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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - labour market
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labour market: bitte Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 01:55 Di 05.02.2008
Autor: Luethien


ich muss ein essay zu den veränderungen in der arbeitswelt schreiben. leider bin ich nicht so gut in englisch und deshalb befürchte ich, dass sich einige ausdrucks- und grammatikfehler eingeschlichen haben.

ich hoffe mir kann einer von euch helfen und meinen text bitte korrektur lesen.

ich bedanke mich für jede hilfe im voraus.


Some days ago I found the following quotation by Alain Minc who is a French economics on the Internet: “Globalization is to our national economies as gravity is to physics. You cannot be for or against the law of gravity.”
After I have read this quotation I began to think about the changing face of work especially the differences between the past, the present and the future.

First I thought about the past and therefore I found it useful to ask my grandparents about the working requirements and employment 50 years ago. During a very interesting interview I found out that at that time the people had a very low education and it was more common to do the same work like their parents do. Secondly they where also used to have a job for a lifetime. They could not imagine changing their workplace three or five times during their life. There was also a different in employment at this time to now. For instance, the employment was more physically than now. Presently, the balance point is focused on high qualified employees who are specialists on their special subjects. You are able to so this development in the field of manufacturing. Now there are fewer low skill jobs than 50 years ago.
Other changes can be seen in the customer service industry which creates a lot of new work such as in call centres. Especially the number of women in such jobs and also in other areas of the work force increases.
The changes in the future will be affected mainly by the Internet. Therefore you can notice that more and more people use already the possibility to work from home. This relatively new form of employment is supported by the Internet and the new technologies like computers, e-mails and lots of other communicating equipment.
However the Internet plays also now a very important role in application for employment. There are a lot of companies which prefer or even insist on applications via Internet. The main reason is that they are able to save the applications in a data bank very easy and they save time because they do not have to input the information into the computer.
I think that there will be more intellectual work. I would like to give you the example of globalization to illustrate this point. Nowadays companies outsource physically work because it is much cheaper in other countries like China or India also so called developing countries than in industrial countries like Austria. So it is essential that people have to undertake certain transformations in there life. First they have to get the so called key skills. These are basically abilities like communication, team working, discipline and politeness. Second they have to be highly skilled and be proactive. One condition to assure highly skilled people is that they have to up-date their knowledge and skills during their whole life.
Because of this train of thoughts I think about steps which could prepare me for a successful career on the labour market. Firstly I would like to point out that I have a plan for my career which includes the decision of the place for my study on well information. During my study I will look for side job which is in the working area of my study. So I will be able to gain relevant work experiences and to get more qualified. Because I am used to work since I was a child I am very flexible and I can adapt the new ways of working and I am also able to cope stressful situations without loosing my nerves. One of the most important things I can do to be successful is, to improve my transferable skills with personality training programs and that I will never stop up-dating my knowledge and skills.

All in all I it is a fact, that nobody can stop the presently changing of work and I am of the opinion that this change is only the beginning. The Internet, highly skilled people, transferable skills and lifelong learning are the main chief pillars of the new labour market and because of this it is essential that every one of us get used to this new development and should try everything to be successful.

labour market: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:55 Di 05.02.2008
Autor: rainerS


> Hallo!
> ich muss ein essay zu den veränderungen in der arbeitswelt
> schreiben. leider bin ich nicht so gut in englisch und
> deshalb befürchte ich, dass sich einige ausdrucks- und
> grammatikfehler eingeschlichen haben.

Der Text gefällt mir sehr gut. Er hat nur ein paar kleine Fehler. Ein Rat: du hängst öfter mehrere Teilsätze mit und/and aneinander. Mach' lieber zwei einzelne Sätze daraus!

Ich habe einfach Alles markiert, was ich anders machen würde. Such dir das heraus, was dir gefällt ;-)

> Some days ago I found the following quotation by the french economist Alain Minc
> who is a French economics on the Internet: “Globalization
> is to our national economies as gravity is to physics. You
> cannot be for or against the law of gravity.”
>  After I haveHaving read this quotation I began to think about
> the changing face of work, especially the differences
> between the past, the present and the future.
> First I thought about the past, and therefore I found it
> useful to ask my grandparents about the working
> requirements and employment 50 years ago. During a very
> interesting interview I found out that at that time the
> people had a very low education. and it was more common to
> do the same work likeas their parents dodid. Secondly, they where
> also used to have athe same job for a lifetime. They could not
> imagine changing their workplace three or five times during
> their life. There was also a differencet in workemployment between then and now at
> this time to now. For instance, the workemployment was more
> physically than now. Presently, the balance point is
> focused on high qualified employees who are specialists inon
> their special subjects.

("spezialisiert auf ihre SPezialgebiete" sagt man auch im Deutschen nicht)

> You are able to so this development in the field of manufacturing.

Derr Satz ergibt keinen Sinn. Meinst du:

You are able to do this because of the changes in the field of manufacturing.

> Now there are fewer low
> skill jobs than 50 years ago.
>  Other changes can be seen in the customer service industry
> which creates a lot of new work such as in call centres.
> Especially the number of women in such jobs and also in
> other areas of the work force increases.
>  The changes in the future will be affected mainly by the
> Internet. Therefore

Das "Therefore" verstehe ich nicht, warum ist das eine Folgerung? Ich würde hier nur "Already" schreiben und im Nebensatz "already" weglassen.

> you can notice that more and more
> people use already the possibility to work from home. This
> relatively new form of employment is supported by the
> Internet and the new technologies like computers, e-mails
> and lots of other communicatingcommunication equipment.
>  However,

Besser: "Moreover,"

> the Internet now plays also now a very important role
> in application for employment. There are a lot of companies
> which prefer or even insist on applications via Internet.
> The main reason is that they are able to save the
> applications in a data bank database very easily and they save time
> because they do not have to input the information into the
> computer.
>  I think that there will be more intellectual work. I would
> like to give you the example of globalization to illustrate
> this point. Nowadays companies outsource physically work
> because it is much cheaper in other countries like China or
> India[red], or[red] also so called developing countries than in
> industrial countries like Austria. So it is essential that
> people have to undertake certain transformations in theretheir
> life. First they have to get the so called key skills.
> These are basically abilities like communication, team
> working, discipline and politeness. Second they have to be
> highly skilled and be proactive. One condition to assure
> highly skilled people is that they have to up-date their
> knowledge and skills during their whole life.
>  Because of this train of thoughts I think about steps
> which could prepare me for a successful career on the
> labour market. Firstly I would like to point out that I
> have a plan for my career which includes the decision onof
> the place for my studiesy on wellgood information. During my studiesy
> I will look for a side job which is in the working area of my
> study. So I will be able to gain relevant work experiences
> and to get more qualified. Because I am used to work since
> I was a child I am very flexible and I can adapt to the new
> ways of working and I am also able to cope with stressful
> situations without loosing my nerves. One of the most
> important things I can do to be successful is, to improve
> my transferable skills with personality training programs.
> and that I will never stop up-dating my knowledge and
> skills.
> All in all I believe it is a fact, that nobody can stop the
> presently ongoing changeing of work and I am of the opinion that
> this change is only the beginning. The Internet, highly
> skilled people, transferable skills and lifelong learning
> are the main chief pillars of the new labour market and
> Bbecause of this it is essential that every one of us gets
> used to this new development and should try everything to
> be successful.

Viele Grüße

labour market: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 01:32 Mi 06.02.2008
Autor: Luethien

danke für die schnelle antwort. du hast mir sehr geholfen.


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