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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - traditionel role job
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traditionel role job: Idee
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 17:51 Sa 21.02.2009
Autor: chiqa

Es wurden 6 Jobs vorgegeben.
1. Wie ist es traditionell (Männerberuf/Frauenberuf)
2. Wie ist es heutzutage?
3: Würden Sie den Beruf ausüben?

Wir sollten zu jedem dieser 6 Berufe 1-3 Sätze schreiben.
Ich hatte Probleme mit der Grammatik, da ich deutsch denken musste.
Ich würde mich freuen, wenn jemand diese Texte ergänzen oder noch Ideen mitreinbringen könnte.
Liebe Grüße und Danke :)

Traditionell is it so, that a career as a soldier is for male persons.
These days it doesn’t really care. You can also see women as a “soldier”, but it’s unusual especially men cannot imagine to see a woman as a soldier.
Since 2006 is a saw, that soldiers and female soldiers should behave the same.
Personally, I cannot imagine to work as a female soldier, because, well I cannot describe why, but I can’t  identify myself with this job.

Traditionell you can’t find male many midwifes. The job is popular as a girl-job, but since 1985 can men do this job as well. You call them accoucheur.
It is not popular, that male midwifes are interested in this job.
I can imagine to be a midwife. I like to help women and I also show patience and I know what a mother needs, but I don’t want to be a midwife.

Traditionel is it so that you don’t see women processing with meat.
Women can do this job as well, but I don’t know girls, who like to be brutal with meat  and also like the smelling of this. I cannot imagine to do this job.  I don’t like to work with meat. I eat it when it is ready for my stomach.

Tradiotionell is it popular, that women like to work as a nanny, because men don’t always show the patience with children.
Madonna for instance, has a male nanny. Men can do it also good, but most of them aren’t interested in this kind of work. You can see it on fathers. They don't even like to make up their babies' bottle.
I can imagine to work as a nanny, but not for many years. It is interesting to supervice children and see how they develop. I like to organize trips with them and I also like to be in touch with their parents to talk about the development of their  child.

I don’t ever hear about a female bricklayer. Traditionell is it popular as a male job, but women can do it as well. The problem is, that not much women like to work with hammer or spirit level.
To be a bricklayer would be the last thing I  would do. My hands cannot work with this equipment and my brain isn’t able to think like a bricklayer ;)

A hairdresser is an unisex job.  Man and also women can work as a hairdresser. It would be so cool, if I could work as a hairdresser, but I know that I don’t have this something to do that.

traditionel role job: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 18:20 Di 24.02.2009
Autor: matux

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