal)oder mir ein bisschen etwas über youth culture erklären

Youth culture: Vormachen?
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 08:14 Do 08.11.2007
Autor: laryllan

Aloha hé,

zunächst mal: Willkommen bei Vorhilfe.de :)

Dann zu deiner Anfrage: Es ist wünschenswert, wenn du - neben der Arbeit, den Text abzutippen - auch die Mühe investieren würdest, deine eigenen Überlegungen vorzustellen. Es soll ja schließlich darum gehen, dir zu helfen. Klar, wenn es "einfach so" jemand für dich machen würde, wäre dir für den Moment auch geholfen - aber auf lange Sicht hättest du nicht viel davon.

Stell doch deine eigenen Überlegungen mal vor... dann wird dir sicher gern jemand helfen.

sagt ein Lary, wo dir dann gerne helfen würde.

Youth culture: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 19:28 Do 08.11.2007
Autor: Summer1990

ok ich habe ja auch schon einen text nur bin ich mir eben sehr unsicher ob ich das richtig verstanden habe und habe deshlab ein paar sachen einfach aus dem text übernommen...

Youth culture, for the first time so called in the 20th century, are the activities and styls of young peole defined by age.
In the beginning Briths post war youth culture was influences by the American popular culture and first of all by rock'n'roll. The films and music inspired the youth to dance. Sonn the were different sub cultures: teds, mods, skinheads and punks!
By the late 70's subcultures became less gang oriented. The first period of revival began and everyone began to behave like a teenager.


Youth culture: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:20 Sa 10.11.2007
Autor: matux

Youth culture: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:20 Fr 09.11.2007
Autor: matux

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