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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - write about eight sentences
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write about eight sentences: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:56 Fr 30.09.2005
Autor: suzan

hallöchen zusammen,

Please write about Sheila an Michael's visit to the Kenedy Space Center.
Write about eight sentences in the past tense. Begin like this:

Last week Sheila and Michael visited the Kennedy Space Center...
They went on the red tour with a double decker bus.
The guide told them about the history of Kennedy Space Center and then it was time to get off again and into one of the buildings in which the control center was located.
The guide aksed them to get always into the second bus as there were lots of groups that day.
One French tourist wanted to know what the astronauts ate in space.
At the end of the tour she told the people to see the film about one of the flights of the space shuttle if they had not seen if before.
After that she told the children to keep quiet because she wanted to show them some wild life around the Space Center.

ist das so ok?


write about eight sentences: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:03 Fr 30.09.2005
Autor: milky-way

Hallo suzan,
Last week Sheila and Michael visited the Kennedy Space Center...
They went on the red tour with a double decker bus.
The guide told them about the history of Kennedy Space Center and then it was time to get off again and   to go   into one of the buildings in which the control center was located.
The guide aksed them always to go/get into the second bus as there were lots of groups that day.
One French tourist wanted to know what the astronauts   eat in space.
At the end of the tour she told the people to see the film   (wenn ihr in British english schreben muesst, dann movie) about one of the flights of the space shuttle if they had not seen if before.
After that she told the children to keep quiet because she wanted to show them some wild life around the Space Center.
Ja, jetzt duerfte es stimmen.

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