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Forum "Grammatik" - simpel or progressiv
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simpel or progressiv: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:09 Mo 05.09.2005
Autor: suzan

hallöchen noch einmal :-))
Make questions in the past(simpel or progressiv). Ask for the words in bold print.

a) Kevin and Ralph went on a sight-seeing tour  in London
- Where were Kevin and Ralph going on a sight-seeing tour?

b)While Kevin was talking to the guide  Ralph was watching the traffic.
-Who was watching the traffic while Kevin was talking to the guide?

c) When the bus finally arrived  they took a seat at the top.
-What did they took when the bus finally arrived?

d)While Kevin was looking at the sights  the guide explained everything about the city.
-Who explained everything about the city while Ralph was looking at the sights?

e) While Kevin was sitting in a restaurant near Trafalgar Square Kevin  bought a book.

richtig :-)

simpel or progressiv: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:31 Mo 05.09.2005
Autor: jeu_blanc


Na gut, noch eine schnelle Runde, bevor ich mit dem Kochen anfange... :)

> a) Kevin and Ralph went on a sight-seeing tour  in London
>  - Where were Kevin and Ralph going on a sight-seeing
> tour?

Richtig - wobei du hier auch die Formulierung "Where went Kevin and Ralph on a sight-seeing tour?" verwenden hättest können (die Transformation des Verbes in die Progressive Form wäre also nicht unmittelbar notwendig gewesen).

> b)While Kevin was talking to the guide  Ralph was watching
> the traffic.
>  -Who was watching the traffic while Kevin was talking to
> the guide?

Einverstanden. :)

> c) When the bus finally arrived  they took a seat at the
> top.
>  -What did they took when the bus finally arrived?

Hier genügt es, wenn du die Vergangenheitsform von "to do" verwendest, das "take" bleibt in der Gegenwart (to-do-Umschreibung in Fragesätzen).
Also: "What did they take when the bus finally arrived?"

> d)While Kevin was looking at the sights  the guide
> explained everything about the city.
>  -Who explained everything about the city while Ralph was
> looking at the sights?

Grammatikalisch korrekt - allerdings ist im Original Kevin der Schaulustige... :)

> e) While Kevin was sitting in a restaurant near Trafalgar
> Square Kevin  bought a book.

Ich gehe jetzt einfach einmal davon aus, hier hätte etwas à la "What did Ralph buy while Kevin was sitting..." stehen, und sage daher: Ebenfalls einverstanden. :)
(Außerdem dürfte Kevin ein gewisses Problem damit haben, gleichzeitig im Cafè zu sitzen und Bücher zu shoppen... ;) ).

Au revoir!

simpel or progressiv: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 12:52 Mo 05.09.2005
Autor: suzan

vielen vielen dank :-)
eine sache muss ich noch tun dann bin ich fertig für heute :-)

simpel or progressiv: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:09 Di 06.09.2005
Autor: tahaner


I hope you don't mind me correcting one of the sentences.

The fact is that I don't agree with your answer for the sentence Nr. c.

You wrote:
c) When the bus finally arrived  they took a seat at the top.
-What did they take when the bus finally arrived?

Your question sounds weird to my ears. I'd rather put the question like this: 'Where did they take a seat when the bus finally arrived?'


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