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brauche HIlfe bei einem Text: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:42 Di 29.04.2008
Autor: little.bubble

wäre echt nett, wenn jemand diesen Text korrigieren könnte! vor allem grammatikfehler!

For many young people it is important to look different and to have an own style.
The narrator gave an example.
Last summer she was shopping on Oxford street, which is the heart of shopping in London. She was at her favourite shop called “HM” and there she found a pink top. The colour and the shape were perfect and her mother liked it too.
When she wore this shirt at school she felt proud an unique. Then she saw a girl a both her who wore the same top than she. She was depressed and thought it couldn’t get worse, but then she got to know that her best friend had bought the same top in another part of London. Next month she saw a million of people who wore “her top”.
She wanted to tell them that she had bought it first and that she had not copied it from anyone.
In the 1960s a reporter described London as more swinging than New York. London had many new designers and they had many exciting ideas.
Nowadays the style capital for young women is in New York.
Many magazines teach people how to dress like Carry, starring in “Sex in the City”. So many people dress like Carry and they are a cheap version of her lifestyle. People dress like Carry because she is uniquely, but if all wear the same cloths, she isn’t unique any more.
All shops sell the same stuff and the result is that everybody is a imitation and this is frustrating.
In the 1960s it was easier to be more of an individual because they didn’t have the technology to produce new fashion in a short time.
Marks and Spencer developed fabric labs and so people were abele to produce mass of cloths.
Nowadays (the) technology is able to copy (in one week) the cloths which were worn on the cat walk in one week.

Ich habe diese Frage auch in folgenden Foren auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt:
Englisch Forum

brauche HIlfe bei einem Text: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:19 Di 29.04.2008
Autor: monsterbacke


For many young people it is important to look different and to have an own style.
The narrator gave an example.
Last summer she was shopping in Oxford street, which is the heart of shopping promenades in London. She was in her favourite shop called “HM” and there she bought a pink top. The colour and the shape were perfectly fitting and her mother liked it, too.
When she wore this shirt at school she felt proud and unique. Then she saw a girl wearing the same top she did. She was depressed and thought it couldn’t get worse, but then she got to know that her best friend had bought the same top in another part of London. Next month she saw a million of people who wore “her top”.
She wanted to tell them that she had bought it first and that she had not copied it from anyone.
In the 1960s a reporter described London as more a swinging city than New York. In London there lived many unknown designers and they had many exciting ideas.
Nowadays the style capital for young women is New York.
Many magazines teach people how to dress like Carry, starring in “Sex in the City”. So many people dress like Carry and they are a cheap version of her lifestyle. People dress like Carry because she is unique, but if all wear the same cloths, she isn’t unique any more.
All shops sell the same stuff and the result is that everybody is an imitation and this is frustrating.
In the 1960s it was easier to be more individual because the clothing factories didn’t have the technology to produce new fashion in a short time.
Marks and Spencer developed fabric labs and so people were able to produce mass of cloths.
Nowadays technology is able to copy in one week the cloths which were worn on the cat walk one week (oder few days) ago.

brauche HIlfe bei einem Text: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:59 Mi 30.04.2008
Autor: little.bubble

viiiiiiiiieelen dank!!!

brauche HIlfe bei einem Text: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:54 Mi 30.04.2008
Autor: rainerS


Erstmal herzlich [willkommenvh]

Beim ersten Satz ist mir noch dies aufgefallen:

> For many young people it is important to look differently and
> to have antheir own style.

Viele Grüße

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