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Übersetzung von Text: Frage (für Interessierte)
Status: (Frage) für Interessierte Status 
Datum: 14:31 Mo 13.03.2006
Autor: Caleeder


da dieser Text sehr schwer zu verstehen ist, wollte ich mal fragen ob jemand eine Übersetzung von dem Text "Spear" im English G A6 Buch hat. Wir müssen dazu einige Aufgabe lösen, leider fällt mir das verständnis sehr schwer. Schon mal vielen Dank für eure Hilfe.

Übersetzung von Text: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:15 Mo 13.03.2006
Autor: Caleeder


meine eben gestellte Frage müsst ihr nicht mehr beantworten. Ich habe mir eben den Text selber übersetzt. War doch nicht so schwierig wie ich anfangs geglaubt habe. Ich werde nur heute Abend und morgen ein paar Texte zu dem Spear schicken. Würde mich dann freuen wenn ihr die korrigieren könntet.

Übersetzung von Text: Korrektion
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:15 Mo 13.03.2006
Autor: Caleeder


hier mein Text, bitte korrigieren: (es werden noch weitere folgen)

Black Spear was a big black leader in the seventies. He fought for the black rights and so he had many followers all over the country. But when he was murder the black people needed a new leader who fights for their rights. They need somebody who (für sie einsetzte) and who fought against the racism. At that time “Black Spear” had a little son, and so the coloured people made him to his father’s succession. This succession (übte großen Druck auf) Spear aus. The people expected of spear that he lead the black people and (sich für sie einsetzten) like his father. But nobody asked him to be the leader.” (Als Sohn von Black Spear wurde er sozusagen in die Rolle des Führers hineingeboren). And this is because it’s so difficult for Adrian to be Spear. On the one hand Adrian wanted to be a normal boy. He wanted to play football with his friends and he wanted to meet girls. But on the other hand Adrian didn’t want to disappoint his friends and his late dad. Everybody saw only the big “Spear” in Adrian, but nobody was interest (wer im Inneren war), namely a normal boy. That’s why everybody sentenced him when he talked to Norma. You expected of him to fight against the white people and not to met them. But “Spear” didn’t agree to play this role. And that’s why he wasn’t interested in the meaning of his mother or of his friends. Adrian liked Norma so much, (dass selbst das Gefühl seine Freunde enttäuscht zu haben ihn nicht aufhielt sich in Norma zu verlieben.)

Übersetzung von Text: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:13 Di 14.03.2006
Autor: Caleeder

hier noch ein Text, bitte korrigieren:

First I was a little bit surprise that the black have prejudices against the white people. Otherwise I thought always only white people have prejudices against black people and that’s why some people are racists. But when I thought more about this topic, it’s only logically that the black people had prejudices against us. In the last centuries we inflicted pain upon the black people. White people had enslave Africans and they sold them on markets, as if the black people belong to us. Those doings leaved one’s mark in those days. Many black people have the prejudices that the white folk regard as god and (nur an sich denken). Just like the prejudices of white people against the black people, are these prejudices false. It’s very stupid to associate attributes to a whole folk or to a whole race. Every human is different and has a own character and you can’t attribute this character to the colour of the skin.  

Übersetzung von Text: Bitte die Texte korrigieren
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:59 Di 14.03.2006
Autor: Caleeder


warum korrigiert denn keiner die Texte? Das muss auch nicht fehlerfrei sein. Es ist egal ob ihr alle Fehler findet. Ich brauch die Texte für Morgen. Mein Lehrer überprüft die Texte morgen. Er hat gesagt, dass das 3/4 der schriftlichen Note ausmacht.

Übersetzung von Text: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 22:09 Mi 15.03.2006
Autor: Caleeder

Hallo triangulum

vielen Dank, du hast mir echt geholfen. Ich habe jetzt nur noch einen text zu DIESEM Thema. Könntet ihr mir bitte den auch nachgucken? Ich weiß ist jetzt ziemlich kurzfristig, wenn ich es nicht schafft ist es auch kein Problem.

Basically every person in the story is against the relationship between Norma and Adrian. First there is the mother of Adrian. She is exact against the friendship to a white girl. His mother has many prejudices against the black people and she thinks that all white people are bad humans. This is also because she forbids Adrian to meet Norma. The friends of Adrian have the same opinion. They have also prejudices and they think that Norma (nicht dazu zu gehören). Already at the first meeting in the classroom the black students attack Norma. But Adrian protects her. His friends don’t understand this and why he talks and meets a white girl. This also the reason why they don’t call him spear anymore. They think that Adria betrays them. At Norma’s use of grammar you can see clearly what her parents think of the relationship between her and him. Norma thinks at first that they are a bad match. But I think that her parents talk this at her.

Übersetzung von Text: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:22 Do 16.03.2006
Autor: matux

Übersetzung von Text: Korrektion
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 16:28 Do 16.03.2006
Autor: Caleeder


hier noch ein Text (wird zu 99% der letzte sein) Könntet ihr mir denn bitta auch dieses korrigieren? Wäre echt dankabr. Auch dieses mal gilt wieder: es müssen nicht alle fehler gefunden werden.

In my opinion about death penalty I think that it is under certain conditions justifiable. There are absolutely some committer who I think the death penalty is indicated. But (wie bei) most of the contended topics  there are two sides with to opinions. On one hand I think that nobody can judge on a other human life. Everybody has the right to live and everybody should also get a second chance. But when somebody is fated to die he doesn’t get the chance to learn from his mistakes. And this chance every human should have. Besides the hole life behind prison walls is even harder to bear than to die. At the death penalty you don’t notice something. But when you are in a prison the bondage and the chance to see the sun only in period fixed troubles you. Another argument against the death penalty is that it is wrong (gleichem mit gleichem zu bestrafen). For this you are (nichts besseres) Another reason against the death penalty is that it is unforgivable to kill a innocent person. The danger is oversized to kill a innocent person. But on the other side I think death penalty is a fair penalty for some certain committer. A example for this are child murderer and child abuser. I think child abuser are so hardest criminals on the world. Although I believe at the sentence everybody should get a second chance. But when so committer does it again he should get the death penalty anyway. Besides I can (gut vorstellen) that only this penalty is compensation for the victim’s family.  The death penalty serves as a deterrent for other criminals and so the number of crimes will might decrease. All in all I think the death penalty (nur unter besonderen Kriterien verhängt werden). When a person convicted with the death penalty, first: it should be sure that the human is guilty. Second: He should get a second chance. But when the criminal doesn’t notice this chance, I think it’s fair to kill this human.

Übersetzung von Text: Korrektur 2
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:24 Di 14.03.2006
Autor: triangulum

First I was a little bit surprised that the blacks have prejudices against the white people. Otherwise I always thought only white people have prejudices against black people and that’s why some people are racists. But when I thought reflected more about on this topic, it’s only logically that the black people had prejudices against us. In the last centuries we inflicted pain upon the black people. White people had enslaved Africans and they sold them on markets, as if the black people belonged to us. Those doings deeds leaved left one’s their marks in those days. Many black people have the prejudices saying that the white folk people regard themselves as god[blue]s[/blue and care only about themselves(nur an sich denken). Just like the prejudices of the white people against the black people, these prejudices are false. It’s very stupid to associate attributes to a whole folk people or to a whole race. Every human is different and has a own character and you can’t attribute this character to the colour of the skin.

Übersetzung von Text: Korrektur ;-)
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:15 Di 14.03.2006
Autor: triangulum

Black Spear was a big black leader in the seventies. He fought for the blacks' rights and so he had many followers all over the country. But when he was murdered the black people needed a new leader who fights to fight for their rights. They needed somebody who got involved for them (für sie einsetzte) and who fought against the racism. At that time “Black Spear” had a little son, and so the coloured people made him to his father’s succession successor. This succession lasted heavily on Spear (übte großen Druck auf) Spear aus. The people expected of spear that he lead the black people and get involved for them like his father. But nobody asked him to be the leader.” (Als Sohn von Black Spear wurde er sozusagen in die Rolle des Führers hineingeboren). And this is because why it’s so difficult for Adrian to be Spear. On the one hand Adrian wanted to be a normal boy. He wanted to play football with his friends and he wanted to meet girls. But on the other hand Adrian didn’t want to disappoint his friends and his late dad. Everybody saw only the big “Spear” in Adrian, but nobody was interested in what he was at the interior (wer im Inneren war), namely a normal boy. That’s why everybody sentenced him when he talked to Norma. You expected of him to fight against the white people and not to meet them. But “Spear” didn’t agree to play this role. And that’s why he wasn’t interested in the meaning opinion of his mother or of his friends. Adrian liked Norma so much that not even the feeling of having disappointed his friends made him refrain from falling in love with norma, (dass selbst das Gefühl seine Freunde enttäuscht zu haben ihn nicht aufhielt sich in Norma zu verlieben.)

Übersetzung von Text: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 18:14 Do 16.03.2006
Autor: Caleeder


hier der aller letzte Text ;)
bitte korrigieren

In my opinion about death penalty I think that it is under certain conditions justifiable. There are absolutely some committer who I think the death penalty is indicated. But (wie bei) most of the contended topics  there are two sides with to opinions. On one hand I think that nobody can judge on a other human life. Everybody has the right to live and everybody should also get a second chance. But when somebody is fated to die he doesn’t get the chance to learn from his mistakes. And this chance every human should have. Besides the hole life behind prison walls is even harder to bear than to die. At the death penalty you don’t notice something. But when you are in a prison the bondage and the chance to see the sun only in period fixed troubles you. Another argument against the death penalty is that it is wrong (gleichem mit gleichem zu bestrafen). For this you are (nichts besseres) Another reason against the death penalty is that it is unforgivable to kill a innocent person. The danger is oversized to kill a innocent person. But on the other side I think death penalty is a fair penalty for some certain committer. A example for this are child murderer and child abuser. I think child abuser are so hardest criminals on the world. Although I believe at the sentence everybody should get a second chance. But when so committer does it again he should get the death penalty anyway. Besides I can (gut vorstellen) that only this penalty is compensation for the victim’s family.  The death penalty serves as a deterrent for other criminals and so the number of crimes will might decrease. All in all I think the death penalty (nur unter besonderen Kriterien verhängt werden). When a person convicted with the death penalty, first: it should be sure that the human is guilty. Second: He should get a second chance. But when the criminal doesn’t notice this chance, I think it’s fair to kill this human.

Übersetzung von Text: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 17:21 Di 21.03.2006
Autor: Caleeder


ist zwar schon etwas her, aber ich bin immer noch an eine Korriktion von dem Text interessiert. Wäre für eure Hilfe sehr dankbar.

In my opinion about death penalty I think that it is under certain conditions justifiable. There are absolutely some committer who I think the death penalty is indicated. But (wie bei) most of the contended topics  there are two sides with to opinions. On one hand I think that nobody can judge on a other human life. Everybody has the right to live and everybody should also get a second chance. But when somebody is fated to die he doesn’t get the chance to learn from his mistakes. And this chance every human should have. Besides the hole life behind prison walls is even harder to bear than to die. At the death penalty you don’t notice something. But when you are in a prison the bondage and the chance to see the sun only in period fixed troubles you. Another argument against the death penalty is that it is wrong (gleichem mit gleichem zu bestrafen). For this you are (nichts besseres) Another reason against the death penalty is that it is unforgivable to kill a innocent person. The danger is oversized to kill a innocent person. But on the other side I think death penalty is a fair penalty for some certain committer. A example for this are child murderer and child abuser. I think child abuser are so hardest criminals on the world. Although I believe at the sentence everybody should get a second chance. But when so committer does it again he should get the death penalty anyway. Besides I can (gut vorstellen) that only this penalty is compensation for the victim’s family.  The death penalty serves as a deterrent for other criminals and so the number of crimes will might decrease. All in all I think the death penalty (nur unter besonderen Kriterien verhängt werden). When a person convicted with the death penalty, first: it should be sure that the human is guilty. Second: He should get a second chance. But when the criminal doesn’t notice this chance, I think it’s fair to kill this human.

Übersetzung von Text: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:20 Di 21.03.2006
Autor: matux

Übersetzung von Text: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 20:42 Do 23.03.2006
Autor: Caleeder


es hat sich noch einmal ein Situatuation ergeben, wo ich diesen Text brauche. Dieses maal ist es wirklich das letzte Mal :). könnte mir jemand bitte helfen?

In my opinion about death penalty I think that it is under certain conditions justifiable. There are absolutely some committer who I think the death penalty is indicated. There are two sides with two opinions. On one hand I think that nobody can judge on a other human life. Everybody has the right to live and everybody should also get a second chance. But when somebody is fated to die he doesn’t get the chance to learn from his mistakes. And this chance every human should have. Besides the hole life behind prison walls is even harder to bear than to die. At the death penalty you don’t notice something. But when you are in a prison the bondage and the chance to see the sun only in period fixed troubles you. Another argument against the death penalty is that it is wrong (gleichem mit gleichem zu bestrafen). For this you are (nichts besseres) Another reason against the death penalty is that it is unforgivable to kill a innocent person. The danger is oversized to kill a innocent person. But on the other side I think death penalty is a fair penalty for some certain committer. A example for this are child murderer and child abuser. I think child abuser are so hardest criminals on the world. Although I believe at the sentence everybody should get a second chance. But when so committer does it again he should get the death penalty anyway. Besides I can (gut vorstellen) that only this penalty is compensation for the victim’s family.  The death penalty serves as a deterrent for other criminals and so the number of crimes will might decrease. All in all I think the death penalty (nur unter besonderen Kriterien verhängt werden). When a person convicted with the death penalty, first: it should be sure that the human is guilty. Second: He should get a second chance. But when the criminal doesn’t notice this chance, I think it’s fair to kill this human.

Übersetzung von Text: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 06:56 Fr 24.03.2006
Autor: matux

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